The former mayor Mike Bloomberg says he decided not to run for president, in part, because he would have had to apologize for “being male, over 50, white.” . . . “ 'It’s just not going to happen on a national level for somebody like me, starting where I am, unless I was willing to change all my views and go on what CNN called ‘an apology tour,’” he said, referencing some of his would-be opponents. “Joe Biden went out and apologized for being male, over 50, white. He apologized for the one piece of legislation which is actually a pretty good anti-crime bill, which if the liberals ever read it, most of the things they like is in that bill,” he said. “They should have loved that. But they didn’t even bother to read it. You’re anti-crime, you must be anti-populist.”
"The trend, he added, is not confined to Biden. “Beto, whatever his name is, he’s apologized for being born,” Bloomberg said to laughter from the audience." . . .
Beto Apologizes For Being White & Male After The Woke Trash Him Over A Joke About His Wife . . . "The woke are watching, and they’re in a mood. Just ask Debra Messing: She recently rankled their ranks by claiming women have vaginas (here). They’re a freight train of justice, and don’t mess with their toot toot.
"Subsequently, Beto’s far too cool to be cool with his coffee house cut-up of gross misogyny and…racism(?).
"On the Political Party LIVE podcast just two days after announcing his 2020 presidential candidacy, he got right with it, apologizing for his masculine shame and systemically racist white disposition:
“Not only will I not say that again, but I’ll be more thoughtful going forward in the way that I talk about our marriage.”
"Additionally, he promised to be more mindful in the way…let’s see…what was it again?
“…the way in which I acknowledge the truth of the criticism that I have enjoyed white privilege.”
"Oh yeah. That." . . .
Morning Joe To Beto O’Rourke: Stop Apologizing For Being White — And For Everything Else . . . "I made the same point as Scarborough last night about the sorry spectacle of O’Rourke’s apology tour. Which voters are supposedly being won over by endless professions of regret about his white, male, cishet, rich-guy “privilege”? To anyone who views that privilege as a major problem, Beto’s contrition won’t be enough to appease them." . . .
Rosanna Arquette shouldn't apologize for being white . . . "Does a privileged background make a person guilty of anything? If so, then all Americans are guilty, when compared to the other 6 billion people on this planet. But this too is silly nonsense. Our background is our background. It carries no moral stigma nor does it carry a badge of honor." . . .
. . . " 'Do not apologize for being on Vanity Fair. Own it. Do not apologize for having a very rich father-in-law. Own it,' Scarborough continued. 'Do not apologize for being white, do not apologize for being privileged, do not apologize for being a man. And also, Beto, do not apologize for getting great press coverage, because what you want is great press coverage.'
"The Democratic candidate appeared on The View Tuesday and told the roundtable that he regretted launching his campaign in April on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine." . . .
"Oh for the love of everything in this world. Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Robert O’Rourke put his tail between his legs and became a beta male on the set of The View as a way to relaunch his campaign.
"How? Just that horrible white male guilt that every white male has to feel because feelings. Instead of giving credit to hard work for where he is now, he “acknowledged that his background and position of white male privilege has helped him advance in his career.”
. . . "Leftist co-host Joy Behar asked O’Rourke if his Vanity Fair cover came off as “elitist,” even though I’m pretty sure President Barack Obama had his face plastered all over magazines in 2008 and 2012."
. . . "Something tells me this will not help O’Rourke “relaunch” his campaign. I do not know about you, but I do not want a spineless male or female to lead this country."