Friday, April 21, 2023

What makes the average common sense and intelligence of a nation decline?

‘My Rosa Parks Moment’: Target Customer Demanded Reparations After She Couldn’t Pay $1,000 Bill (  The cashier flagged a supervisor, who told police Ivery asked that Target give her reparations “and then went on a spiel about how I’ve lived a privileged life and she’s owed this,” an officer wrote in court documents.

Dem Rep. Rosa DeLauro Praises Pete Buttigieg for Promoting Female Crash Test Dummies to Promote Gender Equity (  "Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) recently praised Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg for promoting the use of female crash test dummies in order to promote gender equity. It has gotten to the point where it is nearly impossible to distinguish reality from parody."

ACLU takes stand against House bill barring trans girls from girls’ sports by totally lying about it –   . . ."The ACLU, who actually did kinda care about civil liberties at one point, is furious that Republicans would be considering biological female athletes’ desire to compete against other biological female athletes in women’s sports and their right to not have to share a locker room with biological men:". . .

Bookworm Beat 4/6/23 -- the gender madness and Trump arrest illustrated edition - Bookworm Room   "Before I even get to the memes, I strongly suggest that you take the time to watch these two Matt Walsh videos. The first shows him explaining to a fake woman what constitutes a real woman. The second is probably the most important statement any person can make when talking to the up-and-coming generation of so-called “transgender” people.". . .

Biden Vows to Give $1 Billion to U.N. Climate Fund that Sends Money to China › American Greatness (  . . ."In response to the bill, Chinese state propaganda released a statement defending its “developing nation” label, declaring that “China has not only achieved remarkable results but also become the world’s second-largest economy and the largest trading country.” “But despite all this,” the statement continues, “China’s per capita income is still much less than developed countries. This means it is still a developing country.' ”
Ousted Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot urges Dems to 'speak the truth' on violent crime amid spike (  . . ."Lightfoot called on Democrat mayors to address the growing crime in their cities. "As Democrats, if we do not speak the truth about violent crime in our cities, we will be the worse for it," Lightfoot said", speaking as a mayor with a history of encountering and ending violent crime in her city."

Transportation Secretary Buttigieg Claims More Black Americans Killed in Auto Accidents Because... 'Racism' – RedState   "
When Pete’s not on an extended vacation or jetting around the country in a taxpayer-funded jet, the ultracrepidarian extraordinaire (look it up; you know a lot of these people) is generally calling someone, someplace, or something “racist.” Let’s just say the guy gives race hustlers Al Sharpton and MSNBC’s Joy Reid a run for their race-baiting money."

“America has a $31 trillion debt. Washington is on the clock. But what are Democrats doing? President Biden is skipping town to deliver a speech in Maryland rather than sitting down to address the debt ceiling,” McCarthy noted.

"McCarthy also took a dig at Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who “approved March as Maine’s maple syrup month” last month but couldn’t be bothered with this important issue."

RNC Research

AI is coming! Artificial Intelligence


(1) Two AIs talking to each other [Original] - YouTube    "Here we look at a conversation between two AIs.
"The AIs were built using GPT-3, a language model that understands the English language better than anything else in the world right now. I prompt GPT3 with just three lines: "The following is a conversation between two AIs. The AIs are both clever, humorous, and intelligent. "Hal: Good Evening, Sophia "Sophia: It's great to see you again, Hal. "The rest of the conversation is generated. This is the first conversation I generated. "I create individual videos for each AI from I splice up the videos so that it looks like a real conversation, but that is all the editing I do. I do not edit the text of the conversation at all, only the video to make it seem like a back and forth."

Named & Shamed: 51 Big Companies That Hate Conservatives

 Slay News

In recent years, corporate America has become increasingly “woke.”

It’s no secret that hundreds of large U.S. corporations have adopted woke policies.

These policies involve regularly injecting left-wing ideals into their products, services, and employment practices.

But some of these businesses have recently gone much further than merely promoting social justice causes, however.

This radical agenda had led to companies choosing to target conservative customers and employees.

Americans have been coerced or forced into abandoning their deeply held beliefs in order to receive important goods or services or even hold onto their jobs.

Although many conservatives have heard stories about corporate discrimination in recent years, they have often struggled to keep track of which businesses have been part of this movement.

Of course, large numbers of corporations have also largely stayed on the sidelines.

A new project launched by the nonprofit organization 1792 Exchange aims to shed light on this important problem.

The 1792 Exchange recently launched its Spotlight Report

The report assesses more than 1,000 companies’ “policies, practices, and other relevant criteria to determine the likelihood a company will cancel a contract or client, or boycott, divest, or deny services based on views or beliefs.”

Simon Ateba Stands Up for Values the US Press Once Held

 Simon Ateba Stands Up for Values the US Press Once Held  (

Our media is corrupt, and so is this administration. As if that isn’t bad enough, Biden, the figurehead, our own Jefferson Davis, is running again.

"The African reporter, Simon Ateba, asks some tough questions. As a result, Karine Jean-Pierre (KJP) rarely calls on him and is rude when she does. KJP is a notorious liar who never answers a question. Mr. Ateba reflects the values Americans and the American press used to have."

"Peter, really? Is that a question? Really, Peter? That's really uncalled for Peter," scolded the first gay black Press Secretary. "You should frankly know better than that. You are being rude to the rest of the people in this room who are here to do their jobs of handing me pre-screened softballs which I then hit out of the park with the killer lines in this binder someone gave me." Babylon Bee

. . .
"Mr. Ateba tweeted this today:"

“As I keep pressing for answers, she keeps protecting the President. @PressSec Karine Jean-Pierre dislikes me 99 percent of the time, and likes me 0.0001 percent of the time. The worst part is when we meet at that restaurant outside the White House.

“After a big fight in the briefing room, what do we say to each other? It’s always awkward. The next day in the briefing room, she calls on the person on my left, the one on my right, the person right in front of me and the one right behind me. Then skips me as I raise my hand.

“She makes it clear that she is calling on everyone around me except me. Then other reporters who don’t want to face the same consequences begin to tell her ‘Thanks Karine’ after she answers their questions. They become submissive, thanks for calling on me, thanks for answering my questions, thanks for doing me a favor.

"Reporters shun him."

“In the briefing room, they try to keep their distance from me, being associated with Simon means maybe not getting called on. One reporter blocked me from taking an empty seat during Biden’s speech, I just pressed forward and sat down." . . .

Louisville bank shooter reportedly massacred innocents in an effort to justify more gun control in America — and Democrats were ready to oblige him

TheBlaze "A neighbor of the shooter told the New York Post that the apparent gun-control activist's 13-page manifesto was discovered by his roommate Dallas Whelan. It is now in the possession of the Louisville Police Department.

"The Daily Mail reported that the manifesto made three key points: "He wanted to kill himself, he wanted to prove how easy it was to buy a gun in Kentucky and he wanted to highlight a mental health crisis in America."

"If accurate, then Democrats may have made use of the slaughter of Josh Barrick, Deana Eckert, Tommy Elliott, Juliana Farmer, and Jim Tutt Jr. as their killer intended.". . .

Sturgeon reportedly hoped to showcase how easy it was to buy a gun in Kentucky and wanted to highlight the mental health crisis in America. He also planned to end the slaughter by suicide — a wish that was granted when he was shot to death by police officers when he brandished his firearm. Sturgeon’s manifesto is reportedly in the hands of the Louisville Police Department.

Family of Louisville bank shooter wants his AR-15 rifle destroyed | Fox News

DeSantis Destroys Trans Ideology, Deems It ‘A Total Fraud’

 DeSantis Destroys Trans Ideology, Deems It ‘A Total Fraud’ - DC Enquirer  "Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) has once again made his way into the headlines through direct and vocal criticism of the ascendent ideology of the transgender agenda. After openly criticizing Anheuser-Busch’s decision to partner with transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney the governor described the trans movement as “a total fraud.”

"According to The Daily Wire, DeSantis was asked in a clip for ‘The Benny Show‘ with Benny Johnson if the transgender movement constitutes “an existential threat to women.”

“A total fraud,” he replied in a video posted to Twitter Tuesday by the DeSantis War Room"

Hunter Biden investigation infected by ‘politics’ and ‘preferential treatment’: IRS whistleblower

 Hunter Biden Reportedly Getting Preferential IRS Treatment, Per IRS Whistleblower (  "An attorney for an IRS Whistleblower has approached Congress seeking to have this client disclose information under Whistleblower protection to Congress. While the letter doesn’t say who is the target, CBS News is reporting that it is about Hunter Biden.". . .

. .."Specifically, the agent has provided evidence that at least two Biden DOJ political appointees in U.S. attorneys’ offices have declined to seek a tax indictment against Hunter Biden despite career investigators’ recommendations to do so and the blessing of career prosecutors in the DOJ tax division.

"He also alleges that Weiss told agents on the case that the Delaware U.S. Attorney asked to be named a special counsel to have more independent authority in the probe but was turned down, according to interviews.

"The agent also alleged that specific DOJ employees placed strictures on questions, witnesses and tactics investigators may be allowed to pursue that could impact President Biden, according to the interviews.

"The sources said the agent’s decision to blow the whistle was prompted by sworn testimony from Garland that Delaware U.S. Attorney Weiss had full authority, free from political pressure, to pursue a case against Hunter Biden in any part of the country, according to interviews.". . .

Former CIA Chief Admits He Was Pressured By Biden Campaign To Orchestrate Letter Claiming Hunter Laptop Was Russian Disinfo   "According to bombshell* new testimony, former acting CIA director Mike Morell says that he was told by the Biden campaign to squash the Hunter Biden laptop story in October of 2020.

"With pressure from the Biden, Morrell then orchestrated the infamous letter from “50 intel agencies” claiming that the story was nothing more than “Russian disinformation”.

"Here’s the bombshell story from the NY Post:". . .

*I loathe that word, "bombshell"; it was done to death by CNN and MSNBC during Democrat-led House Judiciary Committee hearings. TD

More here: Biden campaign pushed spies to write false Hunter laptop letter (

Morell, identified as a potential CIA director under Biden, said he organized the letter to “help Vice President Biden … because I wanted him to win the election.”

Critical race theory has arrived at medical schools. What could go wrong?

  Legal Insurrection

The promo for my hour-long interview on Tucker Carlson Today was supposed to run several weeks ago, but was bumped and then bumped again and then bumped again by the Trump indictment circus news cycles. It finally dropped today.

"I previously wrote about my hour-long interview on Tucker Carlson Today, the most intense interview I’ve ever done, “Sir, your presentation was far and away the best Tucker has aired to date”.

"That post has a couple of excerpts from the transcript, including Tucker’s kind opening:

Tucker: Welcome to Tucker Carlson Today. One of the saddest developments in the past 20 years is watching the total destruction of American journalism. Journalism is protected explicitly by the First Amendment for a reason. It’s what keeps our system at least theoretically free, open and fair. And it’s pretty much dead. It’s now an instrument of one of the two political parties. But the good news is that real journalism has emerged in its place to fill that vacuum, and it’s being practiced by people who aren’t strictly speaking journalists.". . .

 And one of the best journalists of our time is about as far from a trained journalist as you can get. He’s a law professor at an Ivy League school. His name is Bill Jacobson. He runs Legal Insurrection, and he has been one of the people covering the woke destruction of education for the rest of us.

Biden Is Even Worse than Obama

 Biden Is Even Worse than Obama › American Greatness (

Unimaginably, Joe Biden is a worse president than Barack Obama, a complete phony and a disaster in every way possible, as is the deep state that controls much of his agenda.

Like every writer at American Greatness, and probably most of our readers too, I was not a fan of Barack Obama. It was obvious when his presidency ended that he was profoundly destructive, one of the worst presidents in living memory. 

"Sadly, he was not the most ineffective, as he intended a lot of the destructive results that he brought forth. 

Obama Was a Very Bad President

"Obama’s most obvious failure was of the missed opportunity variety. Optimism surrounded his election, and even many opponents were hopeful that his victory would demonstrate to both white and black Americans that extreme racial tensions were a thing of the past and no longer a consuming national problem. 

"Thus, Obama’s greatest demerit was his manifest failure to foster greater social peace on race relations. Rather than using his status as the first black president to encourage a moral renewal in the black community, he instead flattered its worst members—racial rabble rousers like Al Sharpton and Ben Crump—as well as the black criminal underclass more generally. 

"Weighing in on the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown shootings, he showed complete indifference to legitimate fears about crime in black neighborhoods and instead encouraged distrust of and hostility to police and to white people. He never hesitated to criticize white Americans in general, nor our country’s glorious and heroic history. In the end, he was a racial arsonist, and race relations were noticeably worse at the end of his term than they were at the beginning of it.

"In other areas, he advanced social leftism, including a dim view of American history and the promotion of boutique identities like “transgenderism.” He began ridiculously to promote transgenderism within the military and in public schools during his second term.
"Obama’s signature “achievement,” the Affordable Care Act, turned out to be a major failure, even on its own terms. This law dragooned those actually paying for their health insurance into subsidizing poor, urban, and young people. It ended up making healthcare more expensive, with the only beneficiaries being reliable Democratic Party constituencies. 

"Now more than 10 years into Obamacare, health costs have doubled, with middle-class people outside of the subsidy zone paying obscenely high premiums coupled with obscenely high out-of-pocket limits if they should get sick. ". . .

Obama is loved by Stephen Colbert: ‘I Just Want To Take A Moment To Drink You In’: Colbert Praises Obama During Interview | The Daily Caller      

. . ."Obama then offered praise for Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, saying that he expected them to meet the coming challenges.

“You know, we’ve got the potential of returning to a presidency that is actually paying attention and trying to do right by all people and not just some,” he said.". . .

A shocking judicial rebuke to Bragg's anti-Trump persecution machine

 A shocking judicial rebuke to Bragg's anti-Trump persecution machine - American Thinker  "Right from the opening paragraph of her order and decision upholding the subpoena issued by the House Judiciary Committee to depose Mark F. Pomerantz, Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil let the hardcore left have it — hurling that battle cry "no one is above the law" back at them.

The request by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg Jr. for a temporary restraining order, enjoining enforcement of the subpoena issued to Mark F. Pomerantz by the Committee on the Judiciary of the United States House of Representatives, chaired by Congressman Jim Jordan, is DENIED. The subpoena was issued with a "valid legislative purpose" in connection with the "broad" and "indispensable" congressional power to "conduct investigations." It is not the role of the federal judiciary to dictate what legislation Congress may consider or how it should conduct its deliberations in that connection. Mr. Pomerantz must appear for the congressional deposition. No one is above the law.

"And that was just for openers.

"After referring to the anti-Trump book Pomerantz wrote on leaving his volunteer position in the office of the Manhattan district attorney, Judge Vyskocil sharply criticized the Bragg complaint against the House Judiciary Committee as, mostly, "a public relations tirade against former President and current presidential candidate Donald Trump" that constituted "a motion to quash a subpoena dressed up as a lawsuit.". . .

Former Biden Nuclear Waste Chief Sam Brinton Will Undergo Mental Health Evaluation to Avoid Jail Time –


Try to unsee this!

"Former Biden Administration deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy Sam Brinton, who was caught stealing women’s luggage from multiple airports and then parading around in purloined outfits, has agreed to undergo a mental health evaluation for stealing baggage in Minneapolis—even as he avoids jail time in Las Vegas for a similar crime (as Redstate’s Bonchie reported)."

"He was relieved of his duties after news of his thefts broke, but as our sister site Townhall exclusively reported, the paychecks kept coming:..."