Photo added by TD |
NRO "On its radio broadcast Thursday morning, NPR played audio of a woman undergoing an abortion, complete with disturbing sounds of machinery vacuuming out the unborn child and the mother crying and moaning."The Michigan woman, whose identity was not revealed, received the procedure at eleven-weeks gestation, the outlet reported. In the audio, a vacuum can be heard suctioning out the unborn child, as well as the woman’s cries and moans. The segment concludes with a doctor telling the patient that the abortion had been completed. Laughter, sighs of relief, and words of moral support followed from the people in the room.". . .
"After Wells posted the story on Twitter, she received angry replies from commenters claiming that it was highly skewed to favor the pro-abortion argument. NPR is publicly funded.
"Wells retorted: “I have to disagree that doing a story inside an abortion clinic is somehow ‘pro-abortion.’ Abortion is on the ballot in Nov. I’d argue that getting to see what’s actually happening in clinics right now isn’t biased, it’s factual.' ”. . .
‘My Eyes. My Eyes!’: Beto’s Abortion Video is the Creepiest and Cringiest Video in 2022 Politics “Please god let me unsee this”
"I saw this, and so do you because this is the worst political…thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
Robert Frances O’Rourke has no self-awareness. None. No one likes you. But if you produce the content, I will spread it out because, well, we’re not laughing with you, bro.
*Failed Senate campaign
*Failed presidential campaign.
*Soon-to-be failed Texas governor campaign
I do not know the lyrics to the song but the camera goes to him when the lyrics tell a woman with big hips to get in his car while giving…that look. What a creep.
Intellectual Takeout: In Memoriam: ‘Baby Girl #1’ "This piece should be written in blood, tears, and brimstone rather than type.
"A hideous event took place recently—not in some faraway totalitarian hellhole—but right here at home in our nation’s capital, Jonathan Von Maren reports in a recent article for American Conservative.
On March 25, a truck driver who works for the bio-medical waste company hired to dispose of children aborted at the Washington Surgi-Clinic looked the other way to give pro-life sidewalk counselor Lauren Handy the opportunity to take two boxes. Stuffed inside the medical-waste containers within were the remains of 115 children. A.J. Hurley, a Californian pro-life activist, drove down to help her and her companions and to photograph the bodies. It was a surreal experience, Hurley said. The women “were beside themselves.” As they photographed the babies, the activists frequently broke down, but to photograph the children was to validate their existence.
. . . "My good editor rightly warns me against “rants,” articles enflamed with rage and personal opinion rather than facts and circumstances, but here I intend no rant. No—this is a lamentation, verbal ashes and sackcloth for our country, for its laws and values, for the little regard we so often show to human life, and for the removal of faith, morality, honor, dignity, and truth from our public square and from many of our homes.". . . Jeff Minick
UPDATE: NPR goes sick . . ."This is sick. Women leaving a clinic after "removing" their babies from "their wombs"?
"Well, at least she got an abortion after the Dobbs decision. So much for women losing reproductive rights!
"And the reporter called them babies, or whatever was removed from their wombs.
"Not long ago, a story like this would have been rejected by the editor for being repulsive and not a news story. However, the people running NPR are abortion activists and feel compelled to push the issue in such a grotesque manner."