"In the end, Peter Strzok’s FBI lover Lisa Page “sold out” the FBI executive and divulged many improprieties he was involved in along with other FBI brass, according to FBI insiders.
"Strzok was fired today from the FBI.
"FBI insiders said Page, his former lover, was “instrumental in getting him terminated.”
"“Lisa is on a warpath,” one former colleague said. “She is not done either.”
"Fired FBI leaders Andrew McCabe, James Comey and other current FBI leaders like Bill Priestap could be on deck, according to officials familiar with Page’s congressional testimony in hearings and private sessions with her attorney.
"Strzok, FBI sources said, is the target of several investigations.
"And more could be on the horizon, according to Congressional investigators who spoke to True Pundit’s Thomas Paine.
"Lisa Page is angry, according to her associates inside FBI HQ in D.C.
“ 'Remember you guys (True Pundit) had the story where McCabe was going to burn down the FBI?” one agent said. “You may want to rewrite it for Lisa Page. I think she could bring it all down on their heads.”
"That’s the word on the street. Page is angry and willing to testify against everyone linked to losing her FBI career.
"If her House testimony is any indication, that spells trouble for the Deep-State Sanhedrin. After Page testified, True Pundit reported China had hacked Hillary Clinton’s emails when she was Secretary of State." . . .
GoFundMe Page Raises $250,000 for Peter Strzok After Firing From FBI
. . . "The "Friends Of Special Agent Peter Strzok" quickly garnered more than $250,000 and counting for Strzok, who was let go by the bureau on Friday.
"Strzok played an integral part in both the Hillary Clinton email investigation and what would later become the special counsel's Russia probe.
"He was subpoenaed to testify before House lawmakers in July over anti-Trump texts he sent to Lisa Page, his former co-worker and lover, using his FBI phone." . . .
In Peter Strzok, Trump-haters have picked a truly repulsive martyr to their cause
. . . "There's more, and if you can take it, you can read about what a swell fellow he is, though it doesn't explain his super-power to detect Trump-supporters by smell." . . .
. . . "The "Friends Of Special Agent Peter Strzok" quickly garnered more than $250,000 and counting for Strzok, who was let go by the bureau on Friday.
"Strzok played an integral part in both the Hillary Clinton email investigation and what would later become the special counsel's Russia probe.

In Peter Strzok, Trump-haters have picked a truly repulsive martyr to their cause
. . . "There's more, and if you can take it, you can read about what a swell fellow he is, though it doesn't explain his super-power to detect Trump-supporters by smell." . . .
What's not to like about this guy? (pictured, right)