Vice President Joe Biden bragged that he was “the only one on this stage who has taken on the NRA and beat them, and beat them twice. We were able to get assault weapons off the streets ...” Yes, and in direct response to that assault weapons ban opposed by the NRA, Republicans swept Congress in the very next election, winning control of the House for the first time in nearly half a century.Ann Coulter "With all the rancor in politics these days, the CNN/New York Times Democratic debate on Tuesday night delivered a rare moment of comity: Twelve Democrats agreed, apparently without compensation, to appear in a Donald Trump ad. Other points on which the Democrats came together in peace and harmony:
-- Trump should be impeached.
-- Abortion is great.
-- Obamacare sucks.
" At least we’re all finally agreed on Obamacare!
"Obamacare has given us a system -- to quote Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont -- “which is dysfunctional, which is cruel, 87 million uninsured, 30,000 people dying every single year, 500,000 people going bankrupt for one reason, they came down with cancer.”
"None of the Democrats disagreed with Sanders’ description of health care in American today, although they have slightly different solutions.
"I don’t mean to be rude, but I thought Obamacare was supposed to fix health care.
"Millions of us were thrown off our health insurance plans by Obamacare, and now I find out that it didn’t even make things better for anyone else. The government intervenes, everything goes to hell, then Democrats cite the hell they created to demand another massive government intervention.
"The motto of all socialist schemes should be: “This time, it will be different.” . . .