Saturday, January 5, 2013

Krauthammer; Return of the real Obama

Political Cartoons
Charles Krauthammer  ...."“Why,” asked The Post on the eve of the final fiscal-cliff agreement, “is the nation’s leader not embracing and then explaining the balanced reforms the nation needs?”

"Because he has no interest in them. He’s a visionary, not an accountant. Sure, he’ll pretend to care about deficits, especially while running for reelection. But now that he’s past the post, he’s free to be himself — a committed big-government social democrat. "
"Now he’s won. The old Obama is back. He must not be underestimated. He has deftly leveraged his class-war-themed election victory (a) to secure a source of funding (albeit still small) for the bloated welfare state, (b) to carry out an admirably candid bit of income redistribution and (c) to fracture the one remaining institutional obstacle to the rest of his ideological agenda.  (Emphasis added)
"Not bad for two months’ work."

He could not have done it by himself, it took the work of a compliant media and millions of useful idiots.
Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay

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