...no matter what.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Sad Hill News: Is THIS What Obama Was Hiding From His College Days?
Death By 1000 Papercuts
"Barack Hussein Obama, pals with Bill Ayers the communist terrorist who walks freely amongst us?
"(WND) “Obama spent two years at Columbia University yet left virtually no fingerprints of his presence there. Could that be because Columbia was where Mr. Obama first met ‘mad bomber’ William Ayers?” asked Martin.
"Ayers was at the time just resurfacing in New York after living underground following his Weathermen days. He has well-established connections to Columbia, which was the scene of the famed 1968 Columbia University strikes in which hundreds of students seized several university buildings. The strikes were led by the Columbia chapter of Ayers’ Students for a Democratic Society, from which the Weathermen later splintered. Multiple Weathermen leaders were Columbia students.
"Currently, the earliest confirmed Ayers-Obama association was in Chicago in 1995, when Obama was appointed chairman of the multimillion-dollar Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which was founded by Ayers. The former Weathermen leader that year also hosted the first organizing meeting for Obama’s state senatorial campaign. Many believe it is doubtful Ayers would have helped Obama to that extent without a longer relationship."
And without the help of the ObaMedia:
Urban Legend: Sign at a mall in Houston, Texas
This came in our mailbox and, as usual, we checked it against our available resources:
Store Closed to Commemorate the Martyrdom of a 9/11 Terrorist- Fiction!
Store Closed to Commemorate the Martyrdom of a 9/11 Terrorist- Fiction!
"Summary of the eRumor:" This is a forwarded email with an attached photo of a note hung on September 11, 2009 in a store window located in Houston, Texas. The note in the photo says that the store will be closed to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Ali. The email says that he was one of the 9/11 terrorists who flew a hijacked jetliner into the 2001 attack of the World Trade Center in New York. |
The owner of the Perfume Planet store in Houston, Texas told TruthorFiction.com that traditionally their store is closed every year during the observance of the martyrdom of Imam Ali. Imam Ali was not a 9/11 terrorists or a pilot. Ali, or Ali Ibn Abi Talib was born in Mecca in 600 AD and died in 661 and was the cousin and son-in-law of the founder of Islam, Mohammed.The day of observance fell on the 21st day of the Muslim Ramadan season which by coincidence landed on September 11, 2009.Here it is at Snopes Store manager Imran Chunawala was stunned because the holiday had nothing to do with 9 /11. Then he realized what happened. This year a key Ramadan Holiday happened to fall on 9/11. "We did not explain enough in the sign because that is the exact same sign we put up every year on this particular day for this particular reason," said Chunawala. He apologized for the confusion and put up a new sign thoroughly explaining the martyr they were honoring died in 661 AD.Given the date of the store's holiday, it is not at all surprising that the sign caused so much confusion and consternation. That said, it seems clear that the store manager meant no disrespect, even though the placing of the sign with such wording at that particular time of the year was certainly ill conceived. Although the initial confusion caused by the sign is certainly understandable, it is hard to imagine how Imam Ali's name was misidentified in the subsequent protest email as one of the 2001 hijackers other than by a deliberate and wilful act of deception. Emphasis added. |
Blackfive "Making stuff up for purely political reasons, Really? Seriously that is your response, to call them liars? And to do so anonymously? Well that part makes sense, the odds of a gutless, spineless political tool standing up and calling those guys, us guys and other folks who are in a position to make those claims, liars is pretty slim. The Swift Boat reference is actually pretty legitimate, though. The ads that former comrades of John Kerry put out accurately portrayed Kerry as a glory hound punk who spent four months in Vietnam, picked up three extremely sketchy Purple Hearts, shot a bunch of reenactments of his exploits for home movies, and then headed out long before his tour was up to try to become the reincarnation of JFK. So Swift Drone away on the mighty Osama Slayer's wafer-thin resume and phone book thick record of using it for his own aggrandizement."
Former union boss at Occupy event: Our goal is to ‘overthrow the capitalist system and build communism’ [VIDEO]
Daily Caller "Former Amalgamated Transit Union local 689 president Mike Golash, now an “Occupy” movement organizer, was caught on tape Sunday revealing his political goals: overthrowing capitalism in the United States and instituting a communist government."
19 Reasons Cats Are Better Than Dogs
Buzzfeed "Most people think that this is still an open question, but these indisputable scientific facts clearly show that cats have the edge."
".. whereas cats make excellent and responsible babysitters. Some babies who are nurtured by cats even learn to play new instruments, and in a few cases, to speak foreign languages."
...."Meanwhile, dog-operated interior design firms are struggling to find a niche in the market."
Plus the fact that dogs tend to vote for Dennis Kucinich.
".. whereas cats make excellent and responsible babysitters. Some babies who are nurtured by cats even learn to play new instruments, and in a few cases, to speak foreign languages."
...."Meanwhile, dog-operated interior design firms are struggling to find a niche in the market."
Plus the fact that dogs tend to vote for Dennis Kucinich.
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