Saturday, July 23, 2016

The reason that liberals hate Christianity, but ignore Islam

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Bookworm Room  "One of the things that’s frustrating for non-liberals and non-Progressives is Leftists’ refusal to look Islam in the face (so to speak).  Yes, there are crazy people who are Christians and there are entire Christian sects that are crazy (such as the Westboro Baptists or Warren Jeffs’ polygamist Mormon cult).  The fact remains, however, that Christians as a whole, whether they belong to big churches or small ones, do not embrace or practice terrorism to achieve their political or religious goals.
"Muslims, by contrast, routinely practice terrorism to achieve goals that are simultaneously religious and political, owing to Islam’s fusion of God and state.  Even though it’s remarkably simple to tie Islam to terrorism (9/11, the underwear bomber, the Fort Hood shooter, the attempted Portland Christmas tree massacre, the Boston Marathon bombing), Leftists scurry around like cockroaches exposed to the light in their desperate attempt to avoid acknowledging Islam’s violent heart." . . .
As for me, I think that people who are willing to fight and die for their country in a constitutionally-bound military run by civilians, in a nation controlled by the First Amendment, should be allowed to practice their religion without Leftists denying them the comfort of knowing that, as they go into battle, God walks at their side.
Remember this from the 2012 DNC convention?

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What's being said about Wikileaks and Hillary Clinton

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Will any of this matter to Hillary's voters? I have to doubt it will.  Her voters are those who knew all about her and husband Bill's treatment of women and yet they all greet them adoringly upon their entrances. Al Gore declared Bill would be thought of as the greatest president ever.
Somehow American voters have a way of choosing mediocre to evil people to lead this nation.  TD

Photo published for Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department

Lets begin with three by Thomas Lifson at American Thinker:

Wikileaks spoils DNC’s Philadelphia convention plan
"Plans for a unity-fest in Philadelphia, intended to contrast with the Trump-Cruz imbroglio in Cleveland, took a big hit Friday, with the release of 19,252 emails hacked from the DNC by a Wikileaks hacker calling himself Guccifer2. The trove of documents is still being reviewed by analysts, but there are already multiple scandals apparent.
"Here is the Tweet by which Wikileaks released the file of purloined emails,so readers can follow the link and search the email files themselves."
Lifson's article links to this: 
Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department. . . "In all, governments and corporations involved in the arms deals approved by Clinton’s State Department have delivered between $54 million and $141 million to the Clinton Foundation as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments to the Clinton family, according to foundation and State Department records. The Clinton Foundation publishes only a rough range of individual contributors’ donations, making a more precise accounting impossible." . . .
Then there is this comment in Lifson's article:
 I would guess that atheists have a very high level of support for Democrats, and yet here is a Democrat official anticipating the fun of ginning up anti-atheist bigotry. How well will that sit with the atheists?
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Wikileaks reveals Debbie Wasserman Schultz intrigue with MSNBC "It’s not exactly an arm’s length relationship between the Democratic Party and MSNBC.  Debbie Wasserman Schultz was furious on May 18 when Mika Brzezinski called for her to step down as head of the DNC because of her obvious bias against Sanders.  She tried to pull strings to get an apology, or at least change the narrative, including speaking with Phil Griffin, the president of MSNBC, and plotting with Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd on how to influence his colleagues

"Ben Norton at Salon lays out the key points in the string of emails revealing this cozy relationship:" . . .
DNC Wikileaks hack reveals Politico in bed with Dems   "One bigfoot journalist has been outed, submitting his story to a Dem before sending it to his editor.  Getting party approval before the editing begins used to be just a characteristic of Soviet bloc countries. Oliver Darcy of Business Insider:
An influential reporter at Politico made an apparent "agreement" with the Democratic National Committee to let it review a story about Hillary Clinton's fundraising machine before it was submitted to his editors, leaked emails published by WikiLeaks on Friday revealed.   Read more at the link.
‘Sexist Pig’ And Other Eye-Opening Revelations In The DNC Email Leak  . . . "The emails also show DNC officials not thinking highly of the Clinton campaign. “Clinton campaign is a mess, they’re afraid of their own shadow,” Luis Miranda, DNC communications director, said on May 19. He described the Clinton campaign as “hobbling along unable to close it out.' ” . . .

Users Accuse Twitter Of Censoring WikiLeaks DNC Emails Leak

"Users have accused Twitter of censoring WikiLeaks’ DNC email release after the related trending hashtag was suddenly pulled before returning to the trending list in a modified form.

“ '#DNCLeaks” was one of the top trending topics on Twitter this Friday with over 250,000 tweets reported to have been made under the hashtag since WikiLeaks released over 19,000 leaked emails from the Democratic National Committee." . . .