Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Thomas Sowell. Clarence Thomas: Biden Has Always Been a Doofus...

Youtube "Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas and Newt Gingrich expose Biden for the incompetent phony he always was, and still is."

Watch the full version of the clips used in this video: Thomas Sowell— https://bit.ly/3efri1o Clarence Thomas— https://bit.ly/3tu3IEI Newt Gingrich— https://bit.ly/2QbTWIW


Jason Whitlock Fires a Warning Shot at White Men and American Males with Traditional Values – What the Left Did to Black Men, “YOU’RE NEXT!”

 Pastorius @ DEPLORABLE Bloggers Alliance  "Sportswriter and conservative thought leader Jason Whitlock appeared on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Thursday to discuss the recent liberal media attacks on black comedian Dave Chappelle and NBA player Kyrie Irving. Whitlock described how the liberal left has destroyed black men and the black family in America today. He then fired a warning shot at white men and men with traditional values. The left is coming for you next.    

"Whitlock recently said as much in his column at The Blaze. 

"Tucker asked Whitlock to summarize his latest piece for the viewers. 

Jason Whitlock: “It’s critical that men stand up because we’re teh ones being bullied into the closet if we have any traditional values… In my podcast I’m trying to explain to all men regardless of color, we got to get into this together. You can’t look at this and go, Oh look what’s happening to black guys, and not understand – You’re next! You’re next! They’re in your schools emasculating you right now with critical race theory and teaching your kids that you’re the worst person on the planet. They’ve come for us. I admit, from the Great Society Initiative and the total emasculating of black men, and the creation of the welfare state, and running the man out of the black family. And now we have all these confused and clueless and dysfunctional kids. I’m telling you, YOU’RE NEXT! And if we don’t come together those of us who believe in a higher power, those of us who believe in God and Jesus, those of us with traditional male values. If we don’t come together regardless of our skin color, we’re all going down!

. . .  Before the Great Society legislation was passed and signed into law, Malcolm X predicted exactly what Jason Whitlock is talking about here. And Whitlock is right to say, "They're coming for you next." Because they've already started."

How long must we endure the silliness of the Democrat culture?

"If there is a lesson in all of this it is that our Constitution is neither a self-actuating nor a self-correcting document. It requires the constant attention and devotion of all citizens. There is a story, often told, that upon exiting the Constitutional Convention Benjamin Franklin was approached by a group of citizens asking what sort of government the delegates had created. His answer was: "A republic, if you can keep it." The brevity of that response should not cause us to under-value its essential meaning: democratic republics are not merely founded upon the consent of the people, they are also absolutely dependent upon the active and informed involvement of the people for their continued good health."  Dr. Richard Beeman

A student’s anxiety attack about “cisgender” workmen is peak Oberlin  ..."Glenn Greenwald, who is gay and a leftist, is nevertheless a sane man who is becoming disenchanted with leftist madness. Therefore, he nails the intellectual rot that Oberlin is allowing and even encouraging:"...

  Clearly, Oberlin students don’t go to college to expand their horizons but to narrow them. Baldwin Cottage is the “Women and Trans Collective” residence. The official description is a collection of mindless leftist buzzwords about identity politics and “gender identity.”

Mr. Greenwald adds: ..."Ponder the rotted roots of an ideology that convinces highly privileged and wealthy students at elite colleges that the guys who come to fix their radiators are their oppressors, and that the ones whose family is paying $80k/year are the oppressed."...

New York City has reverted to a pre-Giuliani-era "Shattered" urban hellhole, with crime, homelessness, rats, and garbage completely out of control.

I’m almost willing to go to NYC City Hall, chain myself to the door, & go on a hunger strike to stop this. WTAF. Has everyone gone mad?Jefferson was a flawed human being, but his words are among the most inspiring, liberating, & consequential ever written.

You know who predicted this? Trump. Way back in 2017, when the left was working so hard to remove a Confederate statue, Trump knew exactly where this was headed next.  "And when he said it, the media scoffed at him.  '

"Governor Gavin Newsom signed laws governing ketchup packets, condom use and outlawing gender marketing on children's toys. There's nothing like more regulations to halt the statewide exodus. The difference between the Titanic and California is, the Titanic went down with its lights on."  Argus Hamilton

The Morning Briefing: 'Let's Go Brandon' and the Indomitable Conservative American Spirit    Babylon Bee: Joe Biden Invites Brandon To The White House To Congratulate Him For His Success

. . .“ 'The root of the problem is a loss of trust. Comedy is ultimately about trust. Without trust, audiences begin to question the intentions behind every joke, they take jokes literally, and they use their collective voices to bully comedians and pressure studios against taking any comedic risk,” he opined toward the end of his story. “We are in a comedy emergency. If we continue on this path, no first responders will be able to help us. Humor will be reduced to five-second, anonymous memes on the Internet, and movie comedy will be reduced to pablum.' ”


George Soros Drops $1M To Stop City of Austin Hiring Police to Combat Rising Crime

George Soros is not more powerful than this nation; but George Soros together with the Democrat Party are. TD

 Legal Insurrection

On Nov. 2, Austin voters will decide on a ballot initiative requiring the hiring of two officers per 1K residents

"America-hating billionaire George Soros is stepping up his efforts to personally increase the violent crime rate in America’s cities. Not content to just sponsor pro-crime DA’s who release and/or fail to prosecute criminals, Soros is now pouring money into defund the police efforts.

"As cities, some of them on the down low, have been refunding police they previously defunded or are increasing hiring due to police forces being decimated by low morale fueled by lack of local support, ridiculous pro-crime policies, and various WuFlu-related mandates, Soros is busily shelling out money to keep crime up, criminals on the streets, and fewer police to keep communities safe.

"His latest target is reportedly Austin, Texas. Last year, Austin gleefully leapt on the defund the police bandwagon and cut its police budget by nearly a third. “Unexpectedly,” violent crime skyrocketed to the point that the city recently told citizens not to call 911 unless they really really needed to.

"The Wall Street Journal reported last week:

Beginning this month, the Austin Police Department has asked the public not to call 911 for “non-emergency situations” if “there is no immediate threat to life or property,” “where crimes are no longer in progress,” and “when the suspect(s) are no longer on scene or in sight.” The directive applies to burglaries, thefts, prostitution, vandalism, and several other crimes. The police urged victims and witnesses to call 311 or file a report online instead.  . . .

John Durham Dissects a Smear Campaign

There’s much more to this tale of the most successful and destructive political smear in American history. So stay tuned for the next exciting episode of “John Durham Blows Up Washington.”

 The American Spectator

This is proof of overt acts and statements made in furtherance of the illegal but thus-far uncharged conspiracy.

" 'This is is the third in a series of articles analyzing the 27-page federal grand jury indictment charging lawyer Michael Sussmann with making a false statement to the FBI. The second article analyzed the indictment’s detailed factual averments that spelled out how Sussmann and others conspired to concoct a false but “plausible” narrative purportedly demonstrating the existence of a secret channel of internet communications between the Trump Organization, owned by Donald Trump, and the Russian Alfa Bank. The article ended at the point where Sussmann was about to meet with James Baker, the general counsel of the FBI.

"At the meeting, Sussmann allegedly delivered to Baker deceptive “white papers,” documents and computer data that were calculated to trigger an FBI investigation of the purported Trump-Alfa Bank connection. According to the indictment, once the FBI began its investigation, Sussmann, the top echelon of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign (“Clinton Campaign”) and others publicized the fact that the FBI was investigating possible ties between Trump and Russia.

"Moreover, the indictment also avers that, even before his September 19, 2016, meeting with Baker, Sussmann disseminated the fabricated Trump-Alfa Bank narrative to the media. Quoting billing records and emails from Sussmann’s law firm (“Perkins Coie” which represented the Clinton Campaign), the indictment gives the following examples of how the smear was spread: . . ."