Monday, September 14, 2015

Secretary of State Kerry and Mr. Obama will keep us safe

Pull toys

Secretary of State John Kerry called the Kremlin Thursday to protest Russia’s building military bases in Syria. Last year he failed to keep the Russians out of Ukraine and this year he negotiated the Iran nuclear deal. The day Secretary of State John Kerry solves a foreign crisis, it’ll be one in a row.
Comedian Argus Hamilton

You knew this would happen: a PC Bible

Controversial “politically correct” version of the Bible published in Germany
.- A group of 52 biblical “specialists” have released a new version of the Bible in which inclusive language and “political correctness” have replaced some “divisive” teachings of Christianity in order to present a “more just language” for groups such as feminists and homosexuals.

"According to the AFP news agency, the new version of the Sacred Scriptures was presented at a book fair in Frankfurt.  Entitled, “The Bible in a More Just Language,” the translation has Jesus no longer referring to God as “Father,” but as “our Mother and Father who are in heaven.”

"Likewise, Jesus is no longer referred to as the “Son” but rather as the “child” of God.  The title “Lord” is replaced with “God” or “the Eternal One.”  The devil, however, is still referred to with masculine pronouns.

"Last December, Matin Dreyer, pastor and founder of the sect “Jesus Freaks,” published the “Volksbibel” (The People’s Bible), in a supposed attempt to make the message of Christianity more “accessible.”  Jesus “returns” instead of resurrects, and multiplies “hamburgers” instead of the fish and loaves.  In the parable of the prodigal son, the younger son squanders his inheritance at dance clubs and ends up “cleaning bathrooms at McDonald’s.' ”

How politically correct should Christians be?

The wek in review at College Insurrection

Entrance test for Middle Eastern refugees

Entrance Exam: What To Do When the Migrant Mobs Come Pounding on Your Country's Door

Hat tip to John Robert; Cathedral City, CA

. . . "In that incident, one of the migrants tore up a Koran and threw the pages into a toilet. When this was discovered, all hell broke loose.  A group of migrants chased the perpetrator, and he would likely have been killed if it were not for the security forces that shielded him.  When they could not get at him, the irate migrants armed themselves with steel bars and began showering guards and policemen with rocks.  They kept at it for several more hours, smashing car windows, ransacking buildings, and tearing apart walls inside the shelter.  The perpetrator is not identified, and for good reason.  If his name were known, he might eventually be tracked down and killed.

"Of all of these migrants, the only one that any sane country should allow into its borders is the one who tore up the Koran.  Was this man Christian?  Or perhaps an apostate, a Muslim who now believes that Islam is dangerous and the Koran a manual of hatred and intolerance?" . . .

Divisiveness is Obama's strength; his political power is based on dividing Americans

"It’s not just about nukes. It’s about purging the party."
The Iran Deal is Everything Bad About Obama in One Package
. . . "Obama’s foreign policy is just his domestic policy with enemies treated like oppressed minorities. The Taliban were just the illegal aliens flowing across the border. Iran and Cuba are the thugs rioting in Ferguson. American national security is as meaningless as the property rights of Baltimore store owners.

"Enemies are aided and allies are undermined in the name of social justice. And the aftermath is ashes and war.

"Obama’s foreign policy has been one long string of miserable disasters, but we’re expected not to acknowledge that or allow it to influence our views as he promotes his latest foreign policy disaster. Forget giving Iran the benefit of the doubt, why after a track record of horrible disasters in the region, is Obama entitled to any benefit of the doubt on Iran?

"There’s nothing new about this latest disaster. Only the stakes are bigger because they’re nuclear.
The Iran deal is where his foreign policy and his domestic endless campaign finally fully meet. After a failed war in Libya, the Arab Spring disaster, thousands of Americans dead and wounded in Afghanistan, Russian and Chinese expansionism, a failed peace deal in Israel bought with the freedom of terrorists; this is the first time his foreign policy is running into serious and determined opposition at home."