Sunday, January 10, 2010

Liberalism is What is Killing California

George Will, RealClearPolitics "It took years for liberalism's mania for micromanaging life with entangling regulations to make California's once creative economy resemble Gulliver immobilized by the Lilliputians' many threads. The state, which between 1990 and 2007 lost 26 percent of its factory jobs and 35 percent of its high-tech manufacturing jobs, ranks behind only New York, another of liberalism's laboratories, in the number of outward-bound moving vans."

Avatar: Cameron Stacks the Deck for Green Religion

Verum Serum "...Cameron cheated. He was so eager to make his case for a simple, green life that he rigged the outcome to an absurd degree. He’s written a morality tale in which the natives must be respected because their beliefs can be proven scientifically and Pandora’s trees must be respected because they are part of a grand, living intelligence. "

Hey, Another Passenger Threatens Flight Crew, Mentions 9/11

Debbie Schlussel "Like I said, yesterday, it’s absolutely no coincidence that there have been so many of these passenger threats, disruptions, and “testing the system” by Arab Muslims on flights in the last two months. I warned you this would happen when US Airways was forced to settle with the Flying Imams."

Our president 'just wants to get away'

J.C. Arenas, AT "In September, while tens of thousands marched on the streets of Washington D.C. to demonstrate their opposition towards the president's domestic agenda, Obama hopped on a plane and escaped from the nation's capital. Apparently, it was more important to deliver a speech at a health-care rally in front of a mere 15,000 adoring supporters in the friendlier confines of Minneapolis's Target Center than it was to attempt to win the support of some of his naysayers."

'Fairness doctrine for the internet' challenged in court

Joseph Smith, AT "The FCC rules would require, for example, that a carrier could not feed their own content faster than a competitor's content. Net neutrality has broad populist appeal, but is likely to have the same deleterious effects that government intervention brings to other industries. "