US-Russia: from ‘Reset’ to regret "The fact is Putin wants the US to get out of the way of Russia’s re-emergence — but is willing to cooperate on issues that benefit him politically or Moscow in general. That’s really nothing new."
U.S., Israel developed Flame computer virus to slow Iranian nuclear efforts "The effort to delay Iran’s nuclear program using cyber-techniques began in the mid-2000s, during President George W. Bush’s second term."
Earth Summit Babble "There is one good reason to not ignore the Earth Summit. They are telling you just what kind of an Orwellian and totalitarian world they have in mind for you." Alan Caruba
The Scandal of Our Age "We sort of knew about the cyber war against Iran, but not to the detail that Sanger provides and not through the direct agency of the Obama administration itself." Victor Davis Hanson
US Senator Urges Independent Probe of National Security Leaks "Senator Joseph Lieberman, an Independent who nevertheless is part of the chamber’s Democratic majority, is now siding with Republicans on the matter."
Vulgarians On The Loose! "That is, unless your little body hasn't been born yet, in which case, liberals think it can be torn to shreds and dumped in the garbage -- a point they argue by shouting "vagina" and claiming Republican legislators want to date-rape them." Ann Coulter
Samuelson: Obamacare a 'Colossal Error of Judgment "President Barack Obama’s focus on reforming health care as a centerpiece of his first term amounted to a "colossal error of judgment" that weakens the economic recovery and angers millions of Americans..." Robert Samuelson
Gum chewing at the G20 "This is embarrassing. The President of the United States looks like an unpopular kid at a high school dance in the early seonds of the video below, circling around the more popular kids, chewing gum." American Thinker
Jon Stewart: A Rich Man Attacking Other Rich Men For Being Rich "While Romney is wealthy, he created hundreds of jobs and has run a state very successfully. Oh, and he saved Olympics. Jon Stewart, simply has created no jobs other than the people he pays to run his condescending, low-rated show."
BIOGRAPHER ADMITS: THERE WAS NO OBAMA FAMILY "What Maraniss has laid bare, perhaps without meaning to, is a journalistic scandal of historic proportions in which, alas, he himself has played a part." Jack Cashill Yes, Obama’s Bio Lies Constitute a Pattern
Obama now owns "Fast and Furious" "No longer is this a merely DOJ problem. The president’s invocation of his privilege makes the problem his own." NRO
Pelosi: “I could’ve arrested Karl Rove on any given day” "Asked on what grounds she could have arrested Rove, Pelosi replied, “Oh, any number. But there were some specific ones for his being in contempt of Congress." Hot Air

More Rats Jump Ship… Two More Democrats Will Skip DNC Convention "Artur Davis, one of President Obama’s earliest supporters and a former co-chairman for his presidential campaign, announced Tuesday that he was leaving the Democratic Party for good." Gateway Pundit
Mitch McConnell and Free Speech "...McConnell says, Obama and his allies will keep shaming Americans who support conservative causes. " NRO
House Committee Told Political Correctness Towards Islamic Terrorism Hampers Military… The Obama administration “chose political correctness over accurately labeling and identifying certain terrorist attacks appropriately, thereby denying Purple Heart medals to killed and wounded troops in domestic terror attacks,” the report said. Weasel Zippers
Earth Summit Babble "There is one good reason to not ignore the Earth Summit. They are telling you just what kind of an Orwellian and totalitarian world they have in mind for you." Alan Caruba
The Scandal of Our Age "We sort of knew about the cyber war against Iran, but not to the detail that Sanger provides and not through the direct agency of the Obama administration itself." Victor Davis Hanson
US Senator Urges Independent Probe of National Security Leaks "Senator Joseph Lieberman, an Independent who nevertheless is part of the chamber’s Democratic majority, is now siding with Republicans on the matter."
Vulgarians On The Loose! "That is, unless your little body hasn't been born yet, in which case, liberals think it can be torn to shreds and dumped in the garbage -- a point they argue by shouting "vagina" and claiming Republican legislators want to date-rape them." Ann Coulter
Samuelson: Obamacare a 'Colossal Error of Judgment "President Barack Obama’s focus on reforming health care as a centerpiece of his first term amounted to a "colossal error of judgment" that weakens the economic recovery and angers millions of Americans..." Robert Samuelson
Gum chewing at the G20 "This is embarrassing. The President of the United States looks like an unpopular kid at a high school dance in the early seonds of the video below, circling around the more popular kids, chewing gum." American Thinker
Jon Stewart: A Rich Man Attacking Other Rich Men For Being Rich "While Romney is wealthy, he created hundreds of jobs and has run a state very successfully. Oh, and he saved Olympics. Jon Stewart, simply has created no jobs other than the people he pays to run his condescending, low-rated show."
BIOGRAPHER ADMITS: THERE WAS NO OBAMA FAMILY "What Maraniss has laid bare, perhaps without meaning to, is a journalistic scandal of historic proportions in which, alas, he himself has played a part." Jack Cashill Yes, Obama’s Bio Lies Constitute a Pattern
Obama now owns "Fast and Furious" "No longer is this a merely DOJ problem. The president’s invocation of his privilege makes the problem his own." NRO
Pelosi: “I could’ve arrested Karl Rove on any given day” "Asked on what grounds she could have arrested Rove, Pelosi replied, “Oh, any number. But there were some specific ones for his being in contempt of Congress." Hot Air

More Rats Jump Ship… Two More Democrats Will Skip DNC Convention "Artur Davis, one of President Obama’s earliest supporters and a former co-chairman for his presidential campaign, announced Tuesday that he was leaving the Democratic Party for good." Gateway Pundit
Mitch McConnell and Free Speech "...McConnell says, Obama and his allies will keep shaming Americans who support conservative causes. " NRO
House Committee Told Political Correctness Towards Islamic Terrorism Hampers Military… The Obama administration “chose political correctness over accurately labeling and identifying certain terrorist attacks appropriately, thereby denying Purple Heart medals to killed and wounded troops in domestic terror attacks,” the report said. Weasel Zippers