Friday, August 9, 2019

MSNBC's love child, Bob O'Rourke: Fox News better never do this:

AmericanBoomerDaily. "Cassandra Fairbanks from The Gateway Pundit reports, While interviewing Democratic presidential candidate Robert O’Rourke, MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace let their mask of impartiality slip as she asked him how the network can better serve him." . . .

Ghoulish Stephanie Ruhle Calls on Beto O'Rourke to Exploit Slaughter for ‘Momentum’  "Ruhle cheered on efforts to exploit the tragedy: “Beto O’Rourke, who is from El Paso, has been very forceful. He dropped an f-bomb with reporters yesterday.” 
"Too bad for guest Maria Kumar that she wasn't at least alerted when Ruhle gave the warning of "as bad as this may sound." Instead of declining to be pulled into Ruhle's highly inappropriate political fantasies, she just joined right in.
MARIA KUMAR: I think so. I mean, when you look at who the president is most afraid of, you often hear within inner circles that Beto is the one that concerns him.* And it’s not only because he was able to capture the imagination of progressive Texas, he got over 500,000 Republicans to vote for him and he got a lot of independents to vote for him. Let’s not forget Obama lost Texas by 16 points, four years later Hillary lost 9 and two years later Beto lost by a merely two. And it's significant because right now Arizona just went purple. That's 11 electoral votes. Texas has 38 electoral votes. . . . 
* No source is given for this statement and of course MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle does not do what a dedicated journalist would do: push for corroboration. 

Dr. Levatino Destroys Abortion in 2 Minutes

Bloviating Zeppelin
"BZ also played this abortion testimony by Dr Levatino, speaking before Congress regarding abortion procedures. Caution: extremely graphic. But you need to hear it."

The Doctor begins right after the Chicken Man finishes his remarks:

Will 2020 Be a Repeat of 2004 for Democrats?

Victor Davis Hanson

Fifteen years ago, the Democrats backed off from the hard left, taking the safe route in nominating a boring and sedate party man — and came close to winning against a controversial incumbent president.

"Democrats by 2004 had become obsessed with defeating incumbent President George W. Bush.
"Four years earlier, in the 2000 election, Bush had won the Electoral College but lost the popular vote. Democrats were still furious that Bush supposedly had been “selected” by the Supreme Court over the contested vote tally in Florida rather than “elected” by the majority of voters.
"By late 2003, Bush’s popularity had dipped because of the unpopular Iraq War, which a majority in both houses of Congress approved but had since disowned.
"Bush was attacked nonstop as a Nazi, fascist, and war criminal. “Bush lied, people died” was the new left-wing mantra.
"Talk of Bush’s impeachment was in the air. Democrats remembered that his father, George H. W. Bush, had lost his reelection bid in 1992. They hoped the same fate awaited his son.
"Neither presidential candidate Al Gore nor vice presidential candidate Joe Lieberman from the defeated 2000 ticket wanted to run again in 2004. Senator John Edwards was a charismatic newcomer candidate, but he was increasingly proving to be a smarmy empty suit." . . .

Don't go Ann Coulter over a Washington Post story

"President Trump knows what happened to George "Read My Lips" Bush. Grab some popcorn. Enjoy the show, especially the Ann Coultering. Let's see how this works out."
Don Surber

. . . "Remember in September 2017 how Ann Coulter swore off President Trump after she read reports of the president's meeting with Nancy and Chuck? She believed it when Nancy and Chuck implied the president had given up on the wall.
"Ann Coulter rowed off to irrelevance by giving up on Donald Trump. She resides now on the Island of Never Trump.
"I wrote at the time:

People who railed against President Trump for "caving" made two mistakes.
1. They believed Pelosi and Schumer.
2. They believed the media.
Me? I trusted President Trump. I read their statement and knew it was a lie, or to be kind, an embroidery of the truth. The reason tip-off were the words, "excluding the wall."
Of course the wall was excluded from their talks. It's off the table. President Trump has authorization for it. A 2006 law made it so. He is not going to relinquish that authority.
"So here we are today. Work on the wall continues. Slowly because Congress won't give him the money and he keeps having to go to court to defend his wall building." . . .

Joe Biden, the Trump hunter (Updated)

Michael P. Ramirez
The left desperately wants to brand Trump as racist, using whatever pretext they can. Charlottesville does not fit their narrative, and Trump is fighting back.
. . . "Yet the president also clarified: "I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white
nationalists, because they should be condemned totally – but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly."
"Liberals like Biden seized on the regrettable "very fine people" remark, completely ignoring the president's clear condemnation of neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. Indeed, in his video announcing his candidacy for president, Biden accused Trump of having assigned "a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it."
. . . "Yet amid all this, Robert E. Lee proved himself an excellent tactician, and kept the Confederacy from losing the war as quickly as it should have. Even those who rightly abhor the Confederacy's cause have a right admiration for this man. After the war, Lee became a patriot for the newly re-United States of America. He opposed Confederate monuments, for the sake of healing the wounds of the past.
Toon added by TD
"Americans can remember and honor Robert E. Lee without honoring the Confederacy or slavery. Trump is right — many military leaders regard Lee as an impressive general, even though they disagree with the cause Lee fought for.
"Trump's response to Biden's attack was spot on. While the president arguably should have been stronger in condemning white nationalism and white supremacy, it is irresponsible for liberals to overlook the clear condemnation he did give and act as though Trump were defending racism. The president was not defending racism, but people who would rather not remove statues of Robert E. Lee — and people like Joe Biden know that.". . .

Oops: Biden Tells Crowd, “We Choose Truth Over Facts”  Video

Oops: Latest Biden blunder: ‘Poor kids’ are just as bright as ‘white kids’ . . . "Biden almost immediately went into damage control mode, quickly adding: “wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids, no I really mean it, but think how we think about it.' ” . . .  Trump's re-election team pointed out that the comment shouldn't be considered a gaffe because it's a pattern.

Like Obama once said: “Nobody messes with Joe.”  . . . "According to John Solomon of The Hill, then-Vice President Biden strong armed Ukraine into firing its chief prosecutor who, at the time, was investigating a company that employed Biden’s son, Hunter. Biden himself confesses to the strong arming part. Indeed, in 2018 he boasted about it: . . ."

Yet Joe seems the most reasonable of this lot.

UPDATE: Biden Was Asked What He Did In 8 Years To Stand Up To China. Here’s His Response  "Former Vice President Joe Biden pointed to the Obama administration’s signing of the Paris climate accord in 2015 after a reporter asked him Thursday what he has done in the past several years to push back against China.
“ 'We did an awful lot with China. What we did with China, first of all, was we got them to join the Paris peace accord — the climate accord,” he told a reporter at a press gathering in Iowa, referring to former President Barack Obama’s role in forging the agreement. He continued to say the U.S. got China to change its direction in terms of some foreign policy issues.
"The deal, which was signed by about 200 countries, is a non-binding accord that does not compel through force China’s adherence.
"Biden is touting his credentials in Des Moines, Iowa, as he ramps up his 2020 presidential campaign. The visit has culminated in a several gaffs — he told one crowd Thursday he believes in “truth over facts” and most recently said“poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.” . . .

The miracle baby of El Paso: Two-month-old who survived massacre when his parents died shielding him is pictured in the arms of Melania Trump at hospital - as Donald gives gives the thumbs up

Democrats voice anger in

UK Daily Mail  "Melania Trump was pictured holding the two-month-old baby who survived the El Paso after his parents died while shielding him from gunfire.
"The First Lady posted several images on her Twitter account on Thursday of her and President Donald Trump meeting victims of Saturday's shooting at University Medical Center of El Paso on Wednesday.
"One of the images showed Melania holding a baby, understood to be baby Paul Anchondo, the reported youngest survivor of the El Paso shooting. They're flanked by the baby's relatives. 
"He is the two-month-old whose parents Jordan and Andre Anchondo, both 25 and 24 respectively, died while shielding him from a hail of bullets when accused gunman Patrick Crusius opened fire at a Walmart store, killing 22 people and injuring more than two dozen." . . .

Our descent into vitriol began long before Trump — and Democrats are culpable too

Washington Post  "After a deranged Democrat living in his van nearly assassinated Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) firing more than 70 rounds at House Republicans practicing for the Congressional Baseball Game, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) declared it “outrageous” that anyone would blame Democrats’ rhetoric for inspiring the shooter. “How dare they say such a thing!” Pelosi thundered. Never mind that the shooter echoed Democratic vitriol against the president, ranting on Facebook that “Trump is Guilty & Should Go to Prison for Treason” and that “Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.”
"Now Democrats are doing exactly what they condemned, blaming President Trump’s divisive rhetoric for the recent spate of mail bomb attacks and the massacre at a Pittsburgh synagogue. The truth is they ceded the moral high ground years ago. Our descent into vitriol began long before Trump — and Democrats and their allies are as culpable as the president.
"Recall that in 2000, the NAACP spent millions on ugly ads accusing George W. Bush of moral equivalence with white supremacists who brutally lynched James Byrd in 1998. “My father was . . . beaten, chained, and then dragged three miles to his death, all because he was black,” said Byrd’s daughter, as the screen flashed grainy images of a chain dragging a body behind a pickup truck. “So, when Governor George W. Bush refused to support hate-crime legislation, it was like my father was killed all over again.”  
"Barack Obama set the tone for his 2008 campaign against John McCain when he declared, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) answered that call when he compared McCain to segregationist Alabama Gov. George Wallace and declared that McCain was replicating the climate of “hatred and division” that led to attacks on civil rights workers. Four years later, a pro-Obama super PAC ran ads showing GOP vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan pushing an old lady in a wheelchair over the side of a cliff, while another ran false ads blaming Mitt Romney for a woman’s death from cancer.
"During the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton compared Republicans to Nazis, saying in regard to illegal immigrants they wanted to “round them up” and put them in “boxcars.” She also compared the GOP to terrorists, declaring, “Now, extreme views on women, we expect that from some of the terrorist groups, we expect that from people who don’t want to live in the modern world, but it’s a little hard to take from Republicans.” And she listed Republicans alongside the Iranians among the “enemies” she was most proud of making." . . .

The American Catholic
MSNBC Guest Elie Mystal: ‘I Want Pitchforks and Torches Outside’ Trump Donor’s House in the Hamptons   "Thursday on MSNBC’s “All In,” network regular and Above the Law executive editor Elie Mystal called for aggressive protesting outside of the home of Stephen Ross, the owner of SoulCycle and the Miami Dolphins, for holding a fundraiser for President Donald Trump." . . . MSNBC's Chris Hayes calls protester shouting threats against McConnell 'peaceful'

Tommy Lee’s Nasty Diatribe Against Conservatives: ‘You Trumpsters Better Pray Liberals Never Gain Control Of The White House Again’
. . . "Need more encouragement to vote red in 2020? Mötley Crüe drummer Tommy Lee shows the damage drugs due to a brain and what he thinks liberals would really do if they had complete power."   Weasel Zippers

The Babylon Bee reports:  Dems Criticize Trump For Not Taking Ownership Of The Sinking Of The Titanic  Still awaiting verification of this story as to whether it is satire or not. We do rank the Bee above CNN and MSNBC for accuracy and honesty. TD

"Democratic leaders across the country have called on Trump to take responsibility for his part in the sinking of the Titanic, which occurred in April of 1912. 
" 'Until Trump admits that his hateful rhetoric led to this horrible tragedy, we will not be able to heal as a nation," said Rep. Adam Schiff of California. "We must get to the root causes of nautical disasters like this one, and we all know what the main root cause is: Donald J. Trump.' " . . .

Joe Biden and the soul of America

Joe Biden and the soul of America  A few excerpts:
. . . "Joe Biden claims to be in a battle for the soul of America. What we really need is an honest conversation about the soul of our federal government." . . .
. . . "Encouraging millions of people to invade a country by ignoring its immigration laws is dissolute." . . .
. . . "Cheering on and funding the murder of innocent unborn children is evil." . . .
. . . "Permitting a 29-year-old bartender to set public environmental policy is lunacy." . . .   . "Joe Biden has been in government service for forty years. His tenure of fraud, immorality, corruption, and greed has witnessed the destruction of any sense of civic duty or statesmanship our ruling class may once have held.
"Spare us your version of soul, Joe. "It’s as empty as the public checking account." . . .
Rob's Right