Ian Macfarlane |
Video: Video Montage: Craziest Media Commentary During Delivery of Articles of Impeachment
Ben Garrison: Pelosi's Poison Pens: "As we watched Nancy Pelosi sign the articles of impeachment, we were overcome with disgust. What was supposed to be a sad and somber affair (her words), was unnecessarily made into a pompous and grandiose spectacle. Each letter of her name was signed individually with a separate golden pen. Clearly she was enjoying herself as she attempted to aggrandize the ‘historic’ manufactured spectacle."
"As I watched her, I got the impression of a black widow spider holding many of those pens at once. This cartoon immediately sprung to mind, and since I was making her into an arachnid, I decided to make Schiff as a cockroach and Nadler into a slug-like creature. Why not? After all, they are disgusting traitors who are carrying out a coup against a lawfully elected president. Pelosi is drunk with power. "She repeatedly talked about the founding fathers and Constitution, but her words ring as hollow as her empty vodka bottle. She’s about power and money and that’s all. Her shame has now been passed onto the Senate for trial. Trump should be exonerated, and quickly." |
Conrad Black: Democrats Must Live with Consequences of Their Foolish Impeachment Farce "The NeverTrump campaign has sputtered to a ludicrous and pitiful end with this year. Having dragged its media lackeys and the dwindling curiosity of the country through an absurd burlesque of a “solemn, sad,” impeachment process—without alleging any actual illegalities—the NeverTrump campaign has rushed through in a procedural Star Chamber because of the “urgency” of . . . Full article.
Was Pelosi Sitting On Impeachment Articles Due to Commemorative Pens Being on Back Order? Other issues pointed out in this article include:
Putting America First is the last thing that Pelosi and her deranged Democrat mob want
Dem donkeys lining up for the Kangaroo Court
Turning the House into street theatre activism
Nancy Pelosi's Impeachment Pens Look Like Bullets