Wednesday, September 14, 2011
(UPDATED, 9/19) Michelle Obama whispers to Obama at 911 Event: All this just for the Flag and Shakes her head
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Klavan. |
Andrew Klavan: Obama Is Wrong, Not Evil "But what’s really annoying about silliness of this sort is how distracting it is. The failure of the Obama presidency is a genuinely important event both in history in general and in the history of ideas. It should be explained, discussed, and analyzed seriously — not obscured beneath perfervid speculation or absurd charges. Obama is not a Muslim. He wasn’t born in Timbuktu. He doesn’t rub his hands together when he’s alone and mutter, “The economy is almost destroyed. One more stimulus package should do the trick! Bwahahahaha.”....
"Obama is the president, and as such he should not be exempt from the usual attacks both personal and political that leaders have to suffer. But as far as possible, we need to stick to what matters. We need to explain to one another in detail why his ideas are wrong, why they’re failing, why they’ll fail again the next time someone gets the bright idea to elect one of these leftist clowns to high office."We should not waste this important moment on childish slanders."
Did she or didn't she? Any lip readers out there? What do you read in her facial expression?
"What did she say about our flag? Prior to Obama running for President, Michelle Obama was an open Pro-Marxist and stated that she did not support the American Flag, our Constitution or America. her past and even current ties into the SEIU, ACORN and the Socialist Party of America are very well documented. We should ask why the major media have refused to cover such disrespect by the First Lady."
Video removed because of objectionable content at end, even after several attempts to find a decent source. We regret the apearance of this content and will attempt to find a reputable link.
After several attempts and test runs, this one from The Constitution Club has run clean.
"Guys, as much as I'm no fan of this couple all you have is just a video, what she says is inaudible. All I saw her lips say was "flag". You'd have to get a lip reading expert making a sworn statement in court, that those were the words uttered by her. If I was to repost this, it'd be a joke, there's nothing there!"
"What's wrong with this country is the low intelligence of those who are easily persuaded by lies and misinformation. It has been verified* that she said, "I love the way they fold that flag". And their reactions fit appropriately. It's a positive and respectful comment as befits the first couple. The only people who have been truly disrespectful are the Republican leaders who constantly show their prejudice and lie to the people every single day. The comments here are pretty much ridiculous." *Sources please.From the comments section to this post
Obama’s Quiver Is Empty; When Obama stands up to speak, he faces a collective “Been there, done that.”
Victor Davis Hanson "The speeches still are well delivered; he still has a way with the mannerisms and cadences. But even his critics pray for his sake that he does not come out with yet another embarrassing “Let me be perfectly clear,” “Make no mistake about it,” or “Let’s be honest” — as he goes back to bashing either the tired Bush bogeyman or yet another strawman Satanic reactionary who, if not for Barack Obama, supposedly would expose children to mercury, neglect roads and bridges, and finally dissolve government altogether. We have all heard ad nauseam that an eight-month-old Republican-controlled Congress has stopped Obama’s legislative agenda for three years." |
Jimmy Carter (D) checks in |
Definition of hagiography:
1: biography of saints or venerated personsConservative Blogs Central has this:...."And, although your are no longer president, you continue to support the communist dictator regimes of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. As icing on the cake of death and destruction which you have baked, you gave North Korea $4 billion worth of light water reactors and $100 million in oil in an attempt to appease Kim Jung Il and on his “promise” that he would not develop nuclear weapons (which they now have, thank you very much). "
2: idealizing or idolizing biography
a hagiography about a famous politician
The book gives a good idea of his virtues without resorting to hagiography.
Updated! Obama's Attack Watch site: the update you just knew was coming; Hitler responds!
"Join Attack Wire—and help stop the attacks on the President before they start."
Obama for America
Here's their Twitter account, or whatever it's called.
Jammie Wearing Fool "This Attack Watch fiasco will go down in history as the moment Obama was laughed off stage. I've been on Twitter a couple of years and never have I seen an avalanche of ridicule as I've witnessed the past 18 hours."
Obama for America
Here's their Twitter account, or whatever it's called.
Jammie Wearing Fool "This Attack Watch fiasco will go down in history as the moment Obama was laughed off stage. I've been on Twitter a couple of years and never have I seen an avalanche of ridicule as I've witnessed the past 18 hours." |
Via Bookworm Room "Yoo Hoo! #AttackWatch! This is a great one, because it simultaneously manages to make both you and Obama look ridiculous. As for me, I want to be painted all red and ugly and end up on your site too. The honor of it all…."
Obama: If you love me, pass my jobs bill
Google "One supporter from the raucous crowd shouted to Obama that they loved him, and in a standard response from his 2008 campaign he replied "I love you back" then added a new twist.
" "If you love me, you got to help me pass this bill," Obama said, repeating the line to more cheers."
" "If you love me, you got to help me pass this bill," Obama said, repeating the line to more cheers."
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Imam Rauf's World Trade Center Conquest Imagery
Andrew G. Bostom "The Call of Azan from the Rubble of the World Trade Center: Islamic Da'wa in the Heart of America Post-9/11"."The recent solemn tenth anniversary of the acts of jihad terrorism on 9/11/2001, juxtaposed to such triumphal Islamic imagery, should remind us forever of Rauf's conquering mentality, notwithstanding his false, if treacly and oft-repeated claims of "ecumenism"."
But then they built the memorial to the flight path of the hijacked plane and now the Islamists have another trophy to show off. TD
The azan is the muezzin's call to prayer. It consists of a number of sentences repeated several times: "Allahu Akbar," the Shahada (la ilaha illa Allah wa-Muhammad rasoul Allah - "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger") and the phrase "Gather for prayer." It is noteworthy that, in the period of Muslim conquests in the first centuries of Islam, this call was made from newly conquered sites.....
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Mosque site picked for 'iconic' value; Compares situation to al-Aqsa mosque on Temple Mount in Jerusalem "The idea here that will be widely understood is that this mosque is another triumphal mosque, another victory mosque [like] the Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa Mosque on the site of the Temple Mount and the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus," Spencer told WND today."
I cannot express how much distaste there is for me in the World Trade Center memorial site; it is a monument to victory for Islamic radicals. They can admire the two gaping holes at the site and proudly proclaim "we did this!" Then they can walk down the street to the triumphal mosque for prayers to Allah.
I like the Pentagon; the way it was immediately restored to the way it was. It said to the murderers, "see how little your deaths meant? It is as if it never happened!"But then they built the memorial to the flight path of the hijacked plane and now the Islamists have another trophy to show off. TD
GOP novice wins Weiner's old N.Y. House seat
This vote was seen as a vote on Barack Obama "It was a heavily Jewish district, and some are suggesting that Obama’s cavalier treatment (mistreatment) if Israel is coming home to roost."
Obama's Israel policy seen as factor that cost him House seat "The race was supposed to be an easy win for Democrats, who have a 3-1 ratio registration advantage in the district.
"A number of voters who spoke to the New York Times said that the Israel issue played a major role in their decision to support Turner, who was repeatedly critical of Obama on the subject of his policy towards Israel." Via Drudge.
Democrats have held the seat since March 1923
Obama's CHICKENSSSSS...have come ROOSSST!
Via JustOneMinute: Rebuking Obama "“New Yorkers put Washington Democrats on notice that voters are losing confidence in a President whose policies assault job-creators and affront Israel,” said National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) in a statement after Turner’s win."
Ridiculous NY-09 spin: “It’s a very difficult district for Democrats”
This National Review article discusses the following:Candidates matter.
National security matters.
Marriage matters.
Obama remains a liability for Democrats.
Republicans should not ignore New York.
From the Collins Report: The Democrats’ “chickens have come home to roost”
Obama's Israel policy seen as factor that cost him House seat "The race was supposed to be an easy win for Democrats, who have a 3-1 ratio registration advantage in the district.
"A number of voters who spoke to the New York Times said that the Israel issue played a major role in their decision to support Turner, who was repeatedly critical of Obama on the subject of his policy towards Israel." Via Drudge.
Democrats have held the seat since March 1923
Obama's CHICKENSSSSS...have come ROOSSST!
Via JustOneMinute: Rebuking Obama "“New Yorkers put Washington Democrats on notice that voters are losing confidence in a President whose policies assault job-creators and affront Israel,” said National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) in a statement after Turner’s win."
Ridiculous NY-09 spin: “It’s a very difficult district for Democrats”
“I am a registered Democrat, I have always been a registered Democrat, I come from a family of Democrats — and I hate to say this, I voted Republican,” said Linda Goldberg, 61, after casting her ballot in Queens. “I need to send a message to the president that he’s not doing a very good job. Our economy is horrible. People are scared.”Five Quick Lessons from NY-9 ; Obama’s unpopularity wasn’t the only factor.
This National Review article discusses the following:Candidates matter.
National security matters.
Marriage matters.
Obama remains a liability for Democrats.
Republicans should not ignore New York.
From the Collins Report: The Democrats’ “chickens have come home to roost”
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