Wednesday, September 5, 2018

New York Times Publishes Disturbing Anonymous Editorial by Member of Trump Administration

Why did nobody in the Obama Administration speak out against that president's disrespect for this nation; against his nurturing anger against our police, and the spiteful closing down of open-air parks and memorials to make -as were Obama's instructions- the shutdown "hurt"?
Was no one in that administration shamed by Obama's bowing, apology tours, nor his embrace of racist anti-white, - American figures such as Farrakhan and Al Sharpton? 
I agree that President Trump seems to lack social graces in promoting his causes and I disliked him during the primaries. But now we have a president who demands respect on the international stage in areas where the courage of leadership is necessary.
If this president is handcuffed and cast away, we will also lose Nikki Haley, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, General Mattis and so many others who put the fecklessness of Obama to shame. I fear that to lose Trump is to turn this nation back to the Democrats.
As Charles Krauthammer once opined, "it's not that there is a new sheriff in town. It's that there is now a sheriff in town. The demagogues of the Democrat Party must not take control of this nation!  The Tunnel Dweller.

TV Week  "The New York Times today has published an op-ed essay titled “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration” by a writer the paper does not identify.

"In the piece the writer says: “Although he was elected as a Republican, the president shows little affinity for ideals long espoused by conservatives: free minds, free markets and free people. At best, he has invoked these ideals in scripted settings. At worst, he has attacked them outright.
“ 'In addition to his mass-marketing of the notion that the press is the ‘enemy of the people,’ President Trump’s impulses are generally anti-trade and anti-democratic.”
"The author also writes that “many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.
“ 'I would know. I am one of them.”
"The piece goes on to say: “The erratic behavior would be more concerning if it weren’t for unsung heroes in and around the White House. Some of his aides have been cast as villains by the media. But in private, they have gone to great lengths to keep bad decisions contained to the West Wing, though they are clearly not always successful.
“ 'It may be cold comfort in this chaotic era, but Americans should know that there are adults in the room. We fully recognize what is happening. And we are trying to do what’s right even when Donald Trump won’t.”
"In its introduction to the op-ed piece The Times writes: “The Times today is taking the rare step of publishing an anonymous Op-Ed essay. We have done so at the request of the author, a senior official in the Trump administration whose identity is known to us and whose job would be jeopardized by its disclosure. We believe publishing this essay anonymously is the only way to deliver an important perspective to our readers.”
"We urge you to click here to read the full op-ed piece."

Leftist Democrat supporters at the Kavanaugh hearings

BREAKING: Chuck Schumer Strikes Again, Just Tried to End the Kavanaugh Hearing Early  "UPDATE: Schumer and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have come to an agreement to proceed with the hearing." . . . 


The Democrats are crazy   ". . . Paul provided the best blow-by-blow summary I have seen. He saved me a lot of pain!     "It strikes me that the Democratic Party crossed a Rubicon of sorts today. They abandoned all norms not just of civility–something they purported to yearn for just a few days ago!–but of sanity. They deliberately turned a Senate confirmation hearing into a farce. There was no distinction between the howling left-wing mob that infiltrated the hearing room and the Senate Democrats." . . . "Someday, historians will try to explain what caused the Democratic Party to go nuts. At the moment, I don’t have a theory. In the meantime, if you want to counter the Democrats’ hallucinations with a dose of sanity, Ann Althouse has Kavanaugh’s opening statement–a little too conciliatory for my taste–and her own comments thereon." . . .

HOLLYWOOD SUFFERS MAJOR MELTDOWN – Can’t Handle ‘Motherf***ing Soulless GOP Scum’ During Kavanaugh’s Senate Hearing

Tuesday: Video: Senate Democrats Interrupt Kavanaugh Hearing 76 Times…

Weekly Standard Editorial: Dems Let Activists Run the Show  "Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley barely uttered a full sentence on Tuesday morning before Democrat Kamala Harris—not coincidentally a 2020 presidential hopeful—interrupted him. “Mr. Chairman . . . Mr. Chairman . . . We cannot possibly move forward, Mr. Chairman.' ” . . . Democratic senators Blumenthal, Booker, and Hirono joined Harris in an apparently orchestrated performance of interruption. Grassley could hardly get through a full sentence of his opening remarks without a Democrat calling to postpone the hearing." . . .

National Review: The Democrats’ No Good, Frivolous, Ridiculous Day  "The sordid spectacle that opened Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings put the lie to left-wing laments about the decline of civility in American politics."
. . . "it was a shining example of how and why conservatives don’t believe for one moment that Donald Trump is the sole source of American dysfunction."

The Kavanaugh hearings; Congress at its most disgusting

While posting commentary on Tuesday's circus, today's Democrat performance is already beginning as we speak.
As always, Lucianne is a wealth of commentary.
. . . "So it was that Kamala Harris, with an eye on 2020, immediately demanded that Chairman Chuck Grassley adjourn the Judiciary Committee hearing. Her argument, echoed by her Democratic colleagues, is that they'd just gotten 42,000 pages of documents the night before, and there were reams of other Kavanaugh papers that the White House was withholding on grounds of executive privilege." . . .

Democrats disgrace themselves in day one of Kavanaugh hearings
"The spectacle of the Kavanaugh hearing Tuesday morning was a circus, planned and orchestrated by the usual suspects: Senators Durbin, Schumer, Blumenthal, Booker, Klobuchar, Harris (particularly ill behaved), Feinstein, Hirono, etc. Like seventh-graders planning to bully the nerdy kid, they were probably gleeful as they schemed to disrupt the proceedings by interrupting relentlessly. 
"And then there were the shrieking protesters. It is hard to imagine sane people behaving like that in public, let alone in the halls of Congress and during judicial hearings. Still, for all the rudeness and disrespect, it was a wonderful thing to see. The American people, those who watched, cannot help but realize that the Democrats are the party of immaturity, of sheer childishness. Throwing tantrums is their best thing. 
"Those who lectured and moralized the most are those least qualified to do so. Kamala Harris slept her way into California politics with Willie Brown. Cory Booker has imaginary friends he uses and abuses. When he speaks, it is pure blather. He makes no sense. Richard Blumenthal lied about having served in Vietnam. These are self-unaware people. They clearly have an exaggerated sense of their own intellectual capacity. And they don't listen." . . . 

The Only Part Of The Kavanaugh Hearing You Need To See Is Ben Sasse  . . . "While Sasse was addressing those in the room, the lecture should be well-heeded by every American. With our rights comes responsibilities to be informed and vote." . . .

. . . But that’s exactly what Durbin and other Democrats planned. During the hearing, Durbin admitted that he and other Democrats agreed in a conference call — led by Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer — on how to protest and disrupt the hearings as best they could.  . . .

Democrats wage a losing battle over Kavanaugh  . . . "There was real tension as raucous audience members took turns trying to drown out the Senate Judiciary Committee with angry shouts and screams. It’s a safe guess that none was shrieking in support of the nominee, who sat stoically through the rain of insults, though his young daughters reportedly were escorted out to spare them the ­ordeal.
"The tension peaked as Democrats on the panel rolled out their own form of disruption, a coordinated attack on the hearing itself. They even interrupted each other to demand a recess so they could vote on whether to go forward." . . .
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert
Three frauds ginned up by Democrats at the Kavanaugh hearing  . . . "What's even creepier is that Fred Guttenberg, the Parkland survivor father, admitted on Twitter that he was pretty much planning the stunt.  With a little help from Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who got him in the room, he obviously had a big fish for the media to wolf down in the press on the handshake matter.  Yet it was an utter, utter fraud, and like the screamers of Exhibit A, he couldn't keep it a secret.
"What does this string of frauds collectively show?  That the Democrats are out of ideas, they have no basis for objecting to Kavanaugh on factual grounds, so their next tack is to make some up.  It's as if they've become a party of Ben Rhodeses, millions of them, all cooking up fake narratives to hide the ugly reality and the missing facts.  This is the Democrats now, and they're starting to stink of fake news, the frauds that drip from their crazed phony narratives."
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Liberal groups knock Schumer’s handling of Kavanaugh nomination
Don't get your hopes up about the left's becoming more honorable; they don't feel Democrats were nasty enough. TD
. . . "But Schumer is grappling with multiple challenges: a base that wants him to stop Kavanaugh even though Republicans can confirm him without Democratic help, as well as a brutal midterm map and vulnerable incumbents who are under pressure to support Trump’s pick. Senate Democrats have largely united behind Schumer’s strategy of demanding documents and disrupting the Judiciary Committee’s hearing. But liberal groups say it’s not enough." . . .

Woman sitting behind Kavanaugh at his Supreme Court hearing was accused by his opponents of flashing a white power gesture. Then they learned the truth  
. . . " 'Out of all the things you should be legitimately concerned about regarding the Senate confirmation hearings in Washington, DC, today for Judge Kavanaugh," he wrote, "handshakes and handsigns ought not be among them. Actual serious constitutional issues are at stake.' "

100% FedUp posts that it was a setup to troll Democrats: 
Update: GOTCHA! LIBERALS TROLLED HARD By Hilarious Joke Done At Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing
. . . "it started off with quite a bang followed by nonsense, more nonsense, some other nonsense, then one epic prank that made every liberal wearing a tin hat look like a gullible dolt."

McCain’s Friends and Family Did Him No Honor

Graveside Love
Conrad Black  . . . "But the recourse by President Obama and Senator McCain‘s daughter to clearly hostile references to the incumbent president (who had facilitated the protracted funeral week with official favors) were in appalling taste. There was what amounted to an attempted hijack of the funeral of an authentic war hero and prominent senator, to convert it into an expression of anger and of contempt for the absent president. This campaign was torqued up all week by the Trump-hating media, who then gave maximum play to the gratuitous shots of Obama and Meghan McCain.

    "Donald Trump uttered the most unfortunate of all his acidulous criticisms of opponents when he said in 2015 that Senator McCain was mainly a hero because of his performance as a prisoner. This may have been largely true but was extremely ungracious. Anyone who was in combat over the territory of a well-armed enemy country is a brave person.
...."If the statement of then-candidate Trump is to be evaluated fairly it should be remembered that McCain had accused him of mobilizing “the crazies“ in a packed-out campaign appearance he made in the senator’s home state." . . .
The McCain Funeral Marked the End of an Era for the Globalist War Party  "Perhaps the most revealing moment in the week-long media extravaganza over John McCain’s death came on September 1, when Meghan McCain, daughter of the late senator, chose to use her “eulogy” to rip into Donald Trump. 
"Here’s how The Washington Post set the scene: 
Trump was absent and his name never invoked, but the entire service was animated by a sustained rebellion against the president’s worldview and his singular brand of politics.
“We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness,” she said, gritting her teeth through the tears. “The real thing, not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly, nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who lived lives of comfort and privilege while he suffered and served.”

"Okay, we get it: Ms. McCain hates Trump so much that she has to grit her teeth when she talks about him.  Trump and his supporters already knew that, of course. And as an aside, we might note that the good news is that in making her hatred so evident, Ms. McCain surely kiboshed any chance that Arizona Governor Doug Ducey would appoint her to fill her father’s senate seat, as some—even some who bill themselves as conservative—have suggested." . . .

Taya Kyle: Brutal Message For Nike & Kaepernick

Taya Kyle Has A Message For Kaepernick On What Real ‘Sacrifice’ Means

. . . You want to talk about someone in the NFL sacrificing everything? Pat Tillman. NFL STARTING, not benched, player who left to join the Army and died for it. THAT is sacrificing everything for something you believe in.How about other warriors? Warriors who will not be on magazine covers, who will not get lucrative contracts and millions of followers from their actions and who have truly sacrificed everything. They did it because they believed in something. Take it from me, when I say they sacrificed everything, they also sacrificed the lives of their loved ones who will never be the same. THAT is sacrificing everything for something they believe in.Did you get us talking? Yeah, you did. But, your brand recognition was strong enough. Did you teach the next generation of consumers about true grit? Not that I can see.Taking a stand, or rather a knee, against the flag which has covered the caskets of so many who actually did sacrifice everything for something they believe in, that we all believe in? Well, the irony of your almost leaves me speechless. Were you trying to be insulting? . . .

Stop Doing It – Nike Stock Trends Down After New Ad Announcement

The Real Reason Nike Shouldn’t Endorse Colin Kaepernick
. . . "Yet, instead of relishing his incredible fortune, he decided to rage against a monster. To fight a travesty. To war with injustice."There was only one problem: he forgot to find out whether that tyrannical terror actually existed."I’ll say it again: he put everything on the line to stop the scourge of something he forgot to first of all verify was real."As noted by National Review’s analysis of a Washington Post piece, in its article “Police Aren’t Targeting and Killing Black Men,” the malady is a myth:" . . .
Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took to Twitter on Monday, to lend support to anthem-protesting former quarterback Colin Kaepernick.
. . . However, the former dictator of one of the leading terrorist states in the world, has a different take. A take that happens to be consistent with most left-wing sports media opinions.So, apparently, while ESPN loses loses thousands of subscribers in the United States, it seems they have at least one loyal subscriber left in the Islamic Republic of Iran.  . . .
By golly, that endorsement is good enough for me.

Surely this is as silly as Democrats can get! There can't be anything to surpass this.

Liberals Accuse Woman Sitting Behind Kavanaugh Of Being A White Supremacist — She’s Actually A Hispanic Descendent Of Holocaust Survivors

"Here is a novel idea, get some facts before rushing to judgment." (CBS climbs on board with this as well.)
Liberal conspiracy theorists smeared a woman as a white supremacist and neo-Nazi on Tuesday because she folded her arms while sitting behind Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh at his confirmation hearing on Tuesday.
The woman, Zina Gelman Bash, is a former Kavanaugh clerk who previously worked in President Donald Trump’s administration and now serves in Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s administration.
Far from being a secret white nationalist, Bash has a Mexican mother and a Jewish father and her grandparents were Holocaust survivors, according to a source working with Kavanaugh’s confirmation team.
Bash is “the granddaughter of Polish Jews who just barely escaped the death camps,” Daily Beast reporter Lachlan Markay similarly noted.
But liberal conspiracy theorists seized upon a misleading viral video clip to falsely label the Harvard-educated lawyer a “Nazi.”
Others have endorsed Nazis as well!
Democrats call out Laura Ingraham's salute as well. They  really did!

Other obvious Nazis here: