Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Find Out Why The Worst American President Ever Was So Loved


Obama Rings the Reparations Bell - American Thinker  . . ."Dalrymple goes on to write that "the whole idea of protected groups — is a retrogression from the Enlightenment idea of treating people as equal under the law." But Obama, tried and true Marxist that he is, will never stop pandering as long as it results in a rift in the nation that he so abhors.  As Ray DiLorenzo asserts, Barack Obama, George Soros and Joe Biden "fly our flag while with beamed expression do[ing] their diligence to destroy everything [America] stands for.' "

Biden And 2024

enVolve . . ."The assault on reliable energy is another instance in point. The current presidential administration of Joe Biden has commenced a war against fossil fuels and the internal combustion engine.

"All people in the nation that rely on a politically unimpeded private marketplace are victims of that war, begun, so we are told, to save the world from environment collapse. The disastrous measures taken by Biden to reduce environmental damage will have little effect in saving the nation from minimal environmental degradation. Nevertheless, Biden has… done what? He has curtailed the production of fossil fuel supplies, thus driving up the price of energy that will be paid in inflationary dollars. His chief replacement mechanism is turbine run wind power, an unreliable energy source the components of which are made in China, a country unfriendly to the United States but very friendly – so U.S. House Republicans tell us – with several members of the Biden family.

"In addition to Biden’s war on the internal combustion engine, the president has also opened a front against gas stoves. This political sortie hits very close to home, and it will further cause restaurants, heavily impacted by a government shutdown of businesses during the late politically caused COVID pandemic, to fire their staffs and shut their doors. All of this graphically demonstrates that neo-progressives who in recent years have overrun state and national governments have a primitive and fantastical understanding of the U.S. economy." . . .

Pride goeth before a fall.. .and a Spring, and a Summer annnnd a winter

 Rachel Levine: Not just 'pride month,' but 'summer of pride' - American Thinker   "From the "Give 'em an inch" Department.  Obsession with cross-dressers and other alphabet people is too important to confine to a mere single month, apparently.  First a month, then a season. What's next?  Will we soon be asked to celebrate some people's sexuality constantly?  Is there no limit to self-obsession?  

'Pride' Month Is Way Too Long (thefederalist.com)

. . ."And “sexual identity” isn’t even accurate anymore. “Pride” is now a catch-all term for perversions, fetishes, kinks, lack of personal hygiene, gaudy fashion, piercings, and on and on. Gay pride is nearly a hate crime against transgenders and “queers” these days. It’s they/them/their blobby body shapes that dominate “pride” now.  "The overexposure is literal. “Pride” events in major cities this past weekend featured men and women walking and biking publicly in the nude. Photos posted on social media showed that children were present. Happy pride.". . .

"Rachel Levine, President Biden’s haggard assistant secretary of Health and Human Services, said Monday, “Let’s declare it a summer of pride.” They had better not."

Joe Biden, President Non Compos Mentis; The nation has no commander.

The American Spectator | USA News and Politics   "If Joe Biden’s mental incapacity weren’t so serious, it would be hilarious.

"When the political satire show Veep starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus was making its run on HBO, I enjoyed the few episodes I did watch — but I never really could get into it. I couldn’t help but be depressed at the idea that the people in charge of this great nation were venal, stupid clowns like those on the show.

"Veep is funny if you know it isn’t reflective of reality. But even back when the show was making its run, it was too close to the truth.

"And now? It isn’t funny at all.

"Because all the worst reflections of America’s power elite that show presented are wide open for anyone to see, in real life. And it turns out it’s worse than you ever could have thought.

"At least the scheming clowns in Veep were sentient. That can’t be said for what runs the country in real life.

"Exactly what in the hell is this?" . . .

Read also:  Joe Biden, From Comedy to Tragedy (And How)

Fox News Feeds Its Viewers More Junk Food -

But I'll stick with Harris Faulkner in spite of her Outnumbered panel cutting off Newt Gingrich after he points out George Soros role in electing prosecutors. TD

The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  "Fox News has shuffled its hosts to address the departure of Tucker Carlson.

"Sean Hannity stays at 9 p.m. Eastern. Laura Ingraham moves from 10 p.m. to 7 p.m. Jesse Watters shifts to 8 p.m. Greg Gutfeld dips into primetime in the 10 p.m. slot.

"Tucker Carlson offered viewers meat-and-potato viewing. They replaced that with candy in Jesse Watters.

"I like candy. I eat it. I cannot live on it.

"Gutfeld, even more outside of the news than Watters, brings more candy into the primetime lineup. Outnumbered and The Five also go down the light, breezy path.'

"Fox News needs these shows. They set it apart from CNN and MSNBC. But to flood your lineup with them turns serious viewers away. A host need not come across as a stern crusader or anything like that. But on a news channel, man-in-the-street interviews, comedy skits, and animal videos should not devour so much time.

"This isn’t a knock on Watters, who is a talented broadcaster — Bill O’Reilly plus a sense of humor and minus the peculiar vocabulary (pithy, counselor, what say you) — and Gutfeld, who, like a prime Howard Stern, attracts an audience not so much for what he says or does but for the cast surrounding him. It’s entertaining — right before midnight when the sandman sneaks up on you.

"Fox News erred in not finding new talent outside of the network. It feels all very stale with the same hosts bouncing around and the guests — often contributors on the payroll — mouthing cliches and talking points.

"Mostly, the fare does not fill. The sugar rush may boost ratings in the short run. They need something substantive around which to anchor their primetime lineup. Instead, they feed their viewers more junk food.

"Fox News executives do not know their audience, which explains its diminution." . .  .

Democrats want to bring America to her knees; morally and economically

Democrats want to bring America to her knees economically for the climate. Meanwhile: 

 Report: China emissions exceed all developed nations combined - BBC News

"China emits more greenhouse gas than the entire developed world combined, a new report has claimed.

"The research by Rhodium Group says China emitted 27% of the world's greenhouse gases in 2019.

"The US was the second-largest emitter at 11% while India was third with 6.6% of emissions, the think tank said.

"Scientists warn that without an agreement between the US and China it will be hard to avert dangerous climate change.

"China's emissions more than tripled over the previous three decades, the report from the US-based Rhodium Group added.

"The Asian giant has the world's largest population, so its per person emissions are still far behind the US, but the research said those emissions have increased too, tripling over the course of two decades.". . .

Two short videos perfectly sum up the climate change scam - American Thinker  . . ."In 1816, interrupting the warming period, there was a year without summer and mass starvation because of a single volcanic eruption: Mt. Tambora, in the Dutch East Indies, caused a worldwide temperature drop of 0.7-1 degrees Fahrenheit. The plume was so huge and filthy that it literally blocked the sun.

We are inconsequential—the climate changes due to its own rhythm. In the scheme of things, humans account for only a small percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere.

"What climatistas don’t acknowledge is that a slightly warmer world is human-friendly because it releases into the atmosphere water that’s usually trapped in ice. Water, not alcohol, is the true aqua vitae. No water; no life. When there’s drought or cold, people die. (For more on the risks from a coming natural cooling cycle, I recommend this and this.)

"For the climatistas, logic clouds reason and even the survival instinct. Their vision of paradise is a world unsullied by humans. I was reminded of this when I saw the following post on Facebook: . . ."

In 1816, interrupting the warming period, there was a year without summer and mass starvation because of a single volcanic eruption: Mt. Tambora, in the Dutch East Indies, caused a worldwide temperature drop of 0.7-1 degrees Fahrenheit. The plume was so huge and filthy that it literally blocked the sun. For the climatistas, logic clouds reason and even the survival instinct. Their vision of paradise is a world unsullied by humans. I was reminded of this when I saw the following post on Facebook: