Friday, January 20, 2017

First Lady's childhood town in Slovenia goes wild for its most famous daughter

UK Daily Mail  "The inauguration of Donald Trump is a big deal for a small town in Slovenia, where the future U.S. first lady traces her roots.

"Starting Friday, the river-front town of Sevnica plans three days of events to mark the inauguration and welcome all guests wishing to see where Melania Trump grew up.

A staff member at Julia bakery in Sevnica, Slovenia is pictured with a "Melanija" Cake ahead of the inauguration of Melania's husband Donald Trump
A staff member at Julia bakery in Sevnica, Slovenia is pictured with a "Melanija" Cake ahead of the inauguration of Melania's husband Donald Trump

"Sevnica (pronounced say-OON-itza) sits on the northern bank of the Sava River in Central Slovenia, an Alpine nation about the size of New Jersey that borders Italy, Austria, Croatia, and Hungary.  

"Born Melanija Knavs in nearby Novo Mesto, Mrs. Trump was raised in Sevnica by her father, a car salesman, and her mother, a pattern maker at a textile factory, while Slovenia was part of the Communist-ruled former Yugoslavia.
. . .  
"But this has not stopped savvy local entrepreneurs from tapping into what they call 'Melaniamania'."
Sevnica's Restaurant Rondo was forced to rename its 'Trump' burger the 'Presidential' burger (pictured) after a Trump lawyer fired off a complaint 
Sevnica's Restaurant Rondo was forced to rename its 'Trump' burger the 'Presidential' burger (pictured) after a Trump lawyer fired off a complaint 

What about Toby Keith and his red Solo cup?

Toby Keith and the Red Solo Cup

Image result for toby keith red solo cup

Toby Keith's version of a soft drink: Hard liquor in a plastic Solo cup. (CBS News screen grab)

Toby Keith has always been a stalwart of American pride, but that was even more apparent on Thursday (Jan. 19) when he took the stage to perform at the Make America Great Again Welcome Celebration and Concert ahead of Donald Trump’s inauguration.
Kicking off his uber-patriotic performance with a passionate rendition of “American Soldier,” the superstar country singer paid tribute to both the outgoing and incoming presidents.
  • “Thanks to Barack Obama for your service, and thanks to the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump,” Keith told the crowd before going into “Made In America” with an American flag backdrop and a red solo cup to boot.

Obama and the Democrats Get The Hook 01-20-17


That plus we went to "We" instead of "I, me, my, I, I, I, etc"

Hillary, displaying pride in the nation and our 45th President:


The Democrats’ acidic petulance  . . . "With thousands of anarchists conspiring to disrupt or curtail inaugural events, Democrats in Congress are essentially urging them on with their acidic behavior.
"CNN did its part with a stunningly irresponsible report in which it wistfully speculated that Democrats might be able to maintain the White House if Trump were assassinated before being sworn in." . . . 
Image may contain: 5 people, meme and text

Not my father's Democrat Party (Updated)

New Yorkers are furious about de Blasio’s anti-Trump rally
. . . "Many residents who weren’t involved in the protest — which was attended by Alec Baldwin, Cher, Mark Ruffalo, the Rev. Al Sharpton, Rosie Perez, Shailene Woodley, Robert De Niro and Natalie Merchant — were outraged by de Blasio and how the traffic-snarling protest seemed to be fueled by his quest for the political spotlight and anger toward the president-elect.
“ 'I’m appalled at what’s happening here and I am angry at de Blasio,” said Susan Miller, a local Trump supporter. “[The protest] is a vanity project. The money could be used on housing, veterans, cleaning up the city, etc.' ” . . .

TRUMP SUPPORTERS BEATEN-BLOODIED Outside #DeploraBall – Pummeled With Eggs, Batteries!  
"Trump Supporter Dave Allsup got hit in the head with a flag pole—"

"Face of the Resistance: 10-Year-Old Brat Starts Fire in DC, Says ‘Screw Our President’"  Video at the link if you want to see this smug kid get his national fame. Shame on Fox News' Griff Jenkins for his part in this. TD  
"Take a bow, Democrats, you’ve created this little monster."

Trump supporters, opponents clash outside ‘DeploraBall’ in downtown D.C.  . . . "The ball’s name was inspired by Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s description of some Trump supporters as “deplorables.” It was initially planned for the Clarendon Ballroom in Arlington. But that venue backed out." . . .

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

The 75 Leftist Groups Trying to Stop Donald Trump from Taking Office   Has America become ungovernable?
. . . "This is the far left of the far left – the anarchist, communist, and socialist organizations, some of which urge lawbreaking “direct action” including violence, arson, and intimidation.
"The establishment media doesn’t cover these groups in any significant way, and it’s hard to estimate how many people are part of this vast network. They often operate above ground, seemingly unconcerned about exposure from the mainstream media, although a significant amount of their work is secretive.
"The most shocking thing, however, is the ideology of these fringe leftists is echoed by the establishment media, the mainstream Democratic Party, and even many #NeverTrump Republicans." . . .

See how the LA Times, one of the favorite news sources of Hollywood celebrities now paint President Trump. Sheer, unadulterated demagoguery:

The hulking, screaming skinheads on the right are depicted as you and me.
This is for you, leftists:
The Kiss

Obama’s self-revealing final act

"Even the word “leaker” is misleading. “Leak” makes it sound like a piece of information a whistleblower gives Woodward and Bernstein to expose misdeeds in high office. This was nothing of the sort. It was the indiscriminate dumping of a mountain of national security secrets certain to bring harm to American troops, allies and interests."
Charles Krauthammer  "Barack Obama did not go out quietly. His unquiet final acts were, in part, overshadowed by a successor who refused to come in quietly and, in part, by Obama’s own endless, sentimental farewell tour. But there was nothing nostalgic or sentimental about Obama’s last acts. Two of them were simply shocking.  

"Perhaps we should have known. At the 2015 White House correspondents’ dinner, he joked about whether he had a bucket list: “Well, I have something that rhymes with bucket list.”

"Turns out, he wasn’t kidding. Commuting the sentence of Chelsea Manning, one of the great traitors of our time, is finger-in-the-eye willfulness. Obama took 28 years off the sentence of a soldier who stole and then released through WikiLeaks almost half a million military reports plus a quarter-million State Department documents." . . .

By Commuting Bradley Manning’s Sentence, Obama Broke Faith with the Military  . . . "By minimizing Manning’s crimes, [Obama] violated his own obligation to men and women in uniform. It was his job to enforce the lawful military norms that have been forged through centuries of bitter battlefield experience. Instead, he violated those norms, ensuring that Manning will serve no more time than men convicted of far more mundane crimes."  David French, NRO.