Friday, July 6, 2012

What did the Supreme Court rule on Obamacare? Duhh .. Duhh

Neal Boortz  "How are we expected to save this Republic when we let uninformed ignoranuses and moochers into voting booths?"
.... "Now, one out of every seven Americans is on food stamps. So the number of people reliant on the government continues to swell and then an election rolls around. A Democrat like Barack Obama or some other hack stands up there and says, “If you elect the Republicans, they will take away your food stamp cards!” And so the moochers go out and vote for the guy who will continue to provide the American version of the prepaid gift card."

But I Love That Place: The 7 Most Overrated Fast Food Restaurants

PJ Media Lifestyle

"French fries sizzling in hot oil. Fresh (at least at some point) hamburger searing on the flat top grill. Squeaky-voiced teen messing up our order and saying he’ll have to ask his manager. This is the fast food experience Americans are all familiar with. When we walk into a fast food restaurant we all have a certain set of expectations about the food and service based on our previous experiences. That’s why we continue to go back — no matter where in the country we are, we expect the same McDonald’s or Taco Bell meal.
"However, it seems to be increasingly evident that fast food restaurants are trying new gimmicks marketing techniques to change both our expectations and perceptions of what they’re serving and how they’re serving it.  If my business was being endlessly attacked by nanny-staters that want to dictate what I can and can’t serve my customers, I’d probably try almost anything to keep them coming in the door. But when you try to create the perception of better food and better value instead of actually giving it to your customers, you become a prime candidate for today’s list."
Editor’s Note: Be sure and check out more of Brent’s food blogging at his site Random Dude Eats Random Food.
Companion Article: Burger Battle: In-N-Out Vs Five Guys
"An East Coast upstart challenges a West Coast classic and a Texan's taste buds act as judge, jury, and executioner. See Bridget Johnson's rebuttal here."
Those in the upper Midwest and in the DFW area may learn to love Culvers.  Not only do I find their burgers to be works of art (though not presented as nicely as In-N-Out's), I also love their chili supreme. The restaurants are attractive and I've always found the service to be gracious and friendly.

What Romney Needs to Say About RomneyCare

J. Robert Smith   "Romney doesn't need to devote much, if any, time to parsing RomneyCare.  The former Massachusetts governor needs to spend loads of time flailing President Obama for his ObamaCare fiasco.
"The lines of attack are many and rich for Romney, and he should exploit every last one of them.  After all, Romney has the wind at his back on ObamaCare.  About 55% of the electorate consistently oppose the president's takeover of health care. 
"Romney's not exactly being asked to make a courageous, uphill fight to persuade voters that ObamaCare's a big loser.  Most voters are, in fact, eager for Romney to take the gloves off and relentlessly pound away at Mr. Obama and his statist health care scheme." ....

Mr. Smith's article links to this article titled, "Romney's Tom Dewey Moment":  Obamacare tax confusion a warning sign: the peril of playing it safe.

...."Now the Message is Carrying Mitt.  
"No one but Obama underlings in Chicago give the proverbial rat's rear end what Mitt Romney did in Massachusetts with Romneycare. As demonstrated in a blink by all those thousands who gave millions to the Romney campaign -- unasked."

A Vast New Taxing Power

Wall Street Journal; "The Chief Justice's ObamaCare ruling is far from the check on Congress of right-left myth."

"The commentary on John Roberts's solo walk into the Affordable Care Act wilderness is converging on a common theme: The Chief Justice is a genius. All of a sudden he is a chessmaster, a statesman, a Burkean minimalist, a battle-loser but war-winner, a Daniel Webster for our times.

"Now that we've had more time to take in Chief Justice Roberts's reasoning, we have a better summary: politician. In fact, his 5-4 ruling validating the constitutional arguments against purchase mandates and 5-4 ruling endorsing them as taxes is far more dangerous, and far more political, even than it first appeared last week." More...Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

EQCA-Sponsored Bill to Curb Sexual Orientation Conversion "Therapy" Headed to Senate Floor

YubaNet   "Senate Bill 1172, authored by Senator Ted Lieu, would ban all sexual orientation change efforts with respect to minors, regardless of a parent's willingness or desire to authorize such "treatments." Senate Bill 1172 would also prohibit therapists from engaging in these practices with adult patients without first disclosing the risks of harm and obtaining the patient's informed consent. Under the law, adult patients must be provided with the following statement prior to consenting to treatment:

" "Having a lesbian, gay, or bisexual sexual orientation is not a mental disorder. Sexual orientation change efforts have not been shown to be safe or effective and can, in fact, be harmful. The risks include, but are not limited to, depression, anxiety, self-destructive behavior and suicide.

"The American Psychological Association convened a Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation and it concluded:"

Hat tip to Harley Standlee, Placerville, CA

Betting on America

Barack Obama is on the road again, climbing aboard the Canadian-built pitch-black "Darth Bus" to take a tour of Ohio and Pennsylvania for the critical purpose of being unavailable to reporters when Friday's jobs report is released.

And because he's got no encouraging news for those states other than "I didn't raise your taxes! I raised your penalties!," the president is showcasing a shiny new slogan to replace all of the ones which have failed to get traction previously. And that slogan is: "Betting on America."