Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How photojournalists manipulate the news

Media – Photo journalism behind the scenes  "Reporters in war zones risk their lives to tell us what is going on and without their reports we would be much less informed. We should, and we are, grateful for what they do. Thanks to their work we are aware. But as the old adage goes: there is more to a picture than meets the eye. What we see is not what is, but what we are shown. And that always originates from a perspective. Hardly truly objective, and not necessarily innocent." Via Caroline Glick

See the revealing perspective of this video: 

America the adequate

Obama's Albatross "Warren is a living reminder of the economic and social mess that Democrats have created. For Republicans, she is an asset; for Democrats, she is an albatross about their collective neck. Undoubtedly, many of them feel that she should have heeded the advice of former Republican president Abraham Lincoln who observed that it is better to be silent and thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt."

 Charles Krauthammer: Return of the Real Obama ; President Obama shifts from a phony centrism back to his social-democratic core.  "The authentic Obama is a leveler, a committed social democrat, a staunch believer in the redistributionist state, a tribune, above all, of “fairness” — understood as government-imposed and government-enforced equality.
"That’s why “soak the rich” is not just a campaign slogan to rally the base. It’s a mission, a vocation. It’s why for all its gratuitous cynicism and demagoguery, Obama’s populist Rose Garden lecture on Monday was delivered with such obvious — and unusual — conviction."

Is Herman Cain the left's worst nightmare?

Thomas Lifson  "Politico, which pretends to be a nonpartisan website while harboring three members of the infamous JourNoList conspiracy to shape news to favor Obama, has revealed how deeply it and the Democrats fear Herman Cain. American Glob noticed that in pictorial display of the GOP presidential field, Politico somehow managed to include Huntsman and Santorum, but omit Herman Cain's beautiful black face. Here is their screen capture:"
"Unlike Barack Obama, Herman Cain comes from African-American roots, with slave ancestors, and blue collar parents. While Obama's Luo ancestors in Africa were [slave] holders, Cain's ancestors were slaves in America. Cain didn't attend any elite prep schools or Ivy League universities, he was the first member of his family to attend college and rose on merit in the corporate world, before the era of affirmative action. He is, to use Al Sharpton's phrase, "authentic."
"No wonder the left and its press lickspittles are so worried."   (Emphasis added)

'Hermaneutics' Cain-Style  "Oh, but wait! Obama had better not remove the race card too fast. Herman identifies with racists in a way, because as a black man he knows the racism issue isn't about skin color. On the left, racism is defined as: "People who oppose Obama," and in the past Mr. Cain has in fact admitted, "I guess I'm a racist."
"The confusion surrounding having two black candidates for president would make for interesting theatre. Take for instance Black Panther poll watchers standing guard for racial equality. How would they know whom to wave their clubs at on Election Day? Do the Panthers intimidate whites voting for Obama or blacks voting for Cain? How would they figure out who is voting for whom? What a quandary."....
"Herman Cain may not be the perfect candidate but, then again, who is? Moreover, Mr. Cain getting the Republican nomination, unfortunately, is doubtful." Jeannie DeAngelis

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Droppin' them "G"s

Let's talk about Race, shall we?

Disband the Congressional Black Caucus
Roger L Simon  "We’re in the era of Herman Cain, people, not Maxine Waters, Jesse Jackson, the stultifying Travis Smiley, or that man who has put a generation of Harvard and Princeton students into perpetual narcoleptic sleep — Dr. Cornel West.
"And while we’re at it, all other caucuses based on race, religion, creed, or national origin should be put out to pasture along with it. Such groupings are so reactionary and self-destructive they make your eyes roll back in your head,....
They divide us and help no one. They have no justification any more, if they ever did.
"Racism is dead. Or as dead as it’s ever going to be.
"Sure there are a few nitwits who are bigots ...but they are pariahs..... Racism as we knew it is over, unless for reasons of nostalgia or personal or political gain, you want to keep it alive. Time to shut up already about race." Emphasis added.

The Real Story Why Cain Won the FL Straw Poll  "They wanted their vote to prove that the GOP and the Tea Party are not racist (take that Morgan Freeman and Black Caucus) but instead are willing to embrace a man of color whose personal story and political philosophy they wholeheartedly support."

Conservative Black Chick: Obama to Blacks: Take Off Your Bedroom Slippers; Stop Complaining  "What liberals mean to say is the vast left wing media calls attention to Republicans when they make racist remarks but rarely if ever puts a spot light on a liberal for doing the same.
"Let’s see how the liberal news media attempts to white-wash these condescending, Obama’s racially charged remarks." Crystal Wright

Black Quill and Ink has this: Black Liberation Theology and the Economy  "This explains why Obama subscribes to “socialist” tenets because under socialism it is the collective that share, equally, in the wealth and benefits of the state This is a markedly different philosophy from main stream Christian belief that salvation is a process by which God saves individuals through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. Each person must come to Christ individually, not collectively."

The Black Sphere : If Only Obama Were White   "In short, black Liberals are horrible workers. They under-perform then use the race card, daring employers to fire them. A secret in the black community is black employers don’t even want to hire black Liberals. Black Liberals are like this because they have been taught to be like this by their Liberal black leaders, who encourage such behavior."

Morgan Freeman's Tea Party Accusation "Utterly Outrageous" and "Dangerous" ..
...it is “dangerous” for the President and his supporters to seek to exacerbate racial tensions as a means to “whip up the base” and regain political momentum for the Obama agenda."

New Video Betrays NAACP's Bizarre Logic     "MRC visited the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Dinner in Washington to ask attendees if the tea party is racist. The attendees are also asked about Allen West and Herman Cain and what they think of black members of the tea party. One man says they can go to hell, another lady calls them 'oreos.' "
Neal Boortz