Youtube James Crocker "The woman actually seems dumbfounded that these questions are being asked. It’s quite sad that we have people in charge that are this delusional."
Monday, March 22, 2021
"In this case, a win for the cancellation artists would validate the dark prophesies one often finds in conservative writing, including on Substack..."
Ann Althouse; quoting Megan McArdle in "The Substack controversy’s bigger story" (WaPo). What is Substack?"... a future where 'woke capital,' in thrall to left-wing activists, makes it effectively impossible to hold a professional-class job without enthusiastically embracing progressive orthodoxy — especially on issues of identity. That world already seems uncomfortably close for journalists and academics, given that most of their institutions lean left. But self-publishing? It ought to be immune from cancellation unless the mob can somehow convince you to fire yourself. That changes, however, if activists can enforce a secondary boycott on the
newsletter services, payment processors or web hosts that writers use. If that happens, it’s hard to see where viewpoint diversity could survive for long, except possibly in conservative outlets big enough to run their own technology and thereby survive the purge.... [E]conomist Cameron Harwick suggested... We actually are witnessing woke capital do what capital normally does, if the capitalist controls a monopoly. That is, extracting excess returns from the market — what economists call 'rents.'... And woke capital, Harwick argues, is actually the creation of a labor cartel: the highly progressive monoculture of professional workers. To keep them happy, institutions that employ a lot of professionals have been pressured toward a narrow ideological consensus, corresponding to the views of roughly the left-most 8 percent of the American electorate. It’s a hidden fringe benefit that Harwick dubs 'ideological rents.' If Harwick is right, then cancel culture can’t be defeated by Republican senators hassling Facebook or Twitter, because that doesn’t touch the monoculture...."
Continue on into the very intelligent comments. Mostly a very enlightening discussion. TD
Jealous Dubya Bush emerges a pathetic, bitter little man
Monica Showalter . . . "So now Bush is freely taking potshots against President Trump, something he only occasionally did when Trump was president and something he never did against President Obama, who did more to destroy the institutions of the U.S. and wokester-fy the U.S. military and Justice department than anyone. Maybe he's trying to suck up to Joe Biden, an old acquaintance, and now trying to get his licks in. Maybe he's just still seething, and it's boiling over.
"Bush has never liked President Trump."Unlike Obama, Trump made Bush's own record as president look awful in comparison.
"Unlike Trump, Bush did a paltry tax cut and got a paltry, barely there, recovery. He got the U.S. into a string of useless never-ending wars, none of which gained the U.S. anything, and all of which were costly in terms of U.S. blood and treasure, never recognizing the folly of nation-building. The only people who gained were Bush-linked "consultants." He did nothing as the media attacked him as "Hitler," he never liked his Republican voters, and he always tried to suck up to the swamp establishment, hoping to extend his political power to his relatives in a sort of "dynasty," which is revolting to voters. He was also big on expanding government power — in the Patriot Act, which is now being abused on Republicans instead of bloodthirsty terrorists, and in bringing us the TSA, targeting old blue-haired ladies instead of angry Middle Eastern military-aged young men. Maybe his biggest failure was that he and his brother, terrified of what consultants called "the Latino vote" constantly sucked up to the open borders lobby narrative on immigration, leaving the U.S. border open, and attempting and failing to get an amnesty bill through in 2007. (Do you wonder what he thought of those majority votes for Trump in Texas's solidly Latino Rio Grande Valley? Anyone ask?) Bottom line: what a shambles of a president he was." . . .
A Detailed and Disturbing Overview: Joe Biden Looks Seriously Unwell
Reminder: In 1962 the world came closest to Armageddon when the Soviet Union moved nuclear missiles into Cuba after Premier Nikita Khrushchev determined that John Kennedy was a weak president
. . . "You saw much media attention last week on Biden’s exclusive network interview with a handpicked former Bill Clinton aide. It was taped Wednesday but not broadcast until Thursday. What you likely missed in the avalanche of adulation was a tiny italic note on ABC’s transcript—“Edited for Clarity.' ” . . .
Here is the full statement by former President Donald Trump on the crisis at the border, and U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ handling of it on Sunday news shows:
Boston Herald . . .
“We proudly handed the Biden Administration the most secure border in history. All they had to do was keep this smooth-running system on autopilot. Instead, in the span of a just few weeks, the Biden Administration has turned a national triumph into a national disaster. They are in way over their heads and taking on water fast.
The pathetic, clueless performance of Secretary Mayorkas on the Sunday Shows today was a national disgrace. His self-satisfied presentation—in the middle of the massive crisis he helped engineer—is yet more proof he is incapable of leading DHS. Even someone of Mayorkas’ limited abilities should understand that if you provide Catch-and-Release to the world’s illegal aliens then the whole world will come.
Furthermore, the Mayorkas Gag Order on our Nation’s heroic border agents and ICE officers should be the subject of an immediate congressional investigation. But it’s clear they are engaged in a huge cover-up to hide just how bad things truly are. The only way to end the Biden Border Crisis is for them to admit their total failure and adopt the profoundly effective, proven Trump policies.
They must immediately complete the wall, which can be done in a matter of weeks—they should never have stopped it. They are causing death and human tragedy. In addition to the obvious, drugs are pouring into our country at record levels from the Southern Border, not to mention human and sex trafficking. This Administration’s reckless policies are enabling and encouraging crimes against humanity. Our Country is being destroyed!”
Team Biden’s disgraceful border media blackout
"No, I hadn't see this news item late last week, about George Bush suddenly not "owing" another president his "silence," in his string of lip-curling insults directed at President Trump. Guess I don't view him as worth watching much. But sure enough, he had plenty of hateful things to say about President Trump for the left-wing media, and he's the smaller for it.
"Here were his three worst whoppers, as cited by Business Insider:
"Stumbling Towards Decline With Biden Week at Legal Insurrection"
"Does everyone appreciate the symbolic value of this moment?
"How embarrassing.
- Biden Calls Kamala ‘President Harris’ During Media Appearance
- China Taunts Biden Admin at Alaska Summit: U.S. Does Not “Speak to China From Position of Strength”
"Does anyone believe this would happen under Trump?" . . .
William Lancaster "We here in the US have some sick leaders to even propose such a bill - What is this country coming to?"