Is This the Backstabber Behind the Mar-a-Lago Raid? – PJ Media "We are at a point in history where the Deep State can blatantly raid the home of the next likely Republican presidential nominee and possibly get away with it. How in the hell did we get here?"For one, ‘nad-free GOPers don’t raise hell when all hell needs to be raised. We know that Hunter Biden’s laptop was chock full of information evidence that the Biden crime family has been on the take for years. Where were the angry Republicans and their pitchforks? At best, we saw a few of them “demanding answers” when the news cameras were rolling, but otherwise, it’s cricket-city from the people we voted into office.
"If then-president Trump had ordered the FBI to raid the home of Joe Biden over Hunter’s laptop (which would have totally made sense), the Democrats would have exploded. I have my suspicions that our side is afraid to throw down the way the Democrats are happy to do.
"Biden wasn’t afraid to raid Trump’s house because he knew he could do so without facing backlash.
"Now, we may know the reason, or rather the person, behind the raid at Mar-a-Lago: the acting archivist of the United States, Debra Steidel Wall.
"Trump’s lawyers claim they were happy to oblige the National Archives’ request for documents from Mar-a-Lago, but that wasn’t enough for Wall. In a May 10 letter to Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran, Wall wrote the following in regard to Corcoran’s completely legal and understandable question of “protective assertion of executive privilege”: . .
Updated Info: Biden White House facilitated DOJ’s criminal probe against Trump, scuttled privilege claims: memos
Wall |
. . ."In the May 10 letter, Wall rejected that claim, writing that Supreme Court precedent “strongly suggests that a former President may not successfully assert executive privilege ‘against the very Executive Branch in whose name the privilege is invoked.’”
Wall added that the Justice Department “has advised me that there is no precedent for an assertion of executive privilege by a former President against an incumbent President to prevent the latter from obtaining … Presidential records belonging to the Federal Government where ‘such records contain information that is needed for the conduct of current business of the incumbent President’s office and that is not otherwise available.’”
“I have therefore decided not to honor the former President’s ‘protective’ claim of privilege,” Wall wrote, after making clear that her letter bore Biden’s imprimatur: “The Counsel to the President has informed me that, in light of the particular circumstances presented here, President Biden defers to my determination, in consultation with the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel, regarding whether or not I should uphold the former President’s purported ‘protective assertion of executive privilege.’”