Thursday, April 3, 2014

It isn't Islamophobia if they really do want to kill you.

Iran's Final Solution for Israel    ... "Khomeini faced a weak US President back in the late 1970s in Jimmy Carter. His successors face an equally weak US President in Barack Hussein Obama today, plus many appeasing European powers, too. The difference is that this time, the Islamic regime in Iran has a substantial nuclear program as well. [Andrew G.] Bostom doesn’t criticize merely the Obama Administration, but also the Bush Administration, for failing to deal properly with the Iranian threat. The mullahs of Iran arguably constitute a greater threat than the cruel but largely secular dictator Saddam Hussein in Iraq ever did." ...

Ethel Fenig; Muslim clerics: Women should cease to exist  "After declaring women to be un-Islamic, Shirani explained that there were actually two kinds of women – haraam and makrooh. “We can divide all women in the world into two distinct categories: those who are haraam and those who are makrooh. Now the difference between haraam and makrooh is that the former is categorically forbidden while the latter is really really disliked,” Shirani said."

AUSTRIA: Muslim asylum seeker smashes statues in six churches, saying: “Down with your statues, you are all unbelievers”
"Diversity Macht Frei  The man indicated that ‘Allah had ordered him’,” explained police spokesman Roman Hahslinger on Tuesday evening. The 37-year-old said that in his view human beings were not allowed to create holy images."

Fish Instead of People, Ideologies without Consequences; "If only people had to live in the world that they dreamed of for others."

The water disaster is not shared by everyone in quite the same way. In a rare irony, the Hetch Hetchy aqueducts cross the San Joaquin River on their way to the Bay Area. Surely such Bay Area-owned waters might have been diverted to increase the San Joaquin River’s flow to the sea? Could not the Apple executives and the UC professors have showered once a week to save the smelt or to let the poor salmon at least make it to the Tuolumne River?
Victor Davis Hanson  ... "At some fateful moment in the 1970s, the other California on the coast, drunk with the globalized wealth that poured into Napa Valley, the Silicon Valley, the great coastal university nexuses at Stanford, Berkeley, UCLA and Caltech, the entertainment industry, the defense industry, and the financial industry decided that they had transcended the old warnings of more Californians needing far more water to survive more droughts. When you are rich, you can afford for the first time in your life to favor a newt with spots on his toes over someone else that lacks your money, clout, and sensitivities.
"The once envisioned reservoirs on the Klamath were cancelled. The supplemental lakes on the Sacramento and American were as well. There was to be no twin wet-year storage lake south of the San Luis Reservoir. No Temperance Flat was to augment Millerton Lake. Such construction was considered far too 19th century in it unnatural building and damming and canaling." ...Full article

The Race-Hacks Defend Their Industry

Bruce S. Thornton
... That narrative is simple: white racism explains the epidemic of black-on-black murder, children without fathers, lack of education, and dependence on the government dole. Since Klan-style racist violence and Jim Crow legal racism have disappeared, “racism” has to be redefined in ever more subtle manifestations like “institutional racism.” The best example of this scam is the “disparate impact” standard for identifying racism, a favorite of the current Department of Justice. By this metric, a mere statistical imbalance in minority participation in car loans or home mortgages is a sign of racism even if no intent can be proven or even identified. This kind of thinking led to the federal regulations pressuring lenders to lower qualifying standards for home loans, which was a major factor in the housing bubble and the ensuing Great Recession of 2008. The hysteria over “profiling” is another example of this racialist voodoo. Even if a group is overrepresented among perpetrators of a crime, identifying suspects from that group when such a crime occurs is automatically racist." ...

Obama Munches on Pricey Reuben Over GOP’s ‘Stinkburger’ (Updated)

WSJ  "For lunch Wednesday, President Barack Obama munched on a reuben sandwich that would require shelling out the equivalent of two hours of work at the federal minimum wage of $7.25.
"The president used the stop at the Zingerman’s Delicatessen in Ann Arbor, Mich., to stump for raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. At that increased rate, a minimum wage worker could buy the same reuben — the “Nosher,” or “small eater” size – with 88 minutes worth of earnings.
"The sandwich, which the president noted was still huge, costs $13.99. With sales tax, that comes to $14.83. It is served with a pickle."
Obama Stinkburger

Is it called Obamacare or isn't it?



Mother Of Five: Obamacare Jeopardizing My Family’s Financial Future   "Wendt initially decided to discuss her plight in an ad produced by the advocacy group Americans for Prosperity, which has chronicled the negative impact of Obamacare on American families across the nation."  Video

ABC 6: Policy Critics Dispute ’7.1 Million’ Enrolled in ObamaCare