BBC "Mr Beck, who once described President Barack Obama as a racist who hated white people, told the crowd America had "wandered in darkness" too long but was now beginning to "turn back to God"."

And So It Starts: ‘Tens Of Thousands’ . . . ‘Predominantly White Crowd’ "How do they figure only ‘tens of thousands’ attend?" Via Weasel Zippers
ABC Takes Palin’s Quote Out Of Context
Honor And American Pride Come To DC . . . UPDATED I, II, III, IV "CNN – “I have just gotten word from the media that there are over 1,000 people here today,” Beck said sarcastically.
“We are humbled that you are here,” he said. “The reflecting pool holds about 200,000 people. This field back here holds about 250- to 300,000 people. They are not only full here, they’re full in that field, they’re full behind me, and they are now across the street approaching the Washington Monument.”"
More screen shots of the crowd included.
Beck, Palin tell thousands to 'restore America' "A sea of people rallied at the hallowed site of the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday as conservative commentator Glenn Beck and other heroes of the "tea party" movement honored Americans serving in the military and delivered impassioned calls to turn the nation back to God and to protect the traditional values that they said make the country exceptional. "....
"King's niece Alveda King, an anti-abortion activist, addressed Beck's rally with a plea for prayer "in the public squares of America and in our schools." Referencing her "Uncle Martin," King called for national unity by repeatedly declaring "I have a dream." "I have a dream that America will pray and God will forgive us our sins and revive us our land," King said. "On that day, we will all be able to lift every voice and sing of the love and honor that God desires of all his children."
"The crowd was not visibly angry. Rather, people said they had come to express their fear that the country is at a perilous moment. "....
"The Sharpton rally was primarily African American." WaPo
Massive crowd for Restore Honor Rally "Scott Wong of Politico, also generally no cheerleader for conservatives, writes:
Tens of thousands? Certainly. One hundred thousand? Perhaps. Half a million? No one can really say for sure." Thomas Lifson, American ThinkerCROWD ROARS at Restoring Honor Rally as MLK’s Niece Alveda King Declares: “I Too Have a Dream!” (Video) "Alveda Celeste King, a pro-life activist and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, gave a powerful and moving speech to the 500,000+ patriots gathered in Washington DC today at the Restoring Honor Rally. Today was the 47th anniversary of her uncle’s speech at the Lincoln Memorial. Like her uncle before her, she also had a message."....
"But, according to Al Sharpton and his leftist cohorts, she’s a racist."
Al Sharpton’s Counter-Freedom Rally Attracts Only 3,000 Supporters "Jaime Contreras, local SEIU president added this:"
“Shame on them. We still have a dream. We are here to let those folks on the Mall know that they don’t represent the dream. They sure as hell don’t represent me. They represent hate-mongering and angry white people. The happy white people are here today. We will not let them stand in the way of the change we voted for!“