Thursday, March 29, 2018

#OBAMAGATE: Scandal Questions That Remain Unasked -- and Unanswered

Victor Davis Hanson

"Sometimes the hysteria of crowds causes them to overlook the obvious. Here is a series of 12 questions that do not seem to trouble anyone, but the answers to these should expose why so many of the people today alleging scandals should themselves be considered scandalous.
1) Had Hillary Clinton won the election, would we now even know of a Fusion GPS dossier? Would assorted miscreants such as Andrew McCabe, Bruce Ohr, Lisa Page, Glenn Simpson, Christopher Steele, or Peter Strzok now be under a cloud of suspicion? Or would they instead have been quietly lionized by a President Clinton grateful for noble services in the shadows rendered during the campaign?
2) If Clinton had won, would we now know of any Russian-supplied smears against Donald Trump? Would a FISA judge now be complaining that he was misled in a warrant request? Would likely Attorney General Loretta Lynch be reassigning Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr for his consultations with Fusion GPS operatives? Or would Russian operatives alone be likely, at an opportune moment, to threaten to leak to the media that they had given salacious material to Clinton operatives to ensure her election, and thus they were to be owed for their supposed help in ensuring a Clinton victory?  . . .
3) Are any Russian related interests currently still donating millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation? Why is Bill Clinton not being asked to speak by various groups—including those with Russian-ties—for $500,000 and above per talk? Is he now less persuasive than he was between 2009 and 2015?
4) Why did Andrew McCabe believe that two Democratic political action funds, one controlled by Clinton “best friend” Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe, donated a total of $675,288 to his wife’s campaign for a rather obscure state senate post? What percentage of Jill McCabe’s actual campaign budget did the $675,288 comprise? And why after her defeat would Andrew McCabe still not recuse himself from directing FBI inquiries into allegations of (likely next president and past generous benefactor) Hillary Clinton’s prior improper use of an email server while Secretary of State? Does quid pro quo refer really more often to simultaneous benefactions or rather sequential ones?
5) What is the qualification for lying or giving false information to FBI investigators, and did the information supplied to the FBI by Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin concerning their knowledge of the use of Hillary Clinton’s private server qualify?  . . .
6) What would have happened had the FISA court justices been apprised by the FBI and the Justice Department that the submitted Steele dossier was a) paid for by Hillary Clinton, b) impossible to verify by the FBI, and 3) the sole source for news stories that were being used in circular fashion to corroborate the dossier’s veracity?
7) Why did Bruce Ohr not disclose to his superiors that he had met with the compiler of the anti-Trump dossier, Christopher Steele, as well as Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS, who had hired Steele? Why did not Ohr disclose on government-mandated ethics forms that his spouse, Nellie, had worked for Fusion GPS on the anti-Trump dossier during the election? What are the criminal and civil penalties for deliberately misleading auditors, if any? Why has Ohr not been put on notice by authorities that he violated such statutes and could face charges?
8) Why is Christopher Steele not under indictment and facing extradition as a foreign agent for a) interfering in a U.S. election, b) colluding with Russian interests to obtain information deemed damaging to a U.S. presidential candidate, c) lying to the FBI about his own disclosures of FBI sensitive material related to the dossier to news organizations? Did Steele’s collusion efforts and interference in a U.S. campaign differ much from, or exceed, the attempts of Russians currently indicted by Robert Mueller?
9) Why did Mueller, at the beginning of his special counsel investigation—to ensure against even the appearance of partisanship or conflicts of interests—not insist of potential hires: a) that they had not donated to either 2016 political campaign, b) that they had not represented past clients who were involved either with the Clinton or Trump organizations or were even tangentially involved with ongoing scandals concerning either Clinton or Trump, c) that were not from his own law firm WilmerHale, which was currently representing, or had in the past, individuals who may well be caught up in future special counsel investigations?
10) Why did Samantha Power, in a non-intelligence affiliated job as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, request classified surveillance of American citizens and others to be sent to her office with the names unmasked, eventually at a rate, on average, of one request per day in 2016? . . .
11) Why were the major figures—James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, and Peter Strzok—who have in the past investigated, or are currently investigating or overseeing investigations of collusion charges against Donald Trump, all previously involved with investigations of Hillary Clinton? Have they exercised the same methods in the Trump collusion investigation that they used in the past in which Clinton was exonerated?
12) Which members of the Obama administration were aware of, or gave orders to, members of the Obama Justice Department and the FBI to use the Steele dossier to obtain FISA court orders to surveille American citizens? . . .
Victor Davis Hanson is an American military historian, columnist, former classics professor, and scholar of ancient warfare. He was a professor of classics at California State University, Fresno, and is currently the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. 

Trying to organize a national advertiser boycott to avenge a petty personal slight is petty in itself, but . . .

Laura Ingraham To David Hogg: Sorry For Making Fun Of You For Not Getting Into College  . . . "Trying to organize a national advertiser boycott to avenge a petty personal slight is petty in itself, but 17-year-olds have a better excuse to be petty than 54-year-old news-show hosts do. Plus, whatever his faults, Hogg is shrewd in his assessments of his own political power. The average person in his position who’d just been mocked by Ingraham probably would have tweeted his outrage first, complaints about her, counter-mockery, etc etc, *then* had the idea to organize a boycott as he gave the matter more thought — assuming it occurred to him at all. There’s none of that on his Twitter feed. His first mention of her comments was to ask who her advertisers were, followed quickly by a list for his fans to target. It’s an inversion of roles: The adult is the one tossing schoolyard insults and the kid is the one coolly considering how to punish his antagonist."

Rebecca Boldrick, David Hogg’s Mom: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

From Ms. Boldrick's Facebook page.
  • 1. Rebecca Boldrick Is a Teacher and Does Not Work at CNN . . .
This photo is only from a tour of CNN in Atlanta. 

  • 2. Boldrick Said Her Daughter’s Phone Died During the Shooting, Leaving Her Very Worried
  • 3. Boldrick Doesn’t Like Trump, But She Tries to Respect Other People’s Viewpoints
  • 4. Her Family Has Received Death Threats Since the Shooting
  • 5. Her Husband, Kevin Hogg, Is Retired from the FBI

Obamas are behind the Parkland disarmament movement

College Republicans at Rutgers Call Out Double Standard on Hillary Visit

Legal Insurrection

“exempting Hillary Clinton from the protests that greeted Condoleezza Rice”

Her look when asked a question she didn't like.

Prepare for more reasons why she lost to President of the United States Donald J. Trump, now Commander-in-Chief of the United States Armed Forces. TD

"When Condoleezza Rice visited the campus, there were protests. Hillary? Well, that’s completely different.
"Campus Reform reports:
Rutgers Republicans: Clinton invite reveals double standard
The Rutgers University College Republicans are accusing liberal students and professors of hypocrisy for exempting Hillary Clinton from the protests that greeted Condoleezza Rice.
When Rice, the first black female Secretary of State, spoke at Rutgers’ 2014 commencement and received an honorary degree, students and faculty offered strong resistance, citing her support for the Iraq War and involvement in a presidential administration that “utilized torture,” according to a CR press release that was provided to Campus Reform.
The College Republicans attached several faculty emails from 2014 encouraging students to protest Rice and attend a “teach-in,” as well as a poster juxtaposing Rice with images of torture and the coffins of American servicemen. Although many student organizations expressed support for Rice, she eventually backed out of the invitation.
Yet the CRs point out that Clinton—who held the same post in the Obama Administration as Rice did under George W. Bush—is susceptible to the same criticisms that the Rutgers community cited as objections to Rice.
As a Senator from New York, Clinton voted for the resolution authorizing use of military force against Iraq, and as Secretary of State, she participated in an administration that also received criticism for its use of torture techniques.
According to a Rutgers press release, Clinton will speak on “American democracy and its institutions, her political career, and her role in the women’s political movement.”

The octogenarian busybody

Richard Jack Rail  "Former president Jimmy Carter says John Bolton will be a "disaster for America" as national security Adviser.  Carter knows about disasters, his presidency having been the worst of its generation, so bad that it wasn't topped until the Obama administration.  Carter meddled in foreign policy repeatedly after his one term in office, always with adverse consequences.  The Logan Act is aimed specifically at busybody former presidentsbut Carter behaves stupidly with full forgiveness.  No one knows why.

"They gave Jimmy a Nobel Prize for Peace, too – just as they did Obama.  It cannot escape anyone's notice that the dumber a president or presidential policy, the greater the attention lavished by the left.  Actually, it's worse than that – the greater the adulation by the left.  These guys who wreck America's standing in the world get Nobels while those who do the real work – Nixon opening China, say, or Reagan or Trump beefing up the military to stand up to Russia – get vilification.

"This seems to be the way of the world.  Good guys get notoriety, bad guys fame, at least for a while.  Winston Churchill was pretty much in disgrace until called upon to save England in WWII.  Once that was done, they kicked him to the curb again.  Stalin was celebrated by the West until he went so far in the wrong direction that it could no longer be denied.

"Jimmy Carter's not really a bad guy.  He's more like Neville Chamberlain – just has a knack for coming down on the wrong side of every issue.  He doesn't lack brain power or information; he lacks common sense and wisdom.  That combination makes him unable to learn from his own or others' mistakes.  He just keeps coming back with more and worse ideas that deepen his hole.  He never gets it, and he wants to drag America down into his hole with him." . . .

California, here they come to vote

Rich Terrell

A frivolous lawsuit against Trump's census question  "A new lawsuit by liberal state attorneys general is trying to stop the Trump administration asking people whether they are citizens on the 2020 census.
"This was as inevitable as night following day. But can this case be taken seriously, and should it be?
"It may be that the citizenship question simply encourages people to lie. But it cannot be reasonably claimed to violate anyone's constitutional powers or rights. If you don't like it, pass a law. If you can't pass a law, too bad." . . .
Ending California's raid on congressional seats
. . . UPDATE: California is suing to stop Trump from doing what was done in past censuses. I overlooked the obvious: This gives California 55 Electoral College votes instead of 52. It's like adding another state to California's total. . . .

Walmart Kicks Cosmo Out of the Checkout Line, Restricts to Magazine Rack

Legal Insurrection

The culture war is made up of many small battles and this is a victory in this right direction.

"It’s about time Cosmo was treated like the trashy rag it is.
"Mega-retailer Walmart has agreed to restrict Cosmopolitan magazine to the periodical racks. Up until the agreement, which was made public Tuesday, Cosmo could be found in checkout lines.

"The National Center On Sexual Exploitation lobbied heavily to have the often erotically-centric magazine moved out of children’s line of sight. Because who doesn’t want their children seeing “9 Best Anal Sex Positions” in bright, bold letters, plastered across a scantily clad Disney star? (Cosmo frequently publishes articles containing graphic sex tips innocuously buried between “bubblegum pink” covers and Disney star photo shoots.)
After collaborative dialogue with NCOSE, Walmart will remove Cosmopolitan magazine from checkout lines at 5,000 stores across the country. Protecting minors from the sexually explicit material that Cosmopolitan embodies and perpetuates has been a long-time priority of NCOSE.
. . .  Full article

Jumping whole-hogg into the political spotlight (Updated)

It's so easy and fun to be a liberal and it gets you adoration from celebrities.

Parkland survivor David Hogg calls on advertisers to boycott Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show

"David Hogg, one of the most outspoken survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, is pushing back against Laura Ingraham’s taunts.
Ingraham, a conservative radio host and author, teased Hogg about the 17-year-old’s rejections from college.
“David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it,” she tweeted Wednesday with a link to a Daily Wire article. “(Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA...totally predictable given acceptance rates.)”
Hogg told TMZ that he had been rejected from UC Los Angeles, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara and UC Irvine, but accepted at Florida Atlantic University, Cal Poly and Cal State San Marcos.
"I am not surprised at all, in all honesty,” he told the gossip site.
. . . "Around 9:30 p.m., he published a list of advertisers, asking his 595,000 followers to call the companies, including Hulu, Liberty Mutual and Sleep Number. " . . .

Main Image
Gonzo Overkill
UPDATE from Daily Caller

UPDATE: Advertisers pull ads from Fox’s Ingraham after her jab at Parkland student As of 1 pm, CST 3/29
. . . "Nutrish, celebrity cook Rachael Ray’s dog food company, announced on Thursday that it was “in the process of removing ads from Laura Ingraham’s program.” TripAdvisor, the American travel website, told POLITICO that it had “made a decision to stop advertising on that program.” . . .
Ingraham apologizes.

How Do You Really Feel about David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez?  "A proposed thought experiment for my liberal friends: What if the Parkland students – and the hundreds of thousands of other fired up adolescents who gathered around the nation last weekend – were not on your team?  What if, rather than advocating in favor of something you passionately agree with, they were advocating in favor of something you passionately disagree with?  Say, for example, their voices were raised not for the purpose of restricting access to guns, but for the purpose of restricting access to abortion?" . . .
. . . So, for example, instead of seeing a sixteen-year-old on a podium in front of an enthusiastic throng thundering that "any politician who receives a dollar from the NRA has blood on his hands," it would be "any politician who receives a dollar from Planned Parenthood has blood on his hands."
. . . "Someone should say to these young people: you are being used.  If that's OK with you, fine.  But know that's what it is.  And know that sometime down the road, it is going to end, and you are going to be discarded.  At that point, at least some of you will look back on your behavior during this period and be embarrassed, even horrified." . . .

The 15 minutes of fame are about up for Daniels and Hogg
. . . "The loathsome David Hogg and the pitiful Stormy Daniels are each sad commentaries on our 15-minutes-of fame culture.  The saddest aspect of their brushes with celebrity is their own apparent belief that these events are meaningful.  They are not – not one bit.  They are both this month's media instruments of rage and ratings.  Nothing Hogg has to say is based on truth or facts.  Whatever is true or not true re: Daniels's accusations is of no interest to anyone but voyeurs like Anderson Cooper." . . .

School leader who saved 600 Jewish children in Amsterdam from the Nazis,dies aged 107

UK Daily Mail
 . . . "including some he smuggled across the city in laundry baskets" . . . 

. . . "He was recognised as Righteous Among the Nations - a title for non-Jews who saved Jews from murder during the Nazi slaughter - in 1972.

"Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu honoured Van Hulst during a trip to the Netherlands in 2012, telling him: 'We say, those who save one life save a universe. 

"'You saved hundreds of universes. I want to thank you in the name of the Jewish people, but also in the name of humanity.'

"He saved the children while head of a Protestant school that was opposite a nursery used by the Nazis to detain young Jews before they were moved to death camps. 

"When there were too many children - under-12s were separated from their parents by the Nazis - they would be moved to Van Hulst's school. " . . .

I should add that there was a Muslim who aided Jews and is named among these Righteous. Had these people been devoutly religious, they could very well have killed Jews with their own hands. TD 

Dr. Mohamed Helmy and Frieda Szturmann

Anna Boros Gutman (second from left) during her visit to Berlin with her daughter Carla (extreme left), Dr. Helmy and his wife Emmi (right), 1969

Dr. Mohamed Helmy and Frieda Szturmann

Anna Boros Gutman (second from left) during her visit to Berlin with her daughter Carla (extreme left), Dr. Helmy and his wife Emmi (right), 1969

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

American Silliness: March 28, 2018

Planned Parenthood: Disney needs a princess who has ‘had an abortion’
. . . “ 'We need a Disney princess who’s had an abortion,” Planned Parenthood Keystone said in a tweet on Tuesday morning.
"The abortion giant also said there should be “pro-choice,” “illegal immigrant,” “union worker” and “trans” Disney princesses.
"The tweet was deleted after a backlash on social media ensued."   One would hope.
More here:  Planned Parenthood Calls For Disney Princess Who’s An Illegal Alien, Had An Abortion…

 Michael Moore: ‘Voting Age Should be Lowered to 16’
"Countries that allow its citizens to vote at 16 include corruption-ridden Brazil and Cuba, which hasn’t head a free and open election in more than 50 years."

Heineken gets hammered for ‘sometimes, lighter is better’ ad where a beer slides by black patrons to ... white people

You have to be joking. A commercial about LIGHT beer is racist for saying light is better. Sometimes I feel like people over analyze and want everything to be racist. You weird for this one man.

Hogg isn’t stupid; he must realize how divisive his own rhetoric is. But he also knows his dual identity means he has an endless line of political credit from the likes of CNN to say this without serious challenge. His moral authority, to the political class, is absolute.
(That would be this Don Lemon:  CNN’s Don Lemon Asks Whether A ‘Black Hole’ Swallowed Malaysian Plane)

Also here: YouTube Censors ADOLPH HOGG Video – Snowflakes Offended
. . . "This punk, who is attacking regular Americans and our rights on behalf of the Soros globalists and their political machine deserves every bit of vitriol aimed in his direction." . . .
The satirical video is at the site, but I did not post it here. Hitler comparisons are so passe' , trivialized and overused. 

Like when Democrats claimed Laura Ingraham gave a Nazi salute?

Look at all those ‘Nazi salutes’ – what, the liberal media didn’t report it like that for the Dems?

Someone who fits the perfect definition of narcissist

7 Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder  Those with NPD tend to think and speak only of themselves, often about their physical appearance, talents or achievements. However, these comments tend to be exaggerated and are not necessarily accurate reflections of their lives.They also have little regard for those around them, rarely, if ever, asking others for their thoughts or feelings. This is because people who suffer from NPD lack empathy, and are therefore unable to recognize or understand the needs and feelings of others. . . .
Rich Terrell
Jack Hellner  "If anyone wants to see the definition of a narcissist, one need only look at the following quote from President Obama:
“If I could do that effectively, then — you know — I would create a hundred or a thousand or a million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas,” Obama said. “Or, the next group of people who could take that baton in that relay race that is human progress.”
"Note that he did not say create one million Martin Luther Kings or Mother Teresas, nope, he believes he and Michelle are much better than them.
"It is no wonder that Obama thinks he is so special because most of the media told him how great and how smart he was throughout his term as president and continues to genuflect to him.
"I personally believe that one Obama or Michelle is way too many because I never wanted to remake the greatest country that ever existed, and I was very proud of the U.S before Obama came along, unlike Michelle.
. . . 
"If the U.S people want to see one of the best reasons not to want one million Obamas around, it would be by looking at the Benghazi scandal. As a terrorist attack was happening the night of 9/11/12, and no one knew how long it would last, Obama, his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others did nothing to save the Americans under attack. Instead they seemed solely focused on creating a narrative to save Obama’s job as he ran for re-election. They even lied to the families of those who died." . . .
Obama Showing His Vindictive Streak    . . . "Still, it cost the government more money to try to keep WWII vets out of an open-air memorial than it would have to just leave it be. In Virginia, the NPS [Obama would have said "my NPS"] ordered the Claude Moore Colonial Farm to shut down, even though it's privately funded." . . .

Obama’s ‘Vindictive Payback’ to Israel at UN  . . . "President Barack Obama was being vindictive in refusing to veto a UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel, Abe Foxman, former National Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), charged on Sunday." . . .
Shall we go on, and on, and.......?

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Ignorant Parkland Kids Don't Speak for Their Dead Classmates

PJ Media

"It’s incredibly annoying to be lectured to by high school kids because the fact of the matter is that very few of them know anything about anything. Why would they? They’re kids. Somebody else feeds them, puts a roof over their heads and pays their bills. This is nothing to be ashamed of for a teen. I was just like that; so were you and so was just about everyone else. In fact, it’s almost universal once you get past a very small subset of humanity like Alexander the Great and Annie Oakley. That lack of knowledge wouldn’t be a problem at all except when it’s combined with today’s “We’ve got to pump up their self-esteem at all costs” culture along with manipulative adults looking to use kids for their own purposes. This is how you end up with a kid like David Hogg saying something as ignorant and arrogant as this:
The Outline described Hogg as “mad as hell” and when they asked him about why he and his fellow students were the ones pushing gun control laws, he said it’s because their parents “don’t know how to use a f**king democracy.”
"It's like when your old-a** parents are like, ‘I don't know how to send an iMessage,' and you're just like, ‘Give me the f**king phone' and you take it and you're like, ‘OK, let me handle it,' and you get it done in one second," Hogg said. "Sadly, that's what we have to do with our government because our parents don't know how to use a f**king democracy, so we have to." . . .

CNN’s media critic Brian Stelter ADMITS he let David Hogg LIE about GUNS…  . . . “ 'A disservice is a strong word, but when I was interviewing David Hogg only ten days after the massacre, there were a few times I wanted to jump in and say let’s correct that fact,” he said.
"Cupp immediately wanted to know if Stelter ever corrected the record. According to Stelter, he let most of the lies stand as truth and just tried to make excuses. “And at one of the times I did and other times I did not. There’s always that balance, how many times you’re going to interrupt,” he argued. A blatant double standard that would not fly if Hogg was from the right or someone on Fox News."
"And here’s his absurd excuse:" . . .

It's so much fun being an angry victim: