Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The way things are today

Toby Keith Refuses to Apologize for Inauguration Performance

     "Hollywood A-listers and auto-tuned pop stars are hunkered down in their safe spaces this week fearful of offending the LGBT community and liberals -- but not Toby Keith.

     "The patriotic country music star says he plans to sing at President-elect Trump's "Make America Great Again Welcome Celebration" on Jan. 19th. 
     "His decision is sure to offend social justice warriors -- but Toby Keith does not care.
     " 'I don't apologize for performing for our country or military," Keith said in a statement provided to Fox News. "I performed at events for previous presidents Bush and Obama and over 200 shows in Iraq and Afghanistan for the USO."
     "His comments came one day after Tony-award winner Jennifer Holliday backed out of the inauguration event.
     "Holliday was bullied by a mean-spirited bunch of intolerant lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, gender neutral, non-binary, gender fluid fans. 
     "She begged her homosexual fans to have mercy on her in a letter she penned." . . .

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Church Won't Mention Trump's Name in Prayers, Fearing Microaggressions  "Parishioners at a California Episcopal church will no longer pray by name for the president of the United States over fears the name "Donald Trump" might trigger microaggressions among sanctified snowflakes." . . .
Kinman went on to say the safety of the congregation could be jeopardized by the mere nation of the president-elect's name.
Political Cartoons by Mike Lester

The legal borders of Israel under International law

Pamela Geller  "Here's a video of the conference that took place in San Remo last year marking the 90th anniversary of the San Remo Conference, when the world powers transferred exclusive legal rights to the Land of Israel to the Jewish people. (thanks to Caroline Glick)*"

*. . . "SINCE THAT speech, Obama has taken a series of steps that only reinforce the sense that he is the most hostile US president Israel has ever faced. Indeed, when taken together, these steps raise concern that Obama may actually constitute a grave threat to Israel." . . .

Hat tip to Pro-Israel

One small victory against Obama's scorched-earth policy

Kerry’s Latest Peace Making Effort Ends with a Pffft
. . . "The Paris peace conference was intended to advance the international assault on Israel’s legitimacy, playing up the Palestinian narrative that settlements, not Palestinian intransigence, were mostly responsible for the lack of peace between Israel and the Palestinians.". . .

"However British Prime Minister Theresa May stepped up and sent a low level delegation to the conference, which refused to sign on to the final communique. (A spokesman for the government had blasted Kerry’s post resolution speech, in which he tried to justify the abstention, saying that it was wrong to be “focusing on only one issue,” namely the settlements, in seeking peace, when “the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians is so deeply complex.” The statement also took Kerry to task for criticizing “the composition of the democratically-elected government of an ally.” The statement criticizing Kerry also reiterated that bilateral negotiations were the only way to achieve peace.)" . . .

Rally At UN Thurs.1/12: Tell UN To Target Islamic Terror-NOT ISRAEL

 Jonathan S. Tobin: Who Derailed Middle East Peace? Ross and Obama Should Look in the Mirror . . . "But in discussing the Europeans’ foolish insistence on backing a Palestinian diplomatic gambit whose only purpose is to avoid peace negotiations rather than jumpstart them, Ross ought to mention the sorry history of U.S. diplomatic efforts that were based on the same wrongheaded premise." . . .

Obama Appoints Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Other Faves To Cushy Posts…

Weasel Zippers

"Paying off all those who COA (covered Obama’s a**). Unbelievable…
President Obama might be done in the White House in three days, but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to make sure some his top administration officials and favorite athletes don’t get plum assignments first.
The White House released a list of new appointments Tuesday morning and some top Obama administration names were included. Among them were Valerie Jarrett, his White House senior adviser, and Susan Rice, the national security adviser, who will both become general trustees to the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

Al Sharpton Confronted by Activists in Baltimore

Washington Free Beacon

Al Sharpton / Still from Facebook Live

"Rev. Al Sharpton got an earful from activists when he arrived in Baltimore to preach on Sunday.
"A group of men peppered the preacher with questions about his activism in the black community in a Facebook Live video posted by Duane G. Davis.
“ 'They come to exploit tragedies and collect money,” Davis said about Sharpton and other high-profile liberal activists. “How much money is he going to get to speak here?”
"One activist repeatedly asked Sharpton what he was doing to help young black men, telling Sharpton that his past activism wasn’t good enough.
“ 'You are talking about 19—I am talking about today,” the man said.
"When asked about Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old black man killed by the police in 2015, Sharpton said, “What did I do with Freddie Gray? What are you talking about? I didn’t deal with that, y’all did.”
“ 'Exactly, that’s the problem, Al,” the man retorted.
“ 'That is your problem,” Sharpton said, angering the activists.
"Davis pressed Sharpton to disclose how much he was being paid to preach in Baltimore. Sharpton denied receiving any money for the sermon.
"Davis is no stranger to controversy. He was jailed in 2011 for a protest stunt involving a toilet, which police thought was a possible bomb. In the 2012 Republican primary, he ran as a protest candidate for lieutenant governor of Maryland, according to RedState."

Obama's long, long goodbye with dirty looks over his shoulder

Ever notice Obama has a "tell" when he is irritated by an interviewer's question? His reply begins with "Look. . .  "


J. Marsolo: Obama: Limbaugh and Fox News ruined my presidency
. . . "Thus, Hillary would have won but for Putin, and Obama would have been successful but for Limbaugh and Hannity.  It is never the fault of Obama.
"In addition to lying, Obama believes that his way is the only correct way.  If you disagree with him, then you must have been influenced by Limbaugh and Hannity, who should not have criticized Obama.  This view is an implicit attack on the First Amendment, which protects our right to disagree and criticize the government and the right of a free press to criticize the president.
"Obama is essentially saying that Limbaugh and Hannity should not criticize him because he knows what is best for our country.  This is the mentality of a totalitarian."

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
Obama's cheap shot against Cubans  . . . "President Trump needs to take a hard look at this Cuba deal and demand change on the island.  We are not calling for another round of "sí se puede" speeches or "hope and change." We are talking about the kind of change that recognizes that the Castro regime is the reason these Cubans want to get out."

Barack Obama’s Deplorable Race Relations Legacy  . . . "The time has also come for rest of the nation to stop being cowed by the likes of Obama, the race hustlers and social justice warriors out to foment discontent and upheaval.  That they need to ostracize and publicly denigrate those who would use their fellow citizens as hostages in their cynical games.  And, that the white population must join with African-Americans of good will to stamp out the last remaining vestiges of institutionalized racism and discrimination."


Obama Must Have His Applause — Please (Don’t) Clap  . . . "President Obama must have his applause. He got plenty during his recent speech in Chicago, clearly basking in it even as he joked about his lame-duck inability to command an end to the public adulation of his semi-divine person. . . .  a group of self-abasing would-be subjects — there may end up being thousands of them — plan to gather down the street from the White House and applaud. Obama will not be there, but mere mention of his name, even in his absence, will trigger fanatical applause.

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Newsweek’s Thomas: ‘Slightly Creepy Cult of Personality’ Around Obama  From 2008: . . . "[H]ave you ever seen a victory speech where there was no one else on stage? No adoring wife, no cute kid. . . "There is a slightly creepy cult of personality about all of this." Rose confronted him on his use of this phrase, and he explained that it made him "a little uneasy that he's so singular. He's clearly managing his own spectacle. He knows how to do it. He's a -- I think, a deeply manipulative guy..." Later, all three marveled about how it was "amazing" that Obama "watches us watching him."

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

How the left's tactic of mass hysteria against Trump is playing out with the general public

How is the left's campaign to convince large numbers of people that their freedoms, even their lives are in danger going?  Not bad at all.
Image result for anti trump hysteria cartoons

Rick Moran  "Donald Trump has yet to be inaugurated, he has yet to make any specific proposals for legislation, has yet to issue any executive orders, and has yet to even comment on many of the cultural issues that divide America.

"But that lack of specificity has played directly into the hands of his opponents on the left. Into the void, the left has substituted mass hysteria about what Trumpmight do rather than reasoned argument against the positions he took during the campaign.
" 'As a political tactic, generating mass hysteria against an opponent has been wildly successful in history. The two largest purveyors of mass hysteria - Nazi Germany and Communist Russia - used the ploy to convince large majorities of their populations of a clear and present danger in society, be it the Jews or "counterrevolutionaries." In this, they were ably aided by a captive media, where the state controlled all information disseminated to the public.
"The left in America doesn't have that luxury - at least, not officially. But there is little doubt that their attempts to massively exaggerate the danger of a Trump presidency to certain minority groups has found a mainstream media compliant, even eager in their efforts to conciously aid in spreading propaganda, hyperbole, even lies in the cause of opposing Trump." . . .

UPDATED- Exposed as a hoax: "Ads in two dozen cities offer protesters up to $2,500 to agitate at Trump inaugural

UPDATE:  Ronbo at Freedom Fighters Journal notified us that this Hoax was exposed by Tucker Carlson on Fox:
Tucker Carlson Exposes Hoaxer Who Offered To Pay Protesters $2500 A Month (VIDEO)  "The two men had a highly entertaining back and forth exchange on the program, below is a small excerpt from the video.
"Tucker Carlson: “So um this is a sham, your company isn’t real, your website is fake, the claims you have made are lies. This is a hoax! Let me start at the beginning, however with your name, Dom Tullipso which is not your real name. It’s a fake name. We ran you through law enforcement level background checks and that name does not exist so let’s start out with the truth. Tell me what your real name is." . . .

Washington Times  (Video at the link)  "Demand Protest ads running seek operatives to “send a strong message” at presidential inauguration"

James Longstreet: Disrupting the disruptors  ". . . Those who rely on the law to be enforced must be satisfied.  The thwarting of disrupters posing as demonstrators must not be from the opposing side, for that will lead to anarchy.  Instead, it must be from the enforcement of the law.  Perhaps the future will hold to this promise, to a greater degree, than what we have witnessed in the past eight years."