Monday, December 7, 2020

Anti-Israel US Congress member

 Israellycool  "‘From the River to the Sea’ is of course a similar catch-cry to the one that got her fellow “Dismantling Antisemitism” panelist Marc Lamont Hill fired from the CNN.

"Think about that for a second – a sitting member of congress has just publicly endorsed a call for another country’s destruction, a strong ally no less.

"We already knew that panel was a joke, but now it should be even clearer what it’s really all about.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib retweets genocidal slogan ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free  "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free - code for eradicating the State of Israel and its millions of Jews.

"Reminder - this is a sitting U.S. Congresswoman"... [Democrat, I might add. TD]

. . . "The Daily Beast, a left-wing publication, wrote the following about the meaning of the phrase:

The river in this formulation is the Jordan, the naturally occurring eastern border of Israel and of the West Bank; the sea is the Mediterranean to the west. Uttered by advocates of the Palestinian cause for decades, the pithy slogan very pointedly makes no place for Israel. It evokes a strip of Middle Eastern land where Israel is no more, replaced by a unified Palestinian entity in the space it once occupied. It could be that this entity would welcome and protect a Jewish population. But when supporters of the Jewish state hear those 10 words, they worry about their potentially violent implications.



Democrats and the 'Speak Truth to Power' Lie

Such was the case in Michigan last week. A woman named Melissa Carone dared to testify to what she saw in the shady confines of the vote counting room in Detroit on election night. Since Democrats insist any challenge to their narrative that the election was as pure as the wind-driven snow must be met by either ignoring them completely, as is the case with most firsthand accounts, or total and complete destruction when the witness is too effective or memorable.

Townhall  "Everyone is the hero in their own story, so it makes sense that Democrats truly believe they’re doing good when they do evil. It’s easier to sleep at night when you convince yourself the depraved and corrupt things you do are in the name of something good or just. But no matter how hard they lie to themselves, their lies never become true." . . .

 . . ."Democrats, particularly those with press credentials, love to talk about how they “speak truth to power.” It’s a meaningless phrase in general, but it’s even more meaningless when it exits their oral cavities.

“Trump campaign’s star witness in Michigan was deemed ‘not credible.’ Then, her loud testimony went viral,” declared the Washington Post. “Giuliani's witness draws audible laughter during testimony,” headlined the CNN story.

. . .  “ 'Trump campaign’s star witness in Michigan was deemed ‘not credible.’ Then, her loud testimony went viral,” declared the Washington Post. “Giuliani's witness draws audible laughter during testimony,” headlined the CNN story.

. . . " 'Kimmel, as has become the fashion for shows that used to be about joke set-ups and punchlines to amuse an audience but have become political speeches with applause lines, decided a guy making millions of dollars per year should attack a woman for telling the public what she saw. Perhaps he was trying to make up for his racist indiscretions in the past, or maybe the years of insulation that celebrity and money brings caused him to forget what being a decent human being to people not of your economic class was like. Or maybe he’s just a pile of human garbage emboldened by groupthink." . . . .More here

A personal note about Pearl Harbor day

 The Japanese are among my favorite people today. I love visiting Japan because it’s so clean, orderly, and charming. It probably was in 1941, too, but the country was in the grip of the foul Bushido culture, which combined unrelieved brutality with a disdain for all non-Japanese races.

Andrea Widburg  'On December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched a devastating attack on American Naval forces in Honolulu. Within a short time, 2,403 Americans were dead and another 1,178 were injured. What many people forget is that the Japanese also attacked most of Southeast Asia. My mother was there when that happened.

"Neither my mother, 16, nor her sister, 12, should have been in Java. They were Dutch citizens who had been living for some years in British-mandate Palestine. Because North Africa was one of the theaters in which the Allies fought the Axis powers, the British set up military bases there. They hired my grandfather, an architect, to design the basic buildings (mess halls, barracks, etc.).

"I never met my grandfather, but he was apparently quite charming, and the British officers liked him. They told him that they thought Rommel might win. If that happened, the combined Arab and German forces would slaughter every Jew. (It was an early version of Hamas’s “From the river to the sea” plan for a Jewish genocide in land Jews had occupied for thousands of years.)

"My grandfather decided to send his daughters far from the war. He picked Java, which was then part of the Dutch East Indies. For a year, the girts had a lovely life because life was good for the European colonists benefitting from the cheap labor in the countries they occupied. That ended on December 8 (because East Asia was on the other side of the international date line), when the Japanese invaded the Malayan peninsula, countries that offered oil, rubber, and iron ore.

"Within a short time, the Japanese had interned the civilian populations – men and boys in one set of camps, women, girls, young boys in another. As Mom was always careful to point out, these camps were not extermination camps like Auschwitz. However, they were still horrific." . . .

Biden, America, and the oil industry

What A Joe Biden Presidency Means For The Oil Industry  "Although the race hasn’t officially been called, it looks likely that Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States. There has been a lot of hand-wringing in the oil industry about the consequences of a Joe Biden win, so let’s discuss those today.

"Here is some context I like to use to frame the discussion. President George W. Bush was formerly a Texas oilman. His Vice President, Dick Cheney, was the former Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the oilfield services company Halliburton HAL -0.5%.

"You couldn’t ask for a more oil-friendly administration. Yet U.S. oil production declined all eight years they were in office. The year before Bush was inaugurated U.S. oil production averaged 5.8 million barrels per day (BPD). In 2008 — his last full year in office — production averaged 5.0 million BPD.

"Barack Obama took office in January 2009. He had campaigned on combating climate change. He implemented lots of policies designed to encourage the use of renewable energy. He was often openly hostile to the oil industry, slowing down pipeline permits and placing more federal lands off-limits to drilling.

"What happened? U.S. oil production increased each year during the first seven years Obama was in office. The U.S. saw the fastest growth of oil production in history, as well as the largest expansion under any President." . . .

Joe Biden Finally Admitted He Wants To End The Oil Industry

U.S. green groups say honeymoon is over, turn up heat on Biden   "U.S. environmental groups that poured money and effort behind Democrat Joe Biden’s successful run for president are shifting to a new more adversarial role now that he has been elected, launching a pressure campaign to make sure he delivers on his promises to fight climate change." . . .

"While Biden united a range of groups from youth activists to labor unions behind his presidential campaign, he has already become the target of some green groups for considering cabinet picks with ties to fossil fuels. He will be under constant pressure in office to move fast on his environmental agenda - potentially more than ex-President Barack Obama was during his tenure.

“The honeymoon ended at the altar when the networks pronounced Biden president-elect,” said Jamie Henn, director of environmental group’s Fossil Free Media, which opposes the fossil fuel industry. “It’s Biden’s call if he wants that pressure with him or against him.”

1,800 Companies Left California In a Year - With Most Bound for Texas


 SouthStar Communities   "A record number of companies are leaving California for states with a better business climate, and a new report shows that Texas remains their No. 1 destination.

"The study estimates that 1,800 relocation or "disinvestment events" occurred in 2016, the most recent year available, setting a record yearly high going back to 2008. About 13,000 companies left the state during that nine-year period.

"Of the 1,800 events, 299 of those departures landed in Texas. …

"In the past three years, California companies - like Toyota Motor North America (NYSE: TM), Kubota Tractor Corporation, Charles Schwab Corp. (NYSE: SCHW) and Jamba Juice, among others - have announced corporate moves or regional hub launches in North Texas. …

" 'Departures are understandable when year after year CEOs nationwide surveyed by Chief Executive Magazine have declared California the worst state in which to do business," said Vranich, a corporate relocation expert who jokes that he loves California's weather, but not its business climate. Until recently, Spectrum and Vranich were based in Irvine, Calif. …

"Hostility toward businesses, high utility and labor costs, punitive regulations and worrisome housing affordability for employees are among California's other negatives, Vranich said. …

" 'Signs are that California politicians' contempt for business will persist," he said." . . .  More here

The pro-Biden/ Harris press looks as corrupt as ever

 NBC’s Kasie Hunt Claims Joe Biden Doesn’t Lie, Even When He Blows Her Off

Joe Biden wouldn’t say if he’s talked to Mitch McConnell I’m just struck by the reality that we’ll now have a president who, as a rule, doesn’t lie, even when it might be easier

"Translation: he blew her off and avoided a question, but she’s still praising him and acting like state T.V."

"It is not breaking news to state the media has clearly taken sides in this election, but it really devolves into the realm of comedy to see the way they perform following a debate. Following the first debate CNN brought on their in-house fact-sleuth Daniel Dale to give his grades of the two performances, and while he expectantly declared Trump delivered an ‘’avalanche of lies’’ he declared that Joe Biden had been ‘’mostly truthful’’ in the debate. You had to know just how wrong this assessment proved to be, from the network that routinely declares riots and arson scenes to be “mostly peaceful'.” . .