Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Never stand between Obama and potential Democrat voters!

He spent how much to fly to Las Vegas to give a 25-minute speech he could have given from the White House?
NRO: Obama’s Immigration Proposal   "President Obama just gave about a 25 minute speech in Las Vegas outlining (in terms even more broad than the Senate’s gang of eight yesterday) his principles for comprehensive (but of course) immigration reform. Here are the highlights from the president’s speech and the written proposal released by the White House:" ...

Victor Davis Hanson; Immigration Platitudes and Press Conferences
"Are we really saying that from now on the Nigerian with a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, who is waiting legally to come to Silicon Valley, should be privileged for consideration over someone without a high-school diploma from the interior of Mexico, who has the ability simply to cross the border in a way the latter does not?"
Conservatives should oppose the Senate immigration proposal, and can gain much from doing so.  " Well, here it finally is: the long-threatened “bipartisan” comprehensive immigration reform proposal, and as the old joke has it, when the Stupid Party and the Evil Party get together, they come up with something that is both stupid and evil."

Barack Obama on Illegal Immigration: You Do As I Say, Bitch (Congress)!!!!   

Obama Got It ‘Backasswards’: Should Ban Invaders and Defend the Constitution!   "Obama’s lack of comprehension may help explain why he has waged an all-out campaign AGAINST the 2nd Amendment, while at nearly the same time, DEFENDING foreign moochers against the rule of law, as in the case of illegal aliens."

Fair and Balanced...and still unafraid

Krauthammer: FOX News should be proud that we annoy Obama so much  "As we heard in President Obama’s recent interview with TNR, the White House’s irritation with FOX News and rightward-leaning media outlets continues unabated — but as Charles Krauthammer pointed out last night, that should be more of a source of pride than anything else. Nothing says success quite like your competition’s outspoken annoyance:" Video and transcript...

Legal Insurrection 
Fox Arm 590 LI

Senator Rubio Makes His Case

Rush Limbaugh  Two excerpts below:
"RUBIO:  You know, our argument about limited government is always harder to sell than a government program.  It always has been.  I mean, it's easier to sell cotton candy than it is to sell broccoli to somebody, but the broccoli is better for you, and the same thing with a limited government.  Yeah, it's a lot easier for a politician to sell people on how a big government program is gonna make their life better, but I think ours, once we sell it, is more enduring and more permanent and better for the country.  It is a challenge.  And, by the way, it's not just a challenge for people that are immigrating here, it's a challenge for people that are born here.  We have a real fight on our hands to convince the American people that limited government and free enterprise is the right thing for our future. I think that's a real challenge across the board given some things that have happened in our society."
"RUSH:  Well, you have a difficult job ahead of you because you are meeting everybody honestly, forthrightly, halfway, you're seeking compromise.  Obama is seeking political victory.  Obama doesn't care about enforcing exist[ing] law, so people say, "Why will he enforce anything that's new?"  He sued Arizona for simply trying to enforce existing federal law.  You've got a tough job ahead of you."

After the interview, Rush followed up with these points:
Resist Cynicism About Marco Rubio
"We've got a president who's not enforcing existing immigration law.  He says that he's not gonna have border protection in his bill, which he's announcing today."

Rush's audience reacts to Rubio
...."RUSH:  I know.  They own the low-information voter segments.  They own pop culture.  They own books, TVs, movies. They own the classroom.  That's a key.
CALLER:  I've got kids that I'm constantly countering the message they're getting in school.  And we're in a fairly conservative district and they're still getting --
RUSH:  I know.
CALLER:  -- not a conservative message.

Sen. Rubio to discuss immigration on the Rush Limbaugh program today

Marco Rubio Is Trying To Charm Fox News And Rush Limbaugh Into Backing His Immigration Plan
"Hannity's views on the subject of immigration reform have shifted since the election. Two weeks ago, Hannity called Rubio's immigration proposal "most thoughtful bill that I have heard heretofore." 
"On Monday, Hannity remained skeptical, but Rubio made a believer out of him again."


EIB Alert: Senator Marco Rubio Will Join Today's Show in Hour Two
Watch for coverage of this here later.
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Trust the liberals to keep us safe

“In the wake of mass murders like Sandy Hook and the horrific rapes and murders of thousands of women each year,” the ladies explained in their column, “pepper spray, mace or five-round handheld pistols aren’t going to cut it.”

The "Chickification" of America

Alan Caruba  "The latest manifestation of an effort that pre-dates Obama, the “chickification” of America, is the decision by the Department of Defense to allow women to engage in battle alongside their male counterparts. There are few ideas more idiotic than this. Forget the usual arguments put forth about upper body strength and such, even the Israeli Defense Force, famous for including women in its ranks, uses them auxiliary functions in order to free up the men to do the actual fighting.
"No civilized nation wants to send women into combat. "No military that depends on unit cohesion and morale wants to put the two sexes together in close proximity because the two sexes tend to do what comes naturally in close proximity. They’ve been holding hearings in Congress about the problems this has created in our military services."
 Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
We see draconian laws passed on business by bureaucrats who have never run a business and rules for our soldiers decreed by those who have contempt for the military. And they call conservatives "extremists"!

Richmond Confidential photo
Rush also discusses the chickification of football:  "The players, just heard Obama, they can make some of these decisions, but they're not smart enough.  The players just don't know enough about what's good for them.  They need somebody like Obama or a federal commission, whatever, to oversee the game 'cause the players don't know what they're talking about, they don't know what they're doing, they're not smart enough."....
...."And if you have the courage to admit it, that's the Left's attitude about virtually every problem in society.  Jobs, income, car to drive, gasoline usage, you name it, you just can't make some of these decisions on your own. You don't know what's good for you. You don't know what's best for you.  Somebody else has to move in."