Saturday, August 5, 2017

Race and gender bean-counting studies will ruin your entertainment

The College Fix     "You’re not allowed to have fun anymore.
And you won’t if our well-meaning social justice gatekeepers have anything to say about it.
"It’s bad enough already that major outfits like Marvel and DC Comics have succumbed to the social justice warrior whims of their (allegedly) enlightened creative staffs; soon music labels and film studios may be following suit.
"A new study from the University of Sydney Business School “describes a music scene in which male voices dominate radio playlists, festival line-ups, industry awards, peak bodies and major industry boards.”
"Rae Cooper and her associates claim to have identified “chronic gender inequality” in the music business, an industry which typically generates around four to six billion dollars annually.
“ 'The industry need[s] to recognise it has a problem and that women’s voices really are white noise,” Cooper says.
"But now the “oh brother” part:"  . . .

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