Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How America Fell

Mike Adams   "If students refused to renounce their religious beliefs, the university kept the money. In other words, the “mandatory student fee” was a misnomer. It was actually a “tax on orthodox beliefs.”
"This method was later modified in order to deal with churches that required belief statements for membership, or for church leadership positions. Since they were paying no taxes, they were seen as being “given something” by the government. So the government decided that tax breaks for churches must be contingent. If the church “discriminated” on the basis of belief, they would no longer be given a tax exemption. In other words, they would be taxed only if they believed in something."
Mike Adams is a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and author of Feminists Say the Darndest Things: A Politically Incorrect Professor Confronts "Womyn" On Campus

Stop the anti-Christian witchhunt on campus  "Association leaders seem simply to have gotten it in their heads that where Christian values are part of a school’s hiring standards and curriculum, good, independent scholarship is impossible.
"So they launched probes all on their own."

Montana Law School Agrees to Stop Anti-Christian Discrimination    "The fact that the group was forced to sue a law school of all places to respect their first amendment rights shows the degree to which our education system been taken over by the far left.  Conservative groups should not need lawsuits to have our rights respected." (Emphasis in the original) Campus Reform.org

Moment of truth: Senate blocks Obama’s jobs bill

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Hot Air  "If only Nelson and Tester had stuck with the caucus, it would have been a perfect outcome for him. None of this gets America any closer to a bipartisan new stimulus, but it might get O a bit closer to being re-elected. And that’s what’s important.
"Here he is at his latest “big speech” this afternoon (see video), telling the crowd that tonight’s vote was a “moment of truth” even though he knew full well that the bill was doomed from day one. And intentionally so."

Mike Ramirez gets in his two cents worth

Obama an 'isolated man trapped in a collapsing presidency'

Rick Moran  Quoting Michael Goodwin at the NY Post:
Blaming the country is political heresy, of course, yet Obama is running out of scapegoats. His allies rarely make affirmative arguments on his behalf anymore, limiting themselves to making excuses for his failure. He and they attack Republicans, George W. Bush, European leaders and Chinese currency manipulation -- and that was just last week. The blame game isn't much of a defense for Solyndra and "Fast and Furious," the emerging twin scandals that paint a picture of incompetence at best.
"I'd say this is worrisome except it really doesn't matter. Obama is irrelevant and the country is almost officially biding its time until he's gone."

The Endangered Holdertross

Boortz Medley: If this doesn't frighten you - you're a mindless prog myrmidon*

Neal Boortz  "Normally I would tell you to watch this video. Actually .. some of you may not want to. This is a video of an “assembly” in Atlanta .. the “Occupy Atlanta” branch of the “Occupy Wall Street libtards. It is, quite frankly, one of the most frightening things I’ve seen in a long time."

The rhetoric of the Occupy Wall Street children  "Let’s start out with a little quote, shall we?"
“I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw this myself in the late 70s in San Francisco, this king of rhetoric. … It created a climate in which violence took place. … I wish we would all curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements and understand that some of the ears that it is falling on are not a balanced as the person making the statements may assume.”
That was in reference to the recent Occupy Wall Street crowd, right? Wrong. That was Nancy Pelosi talking about the tea party in 2009. What does she have to say about the Occupy Wall Street kids? “God bless them.” Let’s take a look at some of the rhetoric from these “blessed” kids and those who are speaking at their rallies …" More...

Occupy Wall Street vs. Arab Spring  "They are whining because they want the government to seize the wealth from the people who are earning it and give it to them, among other things.  They are whining because they want a Command economy, whereby the government controls prices, dictates wages and directs which industries will succeed and which ones will fail.  They want this type of economy, because they themselves have failed to thrive in a capitalist economy, whereby their abilities dictate how much they earn, not the government."

*myrmidon : "... a loyal follower; especially : a subordinate who executes orders unquestioningly or unscrupulously"

All above from Nealz Nuze