Monday, September 12, 2011

NY Times’ Krugman Attacks Rudy, Bush and Conservatives in Vile 9/11 Blog Post

Paul Krugman
Big Journalism  "Paul Krugman has used his New York Times blog to attack Rudy Giuliani and President George W. Bush this morning in a most disgusting way:"
What happened after 9/11 — and I think even people on the right know this, whether they admit it or not — was deeply shameful. Te (sic) atrocity should have been a unifying event, but instead it became a wedge issue. Fake heroes like Bernie Kerik, Rudy Giuliani, and, yes, George W. Bush raced to cash in on the horror. And then the attack was used to justify an unrelated war the neocons wanted to fight, for all the wrong reasons.
Paul Krugman’s Shame   "Al Qaeda poured an immense amount of capital into the campaign in Iraq, including money, philosophical underpinnings and personnel. Their writers went to work trying to justify suicide as a legitimate form of jihad, they spent a large amount of the monies donated by wealthy Saudis on Iraq, and they lost thousands of fighters who would otherwise have been able to fight in Afghanistan or come to the shores of the U.S. And I don’t buy the notion that Iraq was their raison d’ĂȘtre. I believe that they would have fought us anyway, anywhere.
"Iraq was a quagmire for al Qaeda." ...

The lack of a conscience of a liberal   "The man with a liberal conscience (his self description) who, with no proof whatsoever, instantly blamed the Republicans and the Tea Party for the shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ) and the murder of six others is at it again."....Ethel C. Fenig

History's Smallest Monster How the New York Times's star columnist commemorates 9/11.   ""Everybody's angry, to judge from my email, about Paul Krugman's typo-burdened 9/11 screed," writes Glenn Reynolds. (For at least 15 hours after Krugman posted it, the screed referred to "te atrocity.")
"Reynolds offers some advice: "Don't be angry. Understand it for what it is, an admission of impotence from a sad and irrelevant little man." Indeed. That post was monstrous, but it was trivial in equal measure. Paul Krugman is history's smallest monster." JAMES TARANTO

The Real Hero of 9/11 "The attacks on 9/11 separated the real heroes from the fake heroes.
:The Fake hero who comforted the grieving and raised a nation’s spirits:

All the Wrong 9/11 Lessons; What our schools teach — and won’t teach — about September 11, 2001.    " A decade after the 9/11 attacks, Blame America-ism still permeates classrooms and the culture. A special 9/11 curriculum distributed in New Jersey schools advises teachers to “avoid graphic details or dramatizing the destruction” wrought by the 9/11 hijackers, and instead focus elementary school students’ attention on broadly defined “intolerance” and “hurtful words.”

 "No surprise: Jihadist utterances such as “Kill the Jews,” “Allahu Akbar,” and “Behead all those who insult Islam” are not among the “hurtful words” studied."

"Anniversary" of 9/11. Really?

Neal Boortz "... the Quran still says that when a Muslim meets a non-believer he has three basic choices; convert him, enslave him or destroy him.  I’m sorry if that’s politically incorrect (like I care) but the Quran still says it and many Muslims still believe it.  Islam is a religion on the ascendency, and across the world when Muslims reach a certain percentage of the population the darker side of the religion emerges."
"It seems absurd that political correct[nes]s prevents us from recognizing and identifying an enemy that is still dedicated to our destruction. We may well end up paying for this in ways much more traumatic than 9/11."  Emphasis added