Friday, July 26, 2013

Krauthammer: Stein’s Law

Charles Krauthammer  "If there’s an iron rule in economics, it is Stein’s Law (named after Herb, former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers): “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.”

"Detroit, for example, can no longer go on borrowing, spending, raising taxes and dangerously cutting such essential services as street lighting and police protection. So it stops. It goes bust.

"Cause of death? Corruption, both legal and illegal, plus a classic case of reactionary liberalism in which the governing Democrats — there’s been no Republican mayor in half a century — simply refused to adapt to the straitened economic circumstances that followed the post-World War II auto boom."....
 Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

President Obama ran against cynicism — and defined his presidency by it.

Jonah Goldberg  "Even now, the Cynic-in-Chief admits that his “highest priority” is neither economic growth nor job creation but reducing income inequality. In fairness, he says he wants to reduce inequality through something called “middle-out” economic growth by taxing the wealthy (again). But my hunch is that the highest priority for those without work is . . . work. While the president’s highest priority is to exploit resentments."
Michael Barone: “Pivot to the economy” may be a useful catch phrase, but Obama has few serious policy recommendations.   
"We have a president who loves to give campaign speeches to adoring crowds, but who doesn’t seem to have much interest in governing.

"That was apparent Wednesday, when Barack Obama delivered the first of several promised “pivot to the economy” speeches at Knox College in Galesburg, Ill., where he spoke eight years ago as a newly elected U.S. senator."
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler


Vimeo   "Documentation, chapters, and videos at:

"Traces the history of PLO/Fatah, now better known as the 'Palestinian Authority,' the organization that will govern a future Palestinian State. The video shows how PLO/Fatah emerged from the German Nazi Final Solution. Hajj Amin al Husseini, father of the Palestinian Movement, creator of Fatah, and mentor to Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, was co-director with Adolf Eichmann of the death camp system that exterminated between 5 and 6 million European Jews in WWII."


Alan Caruba; What "Phony" Scandals is Obama Talking About?

Warning Signs
"It is absolutely astonishing that Obama could refer to “phony scandals” when the list of genuine scandals keeps growing. Despite the best efforts of the mainstream media to deflect attention from them, they have become a constant factor from Obama’s first term to his second. To dismiss them as “phony” is a display of arrogance that is breathtaking."....

The Democrats just can’t seem to take America’s side

PowerLine  "Let’s see. The current Democratic standard-bearer (and U.S. president) believes that Ho Chi Minh was inspired by America’s founding fathers and, apparently, that Harry Truman should have cooperated with the mass murdering Vietnamese Communist.
"The previous Democratic standard-bearer, John Kerry, considered the U.S. troops who fought against Ho Chi Minh’s forces to be like “the Army of Genghis Khan.” Kerry is now the U.S. Secretary of State.
"It almost makes you nostalgic for the days when the Democratic standard bearer was merely a war-hating draft dodger."....

Heroics Revealed As Barack Obama Abandons Benghazi, Again

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Chip Jones   "As the President circles the country referring to his recent scandals as “phony”, the story of another Benghazi hero is unfolding. The identity of a diplomatic security officer has been revealed, one whose role in the Benghazi raid is no less that mind numbing."

Mother of Benghazi victim asks how her son's death could be considered 'phony'?   ""I don't believe him anymore," Smith said. "He's wrong. My son is dead. How could that be phony?"
According to Smith, she has been given no answers about what happened that night. She said the administration told her she "didn't need to know."