Saturday, January 16, 2010
FNC’s O’Reilly Highlights Ray Stevens Song Parody Attacking ObamaCare
Newsbusters "...Bill O'Reilly interviewed singer Ray Stevens about a musical parody titled "We the People," posted on his Web site at, in which he goes after ObamaCare. Stevens, famous for doing musical parodies since the 1960s -- though previously never political in nature ..."
Do America’s Policies Create Terrorists?
PajamasMedia "Bin Laden says: Our talks with the infidel West and our conflict with them ultimately revolve around one issue — one that demands our total support, with power and determination, with one voice — and it is: does Islam, or does it not, force people by the power of the sword to submit to its authority corporeally if not spiritually?
He then answers his own question: Yes. There are only three choices in Islam: [1] either willing submission [conversion]; [2] or payment of the jizya, through physical, though not spiritual, submission to the authority of Islam; [3] or the sword — for it is not right to let him [an infidel] live. The matter is summed up for every person alive: either submit, or live under the suzerainty of Islam, or die."
Democrats Breaking the Law to Beat Brown: Three More Days Until We Rout the Fascists
Atlas Shrugs "BOSTON - Republican Senate hopeful Scott Brown has filed a complaint with the State Ethics Commission after a report that a union backing rival Martha Coakley used state resources to urge workers to volunteer for Coakley's campaign." BREAKING: Scott Brown Files Complaint Against Dem Party- CLAIMS DEFAMATION … "The cover of a four-page mailer sent by the Massachusetts Democratic Party says, “1,736 women were raped in Massachusetts in 2008. Scott Brown wants hospitals to turn them all away.” "
Coakley: The Political Gift That Keeps on Giving
BigGovernment "Wait, what was that? Did Martha Coakley actually say that? Yes she did. Here is the quote for those who have not heard or read it, “You can have religious freedom but you probably shouldn’t work in the emergency room.” "
Cindy Sheehan And The Dirty Hippy Brigade Holding Pro-Al Qaeda Rally in Front of CIA Headquarters..." Weasel Zippers "Protest the murderous CIA drone-bombing program in front of CIA HQ in Langley, VA from 1-4. Speakers include Cindy Sheehan; former Green Party Presidential Candidate, Cynthia McKinney; three-timeNobel Peace Prize Nominee, Kathy Kelly; Debra Sweet, National Director of World Can't Wait and many others. The protest will conclude with a march to former Vice President, Dick Cheney’s new home in Langley and an attempted “Citizens Arrest,” for the charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity and other high crimes and misdemeanors." How can anyone take these people seriously?
DoD Report On Ft. Hood Shooting
Blackfive "I can tell you from personal experience, no one likes to write an adverse performance evaluation. When you do, you do it with the understanding that you're at best limiting the officer's career and at worst, probably ending it. It is not an easy thing to do. But your duty to the military profession is to honestly and completely evaluate those that work for you to the best of your professional ability even if it might mean ending a career."
Dems Announce Plans to Ram Through Obamacare with 51 Votes if Scott Brown Wins
Gateway Pundit "Even if Democrats lose the special election to pick a new Massachusetts senator Tuesday, Congress may still pass health-care overhaul through a process called reconciliation, a top House Democrat said. That procedure requires 51 votes rather than the 60 needed to prevent Republicans from blocking votes on President Barack Obama’s top legislative priorities.
Brian Williams Tempted to Cuss at Mark McGwire for His Lies; Not So on NBC When Bill Fessed Up About Monica
Newsbusters "...NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams made it personal on Tuesday night, suggesting "Because this is a family broadcast, we probably can’t say what we’d like to about the news today that Mark McGwire...stopped lying" about steroid use. What about the night that Bill Clinton finally stopped lying about Monica Lewinsky? It’s quite a contrast. On NBC Nightly News, Tom Brokaw wondered if all the prudes and their "compulsive fascination" with Clinton’s testimony hadn’t ruined politics for a generation..."
Ed Schultz Tries To Say Limbaugh Insulted Our Troops With His 'Meals On Wheels' Comment...Seriously, Watch The Clip And You'll Want To Slap Ed Too
Weasel Zippers Content advisory with this site. "You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who supports the military as much as Rush . . ."
Thinking Through Pat Robertson and His Foolish Words
Thinking through Christianity "Pat Robertson makes news every few months with failed predictions of the future; he has predicted natural disasters and terror attacks that never materialized - often accompanied by the phrase "...that is, if I heard God correctly..." (I don't remember Isaiah ever saying that.) "
A Black-on-Black Discussion of Black Racism
Lloyd Marcus, AT "I never dreamed that we blacks would need to be liberated from ourselves. Like all humans, blacks are extremely diverse in their talents, tastes, and desires. We must stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated and intimidated into collectively voting for Democrats in order to keep Sharpton, Jackson, and the NAACP employed.".... "For this cause, I say to Al Sharpton, Jeanine Garafolo, and all you other libs, "Let my people go!" -Lloyd Marcus, (black) Unhyphenated American, singer/songwriter, entertainer, author, artist, and Tea Party patriot "
Let's All Join the War on Terror
American Thinker "We can no longer ignore the fact that state sponsors of terror use our investment money for evil purposes. We must demand that the American mutual fund industry send a strong message to these countries, especially Iran and Sudan: No more business as usual. It is time for all of us to do our part in the war on terror."
Funny: Press corps torments Gibbs again with questions about transparency
Hot Air "They’re gaming cost estimates, they’re bribing senators, they’re ignoring virtually every poll in the country showing massive disapproval. Why not extend the middle finger on transparency too? Are people going to go from enraged to really enraged or something?"
Not a shocker: Police department that “acted stupidly” endorses Brown
Hot Air "We do not endorse anyone who advocates changes in the health care that take away any bargaining rights or increases our cost along with our contributions. Senator Brown does not support the Comprehensive Healthcare Reform Bill and promises to be the 41st vote to ensure its defeat."
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