I’m sick of equating and equivocation. There is a vast moral difference between the actions of Israel and those of Hamas, Hezb’allah, and Iran. If Democrats and their toadies in the lamestream media cannot discern a difference between Trump-supporters and terrorists bent on carrying out Islamic jihad, they are far too deranged and dangerous to serve in public office or report the news.
"Every time murderous Islamic thugs commit another terror attack, the Obama-Biden administration, in Pavlovian fashion, promptly cautions us to avoid “Islamophobia.” This time was not at all different. In a recent address to the nation about the heinous attacks of Oct. 7 on innocent Israelis, Biden stated:
In recent years, too much hate is given too much oxygen, fueling racism, the rise of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia right here in America.
"I don’t know about you, but I’m seeing a great deal of anti-Semitism lately and very little Islamophobia.
"Not to be outdone, Karine Jean-Pierre stated that “Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim have endured a disproportionate number of hate-fueled attacks.” Pretty sure it’s the other way around. Let’s see: according to thereligionofpeace.com, there have been 1,393 Islamic attacks in 48 countries, in which 8,528 people were killed and 8,445 injured...in 2023 alone. A handful of these deaths were “honor killings” or simple sharia executions, but the vast majority were caused by terror attacks.
"So why have we heard our leaders issue a constant drumbeat of warnings against “Islamophobia” over the past several decades? Is it because most of us citizens have been hair-trigger eager to besmirch Islam and Muslims? No, it’s because such a staggering number of Islamic/jihadi attacks have occurred during that time. Oh, and basically since time immemorial. Many are so brutal and heinous that they defy description — such as those of 9/11 and this past Oct. 7. Rapes. Murders. Beheadings." . . .