Big Government ...."The 15 page document is available here via Scribd. The excerpt below is the foreword for the document. As website Zerohedge notes, one or two hacks of system critical financial institutions could easily produce widescale chaos, setting the stage for any number of significant events of this nature."
"Perhaps also of note, New York Times best selling author Michael Thomas was predicting violence on behalf of the Occupy movement in a December 26 opinion item at the Daily Beast, though there’s nothing to suggest the two developments are at all linked."
What's with those "Guy Fawkes" masks?
After appearing in internet forums, the mask was worn by participants in real-life protests and has become widespread internationally among groups protesting against politicians, banks and financial institutions, such as the "Occupy" protests.
"The mask portrays a white face with a subtle smile, a wide moustache upturned at both ends, and a thin vertical pointed beard. It is often accompanied by a black cape and a black conical hat."
ABC News: How Did Guy Fawkes Become a Symbol of Occupy Wall Street?

[Nov 5th] is Guy Fawkes Day. In Great Britain, Guy Fawkes Day — and its post-meridian counterpart, Bonfire Night — have been celebrated every Nov. 5 for centuries, since soon after Fawkes’ death in 1605.
"In the lead-up to today, a Guy Fawkes mask spawned by the 2006 movie
“V for Vendetta”
has become the accessory of choice at Occupy Wall Street and similar protests around the world."
"So who was Guy Fawkes, and how did he become a symbol of protesters more than 400 years after his death?"
Occupy Pasadena Protesters Look to Ruin the Tournament of Roses New Years Day Parade
"There is a time and place for protests, the New Years Day Tournament of Roses Parade happens not to be one of them. I will say this, that if these fools mar this event in front of millions of onlookers, they will permanently seal their fate.
"How pathetic is it that cities have to pay more money by beefing up law enforcement to deal with these menaces? Pasadena police had to ramp up for Occupy the Rose Parade protesters. You know when police must ramp up for events, when there are terror concerns. You make the comparisons."
At least OWS won't need porta-potties. TW chooses neither to link to this protest site nor show their flyer, which you can see for yourself online. Consider this my personal protest against #OWS.