Thursday, October 23, 2014

Krauthammer: Barack Obama, bewildered bystander

"The president is upset. Very upset. Frustrated and angry. Seething about the government’s handling of Ebola, said the front-page headline in the New York Times last Saturday.

"There’s only one problem with this pose, so obligingly transcribed for him by the Times. It’s his government. He’s president. Has been for six years. Yet Barack Obama reflexively insists on playing the shocked outsider when something goes wrong within his own administration.

 "The IRS? “It’s inexcusable, and Americans are right to be angry about it, and I am angry about it,” he thundered in May 2013 when the story broke of the agency targeting conservative groups. “I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in any agency, but especially in the IRS.”

"Except that within nine months, Obama had grown far more tolerant, retroactively declaring this to be a phony scandal without “a smidgen of corruption..' ”...  Full article


Iranian President’s Senior Adviser Calls Obama The “Weakest U.S. President”…

"Hey, that's not true! . . . No, wait, yes it is."

Via Free Beacon:    
"The Iranian president’s senior advisor has called President Barack Obama “the weakest of U.S. presidents” and described the U.S. leader’s tenure in office as “humiliating,” according to a translation of the highly candid comments provided to the Free Beacon.

"The comments by Ali Younesi, senior advisor to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, come as Iran continues to buck U.S. attempts to woo it into the international coalition currently battling the Islamic State (IS, ISIL, or ISIS).
 "Younesi took a more conciliatory view towards U.S. Democrats, who he praised for viewing Iran as “no threat.' ”
"The Obama administration has maintained for months that it will not permit Congress to have final say over the deal, which many worry will permit Iran to continue enriching uranium, the key component in a nuclear weapon."
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Alan Caruba: "The Islamic Madness Persists"

Alan Caruba ...“But Israel,” wrote Silverstein, “isn’t going to war tomorrow.” Israel will watch the outcome of the U.S.-Iran negotiations and determine what action to take or not at that point. Meanwhile, it will keep the pressure on Iran with its covert program.
"The “religion of peace”, Islam, has not produced much peace in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world for the last 1,400 years." 

Getting It Exactly Wrong   ... "We, as a country, should consider that call for miscellaneous murder of innocents to be a major change of the rules of engagement and respond accordingly.

"I predict that the day the first American soldier’s family is murdered by ISIS thugs will be the first day of the eventual, but total, destruction of this deadly Islamic infestation."

Nathan Cirillo's dogs watch for him to return home.
Waiting: Cirillo's son is now expected to stay with his mother, Kathy, who has helped with his care

Illustration to be Handed Out at Public Schools: Human Bible Sexually Assaulting Woman

"The Freedom From Religion Foundation, an atheist group, is planning to hand out in several Florida public high schools a pamphlet that features an illustration on its cover depicting a humanized Bible sexually assaulting a young woman.

"The pamphlet is entitled: “An X-Rated Book: Sex and Obscenity in the Bible.”

"The front cover of the small purple booklet is illustrated with a cartoon Bible--which has arms, legs, face and drooling mouth--sexually assaulting a screaming woman as she tries to escape its grasp." ...

2014’s Most Important Election; Mitch McConnell would restore the Senate to its singular role in our nation’s constitutional equilibrium.


George Will  "Barack Obama lost Kentucky in 2012 by 23 points, yet the state remains closely divided about re-electing the man whose parliamentary skills uniquely qualify him to restrain Obama’s executive overreach. So, Kentucky’s Senate contest is a constitutional moment that will determine whether the separation of powers will be reasserted by a Congress revitalized by restoration of the Senate’s dignity.

"Even counting Justice Louis Brandeis as a Kentuckian — at 18 he defected to Harvard and New England — Mitch McConnell, 72, is second only to Henry Clay as the state’s most consequential public servant. McConnell’s skills have been honed through five terms." ...
"Beneath McConnell’s chilly exterior burns indignation about the degradation of the institution to which he has devoted much of his life. The repair of it, in the form of robust committee and amendment processes — and an extended workweek — will benefit Democratic members, too. "   Emphasis added TD


Old guys rule: raw video shows Canadian Parliament Sgt-at-Arms carrying his gun back to his office after shooting the terrorist

Will he be given time off for counseling? Will he be be condemned for having the gun?  Will there be Muslims in the street chanting for him to be beheaded, or carrying "No Justice, No Peace" signs? Do Canadian Muslims have their version of Al Sharpton seeking TV cameras?


Karl Rove's concealment of Saddam's WMD gave us Obama, Pelosi, Reid and all they have wrought


American Thinker  "Karl Rove has come under fire for masterminding the Bush Administration policy of hiding the discovery of stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq."
"I want to know who exactly suggested this policy? Did it come from the generals? If so, who?  Rove is now free to talk, and he owes us an explanation. I suspect he has none, because it was his own idea. This strategy was absolutely catastrophic; we have ISIS because of it, we have had the disaster that is the Obama Administration and all it has wrought, trillions in spending, socialized medicine, abuse of dissenters by government, open borders, etc. because of the upwelling in disgust for the GOP brand because of it. Karl Rove owes us answers." Full article

This is the propaganda from the left that was never refuted by the Bush Administration:

The Terror Threat of Weaponized Muslims

 Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

Thomas Lifson   "Two terror attacks in Canada this week by recent converts to Islam have exposed the clear and present danger created by the violent rhetoric of the Koran.  Credit Prime Minister Harper for having the guts to use the T-word while President Obama’s team continues to pretend that Muslim fanatics shouting jihadist rhetoric and shooting or beheading innocents are “workplace violence.”

"Those are facts. They are uncomfortable for multiculturalists, but they are also a clear and present danger. Islam is different from all the world’s other major religions. We need to recognize that and treat Islam differently when it comes to immigration and especially proselytization in prisons, one of the major sources of Muslim converst in the United States. Is that religious discrimination? Yes. But the Constitution is not a suicide pact, in the words of Justice Jackson."  Full article

Pamela Geller writes,
"Here again is a video-clip of a moment today when several shots are fired inside and outside the nation’s parliament in Ottawa, leaving one soldier dead.

"Listen carefully for “Allahu akbar” after minute .48 …"

Watch VIDEO: Canadian jihadist shouts “Allahu Akbar” in Parliament shooting attack

Screen Shot 2014-10-22 at 12.32.28 PM
Here again is a video-clip of a moment today when several shots are fired inside and outside the nation’s parliament in Ottawa, leaving one soldier dead.
Listen carefully for “Allahu akbar” after minute .48 ….
- See more at:

Watch VIDEO: Canadian jihadist shouts “Allahu Akbar” in Parliament shooting attack

Screen Shot 2014-10-22 at 12.32.28 PM
Here again is a video-clip of a moment today when several shots are fired inside and outside the nation’s parliament in Ottawa, leaving one soldier dead.
Listen carefully for “Allahu akbar” after minute .48 ….
- See more at:

Watch VIDEO: Canadian jihadist shouts “Allahu Akbar” in Parliament shooting attack

Screen Shot 2014-10-22 at 12.32.28 PM
Here again is a video-clip of a moment today when several shots are fired inside and outside the nation’s parliament in Ottawa, leaving one soldier dead.
Listen carefully for “Allahu akbar” after minute .48 …
- See more at:

Watch VIDEO: Canadian jihadist shouts “Allahu Akbar” in Parliament shooting attack

Screen Shot 2014-10-22 at 12.32.28 PM
Here again is a video-clip of a moment today when several shots are fired inside and outside the nation’s parliament in Ottawa, leaving one soldier dead.
Listen carefully for “Allahu akbar” after minute .48 ….
- See more at:

Canada's PM says shooting rampage was terrorism. (NOT workplace violence?)

One thing I can say for the Muslim population; unlike other violent factions in past incidents, they have not yet chosen to riot, loot and burn their cities over the shooting of this criminal. 
The Tunnel Dweller

Yahoo News
" A masked gunman killed a soldier standing guard at Canada's war memorial Wednesday, then stormed Parliament in an attack that was stopped cold when he was shot to death by the ceremonial sergeant-at-arms. Canada's prime minister called it the country's second terrorist attack in three days.

 "We will not be intimidated. Canada will never be intimidated," Prime Minister Stephen Harper vowed in an address to the nation."...