Thursday, March 4, 2010
Pete Stark hands off gavel
Politico "Officially, Stark stepped aside to keep the gavel of the panel's health subcommittee. But lawmakers and aides said Stark faced a rebellion within the committee and the caucus over his sometimes bizarre behavior and penchant for making offensive comments. " Stark was elected by the people of east San Francisco Bay. Enough said.
The Pathetic God of Environmentalism
American Thinker "The god of the environmentalists has three characteristics: 1) Their god is our planet, the Earth. 2) Their god is female. She is benign, protective, and, most important, vulnerable. 3) Their god is vulnerable because of the "pollution" (most specifically, CO2 -- a naturally occurring chemical compound) produced by human beings and our modern industrial society. This defilement of the atmosphere has caused (notice the gender used in the description) "man-made global warming." The "pledge of allegiance" to the earth...sums up all three of these characteristics..." Larrey Anderson
Obama's Malignant Narcissism
American Thinker "The main beneficiaries of Obamacare will be Obama's ego and the Permanent Left. This is his chance to be FDR, and he can't control his need for that glorified image. He is therefore crossing the Rubicon -- making an irreversible decision that will define his presidency forever, win or lose. This is not just another grandiose gesture. Obama now stands revealed for what he is."...." From what we know about his fanatical associates like Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, sacrificing the Democratic Party majority in Congress would be only a small price to pay. The question is what real damage Obama may do to the country. This man has been entrusted with the greatest power in the world. He will have that power for the next three years at least." James Lewis
In Massa Scandal, Will Dems Be Held Accountable by MSM? Are You Kidding?
BigJournalism "Well, with Congressman Eric Massa from New York we have a Democrat also accused of sexual misconduct with a male page and we similarly find out that the Democratic leadership knew all about it. Will the Old Media make as much about Dem. Majority Leader Stenny Hoyer’s knowledge of Massa’s sexual misconduct as it did about the Republican leadership’s supposed knowledge of Foley’s?"
AWOL in the Bunning Battle
Andrew McCarthy "...Bunning’s battle gave Republicans a chance to make points about runaway deficit spending, the fraudulence of PAYGO posturing, the foolish redistribution of wealth to create expensive and unproductive government jobs, unemployment-benefit extensions that Democrats refuse to pay for and that actually increase unemployment, and the monstrous rationing that would be wrought by Obamacare. So, did Republicans rally behind Bunning? Not a chance."
Paul Ryan v. the President
WSJ "What Mr. Ryan calls "probably the most cynical gimmick" deserves special attention, which is known in Washington as the "doc fix." Next month Medicare physician payments are scheduled to be cut by 22% and deeper thereafter, though Congress is sure to postpone the reductions as it always does. Failing to account for this inevitability takes nearly a quarter-trillion dollars off the ObamaCare books and by itself wipes out the "savings" that the White House continues to take credit for." Hat tip to Rush Limbaugh.
"Dronism" By Victor Davis Hanson
Pajamas Media "...the underclass seems to be growing. I don’t expect to see much cash at mega-supermarkets in my area. Food stamps — and yet expensive food — are the norm. The school systems of California’s major cities are broken; the wealthy praise them and flee, and the poor complain about their inadequacy, but insist on the sort of identity “pride” politics curriculum and staffing that ensure the inadequacy. Don’t mention parental responsibility; that’s either Neanderthal or racist. "...
Obama Now Selling Judgeships for Health Care Votes?
Weekly Standard "Tonight, Barack Obama will host ten House Democrats who voted against the health care bill in November at the White House; he's obviously trying to persuade them to switch their votes to yes. One of the ten is Jim Matheson of Utah. The White House just sent out a press release announcing that today President Obama nominated Matheson's brother Scott M. Matheson, Jr. to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit." John McCormack
The Friends of Barack Hussein Obama: the Castro Connection
BigJournalism "Eusebio Peñalver refused to collude in this lie. He spit in the face of the liars. He scorned any “re-education” by his jailers. He knew it was they who desperately needed it. He refused to wear the uniform of a common criminal. He knew it was they who should don it. Charles Rangel, Jesse Jackson and Jeremiah Wright all toast his torturer. But through almost 30 years of those tortures Eusebio Peñalver stood tall, proud and defiant." Humberto Fontova
The Basement Boys; The making of modern immaturity.
George Will "Mike Stivic, a.k.a. Meathead, the liberal graduate student in All in the Family, reflected society's belief in the cultural superiority of youth, but he was a leading indicator of something else: He lived in his father-in-law Archie Bunker's home. What are today's "basement boys" doing down there? Perhaps watching Friends and Seinfeld reruns about a culture of extended youth utterly unlike the world of young adults in previous generations."
Green Zone- Same as it ever was
Blackfive "I can’t believe what I just saw, so I’ll think about it some more before I go into detail. But if I were the kind of excitable guy who believes in boycotts, I’d say “Boycott NBC-Universal” for its appalling new anti-American flick “Green Zone,” an absurdly awful would-be actioner that stars Matt Damon as a US warrant officer in 2003 Baghdad."
Boortz "The president of the United States perpetuates this notion that Washington exists in order to solve your problems. In this case, the "problem" is that our healthcare delivery system has been screwed up by government intervention and regulation ... and the solution is ... more government! Maybe Obama and the Democrats should take some advice from Ronald Reagan, "Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them." " Emphasis added.
MSNBC Crops President Bush Out of Newsweek Cover

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