Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Obama needs to stop talking trash

As Mark Steyn said, the Muslim and communist nations want to annihilate us while Obama just wants to support transgender rest rooms

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

American Thinker
. . . "Trash Talking is fine when your name is Muhammad Ali and you have not only the ability, but also the willingness to use your fists to win the day. If your name is Barack Obama and you are President of the United States, you may have the ability in the form of the world's finest military, but the willingness and intellect to back up your trash talk with effective actions just isn't your forte.

"Trash talking without substance to back it up appears to be a common theme with President Obama. We all can recall his comment to Governor Mitt Romney during the presidential debates, when Romney opined that Russia might be the biggest threat to the United States and world stability. Obama snarked back, "The 1980s called and they want their foreign policy back." Recent events have proven Governor Romney right and President Obama's trash talk to be ill informed and out of place. Russia, led by President Vladimir Putin, is indeed a threat and growing more so each day."
. . .
"The short, by no means inclusive list of the results he has obtained thus far are: prevented the U.S. from installing defensive missiles in Poland, humiliated Georgia, annexed the Crimea; invaded Eastern Ukraine, and finally, replaced the United States as the global power to turn to in Southwest Asia. Those plusses on Putin's ledger of geopolitical achievement come at the expense of minuses on Obama's books. When blood enemies such as Bashar Assad and Benjamin Netanyahu both turn to Putin for help, that puts him solidly in the driver's seat. President Obama needs to stop talking trash and start driving."
Emphasis added, TD

Russia Humiliates America, And Risks Taking Our Place Globally
. . . "It's happening because Putin saw his opportunity in Obama's weakness, and acted. It's clear from his speech to the United Nations that Putin seeks to replace the U.S. as the dominant player in the Middle East — morally as well as militarily." . . .

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
A leftist wants to call articles like the above treason

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