Moonbattery "Juanita Broaddrick — who started making her credible rape allegation against the King of Sexual Misconduct Bill Clinton years ago — offers a theory as to why she was nowhere to be seen on the cover of Time when it proclaimed the “Silence Breakers” to be the Person of the Year:

"The liberal establishment long ignored Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, et al. No doubt it would prefer them to pipe down while it exploits the sexual misconduct allegation craze to pursue the political objectives to which the expendable John Conyers and Al Franken have been sacrificed."
Washington Times reports: Juanita Broaddrick rips Time’s ‘silence breakers’ snub: ‘I didn’t fit in their liberal victim mold’
01/17/2013: Drudge says Newsweek sitting on Lewinsky story, Jan. 17, 1998
. . . " 'It’s only taken 20 years, but the tide seems to finally be turning against Clinton,” the conservative news website Resurgent said Wednesday.
No sooner had the Moore scandal erupted last week than multiple liberal media figures declared it was time to hold Mr. Clinton accountable, a dramatic about-face that prompted kudos from the right as well as skepticism over the political calculus.
“ '[T]hat belatedness has become the subject of ridicule and scorn among some conservatives, who note that Bill Clinton was only finally sent under the bus after he became politically expendable,” said editor Guy Benson.". . .
CNN Reporter: Before The Dam Broke On Franken, The Silence From Democrats Was 'Remarkable' . . . "Yeah, what’s also remarkable is that the party of women took almost a month to decided what to do, only getting more aggressive as it looks apparent that Moore is going to win the Alabama special election on Tuesday. What better opportunity to turn the page and redirect the attacks against the GOP." . . .