Friday, July 10, 2015

Mark Levin: We Are Under ‘Martial Law’ Already

"The United States under this administration is currently not engaged in the pursuit of liberty or equality of opportunity, rather, ours is a country pursuing social engineering and redistribution to equalize the end results of every single thing that takes place.

"Barack Obama and his team are social engineering the nation into a utopian vision that has little relation to what our Founding Fathers foresaw when they developed our Constitution.

"Barack Obama is diversifying so-called wealthy neighborhoods seemingly without any authority to do so. He’s directly addressing the suburbs which he sees as white and privileged.

"He believes there is one pot of resources and the suburbs are stealing them from the urban areas. He seeks to remedy that and equalize all resources.

"The standard the left is using to end discrimination is based on the end result not the intentions. They want equal outcomes in other words.

"The mainstream media has been largely silent on the issue. Obama can do anything he wants and few with a megaphone question any of his actions." . . .

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