Tuesday, April 5, 2022

BLM purchased $6 million Los Angeles mansion with donor money: Report

 Washington Examiner

The national Black Lives Matter group purchased a $6 million mansion in a Los Angeles neighborhood with donor cash in October 2020 and then maneuvered to keep the purchase a secret, according to a report Monday.

BLM Global Network Foundation used a man with close business ties to the charity's co-founder, Patrisse Cullors, to purchase the luxury mansion with the charity's cash resources, according to a report by New York magazine. The property purchase came just two weeks after BLM received a $66.5 million cash infusion from its former fiscal sponsor on Oct. 6, 2020.". . .

. . . "Abdullah later blasted critics for demanding accountability for their management of BLM's millions.

“Who the f*** are you? You ain’t done s***,” Abdullah said. "I don't need to be accountable to you. ... I don't know what accountability looks like with people that I don't know and have never talked to."

"Paul Kamenar, an attorney for the watchdog group the National Legal and Policy Center, said Monday that Cullors's use of BLM's property for use on her personal YouTube channel appears to be an IRS violation.". . .

Russia faces global outrage over bodies in Ukraine’s streets


Zelenskyy appealed for more weaponry as Russia prepares a new offensive.  “If we had already got what we needed — all these planes, tanks, artillery, anti-missile and anti-ship weapons — we could have saved thousands of people,” he said.

"Associated Press journalists saw dozens of bodies in Bucha, including at least 13 in and around a building that local people said Russian troops used as a base. Three other bodies were found in a stairwell, and a group of six were burned together.

"Many victims seen by AP appeared to have been shot at close range. Some were shot in the head. At least two had their hands tied. A bag of spilled groceries lay near one victim.

"The dead witnessed by the news agency’s journalists also included bodies wrapped in black plastic, piled on one end of a mass grave in a Bucha churchyard. Many of those victims had been shot in cars or killed in explosions trying to flee the city. With the morgue full and the cemetery impossible to reach, the churchyard was the only place to keep the dead, Father Andrii Galavin said.

"Tanya Nedashkivs’ka said she buried her husband in a garden outside their apartment building after he was detained by Russian troops. His body was one of those left heaped in a stairwell.

“Please, I am begging you, do something!” she said. “It’s me talking, a Ukrainian woman, a Ukrainian woman, a mother of two kids and one grandchild. For all the wives and mothers, make peace on Earth so no one ever grieves again.”. . .

Ukraine war: Drone video shows Russian tank 'opening fire on a cyclist' in Bucha | Daily Mail Online    

A satellite image taken of a street in the city of Bucha on March 19 - when Russian forces were in full control of the city - shows dark objects in the road that exactly match where civilian corpses were later discovered by Ukrainian troops

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said TV stations refused to let him appear in his commercials

December 17, 2021 Update On Lindell’s Supreme Court Election Fraud Case! - The True Defender !

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said TV stations refused to let him appear in his commercials (foxla.com)

Lindell has continued to push bogus claims of election fraud since Trump’s loss to Biden in the presidential race. MyPillow’s logo was also prominently featured on TrumpMarch.com, a website that promoted the Jan. 6 events in Washington, in which rioters stormed the Capitol.

 "MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell claims he has been prohibited from appearing in some of his company's commercials. 

" ' I had 12 TV stations just the other day now say that I couldn't be in the commercials. I cannot personally be in them," Lindell said during an interview with the Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) on Saturday. 

"Lindell, a strong supporter of former President Donald Trump, did not say specifically which stations had stopped him from appearing but called them "smaller networks."

" 'They want my voice stopped," Lindell said. He added that he had only heard the news about his appearance ban the day before. 

" 'Believe me, they cancel, they will never get to sell my product again," he said. 

"During the interview, Lindell also said that customers who buy his pillow products were in a unique situation because they "were supporting getting rid of" the voting machines "[and] everything we're doing to save our country," while also getting a "good product." . . .More here: MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said TV stations refused to let him appear in his commercials (foxla.com)

Barack! Cleanup in aisles one to seven!

 He'll want to make Bruce proud of him, as well as helping Jen out. TD

Obama called in to clean up after Joe Biden - American Thinker   . . ."Obama remains a popular figure within the Democratic Party, while Biden faces low public approval ratings thanks in part to high inflation and the lingering COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, Democrats face the risk of losing control of at least one if not both chambers of Congress in November, which would bring Biden's legislative agenda to a halt.

"The Biden administration will unveil a measure on Tuesday to fix an element of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, known as the "family glitch" that left family members of those with access to affordable employer-provided health plans ineligible for certain subsidies.". . .

Why would Joe be inviting Obama over to claim credit for that rare "accomplishment" that Joe can call his own?  Politicians don't work like that.

The claims to warmth and friendship are even more suspect, given Obama's known contempt for the clownish, senile Biden.

"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f--- things up."

"You don't have to do this, Joe..."

Recall also that Biden had to beg Obama to call him "Mr. Vice President," given the contemptuous nicknames Obama was flinging around to staff early in Obama's term.

Obama refused to endorse Biden for president until it was impossible not to, way late in the campaign, and he never went out campaigning with his basement-dwelling best buddy.". . .

Biden Presses Panic Button, Invites Obama to White House – PJ Media   . . ."It’s very out of the ordinary for a former president to return to the White House for such an affair, which suggests that the Biden White House desperately wants Obama to participate in the hopes that having him on board for the event will generate some much-needed good publicity. Biden’s RealClearPolitics average currently sits at -13.2 points."

‘It’s Illegal to Kill People’: Twitter Explains to David Hogg Why His Human-Killing License Idea is Bad

Go home and grow up, David. Maybe then your friends at CNN will take you more seriously than you think they do now, 

 David Hogg's Idea for Murder Licensing Not a Hit on Twitter (mediaite.com) "In a Saturday tweet, anti-gun activist David Hogg seems to have come up with a new plot twist on the often retold plot of “The Most Dangerous Game”, the 1924 short story about a man hunting human beings that has spawned movies and copycat stories for decades.

“If you need a license to kill deer why don’t you need one to kill humans?” asked Hogg in his tweet.". . . 

Jonah Goldberg tweeted: I'll type slowly so you can keep up. Because we don't give out licenses to kill humans. We charge people who intentionally kill humans -- save in self-defense -- with committing a crime (in some cases punishable by death). Maybe you've seen too many James Bond movies?

Leon Wolf: Raise the voting age to 30 maybe

This kid was accepted to Harvard. What does that say about Harvard?

U.S. Supreme Court nominee Jackson secures more Republican backers, clears hurdle

 Without reading this article, tell me who the Republicans are. C'mom, you can do it. TD

U.S. Supreme Court nominee Jackson secures more Republican backers, clears hurdle | Reuters  WASHINGTON, April 4 (Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson secured the support of two more Senate Republicans on Monday, as she cleared a procedural hurdle toward becoming the first Black woman to serve on the nation's top judicial body.

"Republicans Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney joined Susan Collins in saying they would vote to confirm Jackson, 51, to a lifetime seat on the court later this week. They also supported a procedural 53-47 vote to bring her nomination to the Senate floor after the Senate Judiciary Committee deadlocked 11-11 along party lines on whether to advance the nomination.

"Murkowski and Romney, who do not serve on the Judiciary Committee, announced their backing of Jackson as the Senate began voting to "discharge" the nomination from the panel, propelling it to the full Senate.

"Their endorsement came after Collins last week became the first Republican senator to announce her support for Jackson. read more". . .

Moderate GOP Sens. Romney, Murkowski Pledge to Vote in Support of KBJ's SCOTUS Confirmation (townhall.com)  Not Cheney or Kinsinger?

What Conservatives Found Peculiar About Mitt Romney's Decision on Ketanji Brown Jackson (townhall.com)

. . ."It's always those three—always. When it comes time for Republicans to unite, they will find some reason to stab us in the back. The Romney hate erupted within the ranks of the conservative base and for good reason. Not only did Romney stab us in the back, but he had also previously voted against Judge Jackson for her lower court appointment. She’s not qualified for the appeals court, but she’s a-okay for the Supreme Court. That’s the anti-Trump GOP for you, everyone. Luckily, they’re a breed that’s rapidly approaching extinction.

. . . And if these three were to not ever hold their offices again, the Senate Republicans would be infinitely better off. Matt Vespa

Comment to this post: 
"Collins shouldn’t be compared to Romney and Murkowski. Collins is as conservative as she could be in a sapphire blue state without getting kicked out while Romney and Murkowski are just pissing on us. Luckily there is something called voting, if your(sp)from Alaska there is a primary soon."  Danny

Huntsman On Romney: He’s A “Perfectly Lubricated Weather Vane” (outsidethebeltway.com)

School Nurse Blows Whistle: Woke Teachers Giving Kids 'Puberty Blockers' in 'Secret'

 Neon Nettle  

Leslie Torres-Rodriguez, Superintendent of Hartford Public Schools, said in a Monday letter that the nurse's "inappropriate" comments about LGBTQ students in the district were posted in a Facebook group, and they "described private and personal details about a specific student."

However, the Daily Mail unearthed the nurse's post, and no student is named in it.

"A school nurse has blown the whistle to reveal that "woke" teachers and school officials are drugging "transgender" children with "puberty blockers" and keeping it "secret" from their parents.

"Kathleen Cataford, 77, was suspended by Hartford Public Schools School in Connecticut after she posted comments revealing that teachers are encouraging kids to "transition" to a new gender and keep it hidden from their families.

"Cataford, who worked at the Richard J Kinsella Magnet School in Hartford, was axed from her role Monday over the explosive Facebook post, which was branded "transphobic."

"The post exposed an incident involving an unnamed 11-year-old girl on "puberty blockers."

"She also revealed that many students are encouraged to "identify" as "non-binary" while at school.

"Cataford said most of the parents have no idea what is happening with their children due to students and school staff keeping it a "secret" from them."

Doocy GRILLS The WH Over Their Support Of Teaching LGBT Topics In The Classroom - Choice Clips (whatfinger.com)