Monday, June 29, 2015

Alan Caruba: a voice of calmness and wisdom silenced

"After spending most of his life in Maplewood, New Jersey, Caruba died in South Orange, New Jersey on June 15, 2015 days after returning from the Tenth International Conference on Climate Change, a climate change skeptics conference in Washington, D.C. On June 10 he published his last article in Heartlander Magazine, which said: "An entire generation has grown up and graduated from college since the first lies about global warming were unleashed. That’s how long Heartland and others have labored to present the truth. If the media fails to take notice of this week’s conference, you will know that the battle will continue for a long time to come."

1 comment:

Ronbo said...

Excellent Article Reposted Here:

Meltdown Joe begs you to love the US military

Useful Idiots * A screaming MSNBC tirade for anyone not happy with the military industrial complex   “AMERICA IS STRONGER AND MORE POWERFUL ...