Saturday, August 13, 2016

What about Obama being the "founder of ISIS"?

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Yes, Obama Is a Founder of ISIS  . . . "It is a myth, as the White House now claims, that President Obama inherited an Iraqi mess from President Bush and had no choice but to withdraw U.S. troops in the absence of a status of forces agreement. The problem was not that Iraq and Prime Minister Noor al-Maliki wanted the U.S. to leave, but that the force Obama wanted to leave was just too small. As Patrick Brennan has written inNational Review:
. . . 
"So unserious was Obama’s attempt to “degrade and destroy” ISIS that he at one point spared ISIS oil facilities, a prime source of its funding, because attacking them might hurt the environment.
"If you wondered why our air campaign against ISIS was inept, consider the statement by Mike Morell, speaking on the “Charlie Rose” program That we didn’t take out the oil facilities that ISIS was using to become the best financed terrorist organization in history because of our concern the environment would be harmed. As the Washington Times reported:" . . .
Intended as sarcasm or not, Donald Trump is right on this one. President Obama deserves credit as a co-founder of ISIS.

Andrew C. McCarthy: Obama’s Iraq Policy Did Not Create ISIS  . . . "Our challenge in the Middle East is that sharia supremacism fills all vacuums. It was this ideology that created ISIS long before President Obama came along. And if ISIS were to disappear tomorrow, sharia supremacism would still be our challenge. It is critical to be an effective political opposition to the Obama Left. But being effective means not letting the political part warp our judgment, especially where national security is concerned."

US President Barack Obama shared a warm embrace with Hillary Clinton, capping an all-star night that included appearances by Joe Biden, Tim Kaine and Michael Bloomberg

Fact Check: Were Obama and Hillary Founders of ISIS? You Bet
. . . "Obama’s disastrous withdrawal of U.S. combat forces from Iraq in December 2011 clearly enhanced the ability of AQI and ISI to seize control of large portions of Iraqi territory and certainly contributed to the birth of ISIS. It also opened the door for Iran to fill the vacuum.

"But as the August 2012 defense intelligence report states, that was the plan all along. Obama and Hillary wanted to create an ISIS-controlled enclave in Syria, “in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).' ”

Dick Morris takes apart Bill Clinton's DNC speech advocating Hillary's illustrious career. Other discussions on HRC here as well.

Dick Morris takes apart Bill Clinton's DNC speech advocating Hillary's illustrious career.

"They were called out as DNC hacks by the Media Research Center:
BRENT BOZELL: In the New York Times, you’ve got 1287 words. That’s a big story on the front page. You’ve also got an accompanying story next to it continuing the same thing. How many front-page stories on Hillary Clinton? Not one. How many in the New York Times? Not one. In the Washington Post, a 1400 word front-page story against trump. How many about Hillary Clinton? Not one anywhere. Both newspapers, also, savage editorials too.
Bozell also told Fox viewers how the Trump coverage has changed from months past: “It all happened the moment he won the nomination. Before then, there was been amusement. No more bemusement. They are going after him, as we knew they were going to.”

More on the press and the American Evita:

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Politico: Feds debate releasing Clinton's FBI interview  . . . "During a House Judiciary Committee hearing last month, Attorney General Loretta Lynch repeatedly noted that Comey's statement departed from the way Justice usually handles cases that result in no charges. However, she never clearly said if she agreed with his decision to speak out or not and she declined to add any detail beyond what Comey stated.
" 'I believe the FBI has provided extraordinary clarity and insight," Lynch said.
"However, some former officials said Lynch is unlikely to seek to block disclosure in the email saga—in part because of the uproar over her meeting with President Bill Clinton just days before his wife's FBI interview."

Clinton Cash Now in A Graphic Novel  "
It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s Superwoman. Actually, 
it’s super corrupt Hillary Clinton and her responses are like the Joker. Taking an already powerful non-fiction book, this graphic novel, Clinton Cash, allows for the facts to be visually expressed. The authors understood that not everyone has the time to plow through a factually based book, so they put forth their evidence in a humorous short, snappy, and clear way to expose the vastness of the evil and corrupt global Clinton Machine." . . .

David Duke Endorsing Trump Got Six Times More Coverage than Terrorist’s Father Endorsing Hillary

Mike Ciandella  "When a white supremacist endorsed Trump, the broadcast networks blamed Trump for it. But when the radical father of a terrorist endorsed Hillary and showed up in the front row of one of her rallies, these same networks quickly dismissed it as nothing worth worrying about." . . .

. . . "But when the father of the Orlando terrorist, who himself openly supports the Taliban, showed up in the front row of a Hillary Clinton rally and vocally endorsed her, those same shows on ABC and CBS quickly dismissed it as a coincidence, giving it only 1 minutes 54 seconds of coverage on August 9.  NBC went a step further and failed to cover Seddique Mir Mateen attending Hillary’s rally at all until the following day, when they gave it a whopping 18 seconds of coverage. ABC and CBS didn’t mention this story at all on August 10" . . .

The Immigrant's Dilemma

"So it is hard to square that progressive circle of idealism and realist self-interest. The Westerner does his best in the abstract by praising the non-West, lauding all cultures as equal, and deprecating his own legacy and traditions. That way, he manages to guiltlessly enjoy his exceptional Western privilege and is never responsible for the ramifications of his own ideology."

Victor Davis Hanson via The Hoover Institution

. . . "These precise Western values allow the immigrant to enjoy a security, affluence, and freedom unknown in his abandoned homeland. Yet, we, the host, prefer not to “judge” those other places, and thus do not fully embrace the immigrant’s ostensible wish to become one of us. We dare not ethnocentrically elevate our culture over others. Instead, we rebrand the human sins of slavery, sexism, and racism as uniquely Western depravities rather than age-old pathologies that predated the West and still exist unchecked outside it. The immigrant immediately senses that his troubled Western host is not so much privileged as unsure and unhappy—and ripe for psychological exploitation. Hyphenation and tribalism, not the melting pot, are often seen as the natural, expected and more “authentic” path for the recently arrived.
"Note that most immigrants do not arrive with natural empathy for the West. Most forsake countries that are hostile to the West. International surveys reveal that the United States, for example, is not popular in China, Latin America, or the Middle East—the current popular launching pads to America. In such places, popular opinion is shaped by the relentless propaganda of autocratic governments, which deride Western decadence, colonialism, imperialism, and racism. Latin American poverty, for example, is often explained as a result of el Norte exploitation rather than flawed political institutions." . . .

2012 Pentagon report warned Obama was creating ISIS

Predicted current policies would lead to Islamic state in Syria

World Net Daily


"Donald Trump’s declaration this week at a campaign rally that President Obama and Hillary Clinton “founded” ISIS drew outrage from establishment media, and the Republican nominee now insists he was being sarcastic, but a Defense Intelligence Agency document declassified last year shows the Obama administration was warned in 2012 that if it continued its policies, a radical Islamic regime could form in Eastern Syria.
"Hillary Clinton was secretary of state at the time under President Obama.
"The report said “there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in Eastern Syria, and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime.”

The Second Clinton Impeachment

Could they be a two-impeachment family?
Image result for clinton impeachment cartoons

Mike Adams  "Because the Republicans have decided to nominate a misinformed, unqualified, and unstable candidate it is now virtually guaranteed that Hillary Clinton will be our next president. Our efforts now are not to be directed toward getting Trump in office based on some pipe dream that he will somehow save the Supreme Court. Our efforts need to be focused on keeping a Republican House and Senate. The reason is simple: We have a case for impeaching Hillary Clinton beginning in January of 2017. 

"Clinton is guilty of more serious crimes than those of her husband prior to his impeachment. Next year she will have been placed in office by accepting a series of bribes – some of which have been funneled through her private “charitable” foundation and illegally used to fund her campaign for the presidency. If that is not an impeachable offense then no offense is impeachable. 

"None of this should come as a surprise. The Clintons began accepting bribes from corporations long before Bill even got out of office." . . .
Image result for clinton impeachment cartoons