Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Cleveland Indians, Atlanta Braves, Washington Redskins and Elizabeth Warren. Oh! And Rachel Dolezal!

Jeff Dawald‎ at Expose Liberals & Media Bias
 Warren's approach seems to track more closely to another older white woman also lacking in American Indian DNA, but not chutzpah, by the name of Hillary.  Maybe Warren ought to check for Ashkenazi DNA.  Jonathan F. Keiler

Cherokee nation rains on Elizabeth Warren's parade  "Elizabeth Warren was doing a victory dance about her DNA test showing "strong evidence" she may have 1/1,024 or 0.09 percent Native American lineage.  In hot pursuit, she called on President Trump to "pay up" with his $1 million offer to the charity of her choice for taking the DNA test he said he would toss to her at a future presidential debate, earlier.  As the network press admiringly gushed about the whole "gotcha," she was convinced she had him cornered.
"Well, sorry – that debate hasn't happened yet, and now it's doubtful that it ever will, because Warren is hearing from the leaders of the Cherokee nation.
"Here is their astonishing rebuke to her for what they rightly view as a shabby little publicity stunt at their expense:" . . .
Timothy Bishop
Warren's Clintonian Smoke Signals "For folks on the right, Elizabeth Warren's proffered "proof" of American Indian ethnicity is both laughable and puzzling.  Her proof is nothing of the kind, and she's seemingly reopened herself to merciless mockery by conservatives.  On Monday, Tucker Carlson came up with at least a half-dozen silly pseudo-titles for Warren, from the well known fauxcahontas to leader of the #MeSioux movement.  But Warren is playing a different game, one to the Democrat base, and using the time-tested Clinton playbook to do it.  Whether it still works remains to be seen. 
"The best Warren's hired expert could do was estimate that she had a single American Indian ancestor six to ten generations back.  This is not very good, and she'd be foolish to crow about it.  Logically, this means that Trump and her critics were right, and she's a fraud.  Warren is about 1.5% American Indian, tops, as are most typical white people in this country.  At worst (as she sees it), she's way whiter, well into Aryan Sisterhood territory.
"Of course, logic plays no role on the left, and Warren knows it. " . . .
Melanie Morgan

Native American Lawmaker to Elizabeth Warren: It’s Disgusting to Me and Native Americans “Apologize to All of Us” "The Boston Globe later issued a correction to their initial report — The DNA test revealed that Elizabeth Warren is not 1/512 Native American, she’s 1/1,024. That’s 0.0009765625
"Warren actually has less Indian in her bloodline than most Caucasian Americans." . . .

Legal Insurrection: Why won’t Elizabeth Warren apologize to Native Americans?
. . . “The Boston Globe dating back to 2012 has essentially served as Elizabeth Warren’s press office. They did this back in 2012. What she does, she gives them exclusive to family members, exclusive access to documents, and they run with her story line. And they did it back in 2012, and they’ve done it multiple times in the last 3-4 months as she’s getting ready to run… They simply took off the shelf a report she commissioned, she obtained, which even on its face is almost laughable, that she might be 1/1000th Native American based on a DNA database which doesn’t even include Native Americans in it." . . . It’s as if Trump set a trap, and Warren walked right into it.
Tony Branco
Ben Shapiro at National Review: Warren Is a Fraud  . . . "Whatever credibility Warren had on the issue was shattered this week — by Warren herself. Irked at President Trump’s irreverence regarding her purported bloodline, Warren released the results of a DNA study done by Professor Carlos Bustamante of Stanford University. Those results showed that a Native American ancestor may have existed in Warren’s family tree “in the range of 6–10 generations ago.” This would make Warren somewhere between 1/64th Native American and 1/1024th Native American.
"It’s quite hilarious — and remarkably tone deaf — that Warren thought the study would make her problems go away rather than exacerbate them. But she was counting on a little help from her friends in the media. " . . .
Ian Macfarlane

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