Sunday, October 20, 2013

Conservative Arguments Stand No Chance With Media Who Drool over Protester with Confederate Flag.

The dummy should have known that when he broke that flag out of his closet. Unless he is a Democrat plant, in which case we should expect more such sights since libs have found out how well this works.
Read the visceral slams by Democrats in this post and look for intelligent arguments.
"On Sunday, with throngs of veterans marching through Washington D.C. to protest President Obama’s closure of war memorials, the media focused on one man in particular: a random dude with a Confederate flag at the White House. In the apparent belief that they had found the conservative Professor Moriarty standing behind the current government shutdown, media members descended as one on the flagman:"...  
From a TW post several days ago: One Confederate flag at the veterans rally? What do we make of a Soviet flag at a pro-Obama rally? That Che Guevara poster at an Obama office?  "Yet the mainstream media doesn't seem to find this worth mentioning."
The Obama campaign disavowed this as I'm sure the right will disavow the Confederate flag. But the MSM was more than happy to buy the Obama disclaimer.
 Patricia at Hold the Liberal Media and our Politicans accountable! writes:
Stop saying the confederate flag is the symbol of the Republican Party.
The Confederate flag has always been the flag of the defeated Democrat Party that lost the Civil War to the Republican Party.

Have you seen the movie,"The Help"? In real society back then, those ladies would have been mostly Democrats. 

Moral Incoherence in the Call for Academic Boycotts Against Israeli Scholars

Scholars For Peace in the Middle East  "....why argue the case for academic boycotts specifically targeting Israeli scholars and academic institutions?   Reciting the list of Israel’s perceived ongoing human rights abuses against the long-suffering Palestinians is, of course, a favorite pastime of the academic Left, in the U.S., Britain, and Ireland (not to mention, ironically, inside of Israel’s own universities), so it is no surprise that the litany of complaints lodged on behalf the victim group of the moment show themselves here as justification for the shunning of Israel scholars from campuses worldwide.
The problem, however, is that this view of Israel is the result of a long campaign of historical distortion, outright lies, and propaganda on the part of the Arab world and their apologists and same-thinking colleagues on campuses in the United States.

"The Journal of Academic Freedom [Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions] issue demonstrates the extent to which American academic organizations continue to be an arena for BDS activists, many of whom move from one platform to another. This usefully demonstrates again the organized nature of BDS and the determination of activists to penetrate all aspects of academia. The use of “academic freedom” as a means to vilify and expel Israel from the global academic community is certain to intensify." Via ISRAELI FRONTLINE

Yeah, well boycott this! Again: Arabs Fly Nazi Flag Near Road  "In a recent key speech, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu quoted numerous historical sources showing that the leader of the Palestinian Arabs in the first half of the 20th century, Mufti Hajj Amin Al-Husseini, was “one of the initiators of the Holocaust of the Jews of Europe,” and that he was constantly encouraging the Nazi leadership to annihilate the Jews, throughout the war. He cited evidence that the Mufti even visited the gas chambers at Auschwitz with Adolf Eichmann." Poor Arab victims of the Jews.

Why Europe Has a Problem with Israel   "Why do so many in Europe feel so much hostility to the most open and liberal democracy in the Middle East? Daniel Gordis, President of the Shalem Center, zeroes in on the source of the problem in this fascinating look at the complex relationship between Europe, Israel and the Arab World."