Saturday, February 9, 2013

Dr. Ben Carson confronts Obama and Biden publicly over ObamaCare (Sunday morning update just added)

UPDATE from the Wall Street Journal: Ben Carson for President
"The Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon may not be politically correct, but he's closer to correct than we've heard in years."

PowerLine Blog  "Watching the video, I also couldn’t help but wonder what Obama was thinking. My guess is he was thinking: this is a dangerous guy. At a key point in Dr. Carson’s speech, Obama appears to check his Blackberry — just so you might not think he was overly impressed."
This is no lightweight individual that is speaking to Obama. Learn more about Doctor Carson here: 
"Gifted Hands - the Ben Carson Story "; His surgery separates conjoined twins
Penn State University TV special: Ben Carson: An Extraordinary Life - Conversations from Penn State  Get to know this remarkable individual before you begin reading stories from the left about what a bad man he is.
Ambush at Hilton Hollow  "...Forced to sit at the dais and suck it up while a renowned pediatric neurosurgeon from Johns Hopkins Medical School, Dr. Benjamin Carson, debunked the concept of Obamacare as well as pointing out the president's seeming indifference to the national debt, Obama did his best to smile but he simply could not suppress that droned-out expression, the one, you know, that kills.
"Obama's first frown comes a few minutes into the talk when Dr. Carson uses the term, PC, for politically correct, in his discussion of how difficult it is to speak these days without offending someone's too-tender sensibilities."

Byron York: With public focused on jobs, Washington fights other fights

Washington Examiner  "So what is Washington doing amid these deep economic anxieties? Working on a bipartisan plan that would begin with the mass, immediate legalization of illegal immigrants, before any border security or enforcement measures.
"That those two facts exist simultaneously -- deep fears about the economy and a political fixation on immigration reform -- is just one illustration of a disconnect between national political leaders and the people who elected them."
I suggest that Obama would rather lead a revolution than to actually govern anything.
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