Wednesday, January 29, 2014

GOP Crafts Plan to Wreck the Country, Lose Voters

Ann Coulter  ..." Immigrants -- all immigrants -- have always been the bulwark of the Democratic Party. For one thing, recent arrivals tend to be poor and in need of government assistance. Also, they're coming from societies that are far more left-wing than our own. History shows that, rather than fleeing those policies, they bring their cultures with them. (Look at what New Yorkers did to Vermont.)

"This is not a secret. For at least a century, there's never been a period when a majority of immigrants weren't Democrats.

"At the current accelerated rate of immigration -- 1.1 million new immigrants every year -- Republicans will be a fringe party in about a decade.

 ... " According to a Harris poll, 81 percent of native-born citizens think the schools should teach students to be proud of being American. Only 50 percent of naturalized U.S. citizens do."

After numerous disconcerting statistics about where illegal immigration is taking America, Ms. Coulter has to wonder
How are Republicans going to square that circle? It's not their position on amnesty that immigrants don't like; it's Republicans' support for small government, gun rights, patriotism, the Constitution and capitalism.

Reading these statistics, does anyone wonder why Democrats think vastly increasing immigration should be the nation's No. 1 priority? 

Christian Singer Walks Out on Grammys After ‘Satanic’ Performances

"Katy Perry conducts bizarre witchcraft ceremony during event

"Popular Christian gospel singer Natalie Grant walked out of the Grammys after witnessing a series of performances that even the mainstream entertainment media admitted were occult in nature.

Natalie Grant         @NatalieGrant

I've never been more honored to sing about Jesus and for Jesus. And I've never been more sure of the path I've chosen.
"Grant, who was nominated for two Grammys last night, tweeted her excitement upon arriving at the event but soon made it clear that she left early because what she witnessed conflicted with her Christian beliefs, stating, “We left the Grammy’s early. I’ve many thoughts, most of which are probably better left inside my head. But I’ll say this: I’ve never been more honored to sing about Jesus and for Jesus. And I’ve never been more sure of the path I’ve chosen.”
"Although she remained coy on the exact circumstances, Grant was probably referring to Katy Perry, who was surrounded by demons as she danced around an upside down broomstick before being encircled by fire during a performance of her song “Dark Horse”. Perry wore clothing bearing an illuminated Knights Templar cross.
"Even E! Online tweeted that Perry’s performance resembled “actual witchcraft”."

AJ McCarron: 'Really Demonic' Performances at Grammys Show 'There's a Lot of Evil in the World'  "Former Alabama quarterback A.J. McCarron, who is preparing for the NFL Draft, was watching the Grammys on Sunday and felt that the "really demonic" performances showed that "there is a lot of evil in the world.' "


KSFO San Francisco  "We’re not certain if it’s just an American problem, but some people in this country seem to care more about appearing on television than they do about actually knowing what they are talking about.
"Several hours before President Barack Obama addressed a joint session of Congress with his State of the Union address, ABC-TV’s late night star, Jimmy Kimmel sent his “Lie Witness News” cameras to the streets outside of his Hollywood Boulevard studios to ask people what they thought about the president’s speech. Again, Kimmel’s camera crew was on the streets before the SOTU even happened."

Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Placerville, CA.

Feminists Furious About Cathy McMorris-Rodgers’ SOTU Rebuttal

By Cassy Fiano at Victory Girls  "It was inevitable. It happens whenever a conservative female Republican dares to be vocal about their political beliefs. Last night, President Obama delivered his State of the Union speech. The rebuttal for the GOP was delivered by Washington Congresswoman Cathy McMorris-Rodgers. And she did well — even the liberal media is begrudgingly admitting that
"Shockingly, the woman chosen to deliver the GOP’s rebuttal spoke about conservative policies. This has just infuriated the self-proclaimed feminists, who are all outraged that the woman-hating Republicans let a woman talk, or something.
"First up is the ever-inclusive Amanda Marcotte:" ...
"The only thing that matters to feminazis is that a woman is a liberal feminist extremist. If you don’t fit the bill, like Cathy McMorris-Rodgers, then don’t dare make the mistake of expecting that today’s modern feminists will speak for you. They’ll rip you to shreds, and then claim they did it in the name of being pro-woman."
‘Where’s the Needlepoint?’: MSNBC’s Alex Wagner Mocks McMorris Rodgers’ GOP Response

 Alex Wagner         @alexwagner
"Living room. Lady on a settee. Where's the needlepoint?"
"Curious to know how Wagner would have reacted if someone had said something similar about this Hillary Clinton video, [h/t @redsteeze]:"

What lies ahead after this SOTU?

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
Will presidential arrogance deliver the Senate to the GOP?
"The arrogance on this approach exists on more than one level. Once again, it plays directly into the Republican narrative, and Democrats who hitch their wagon to Obama may find that provoking the GOP base is a bad idea when Obama doesn’t have anything personally at stake in an election … again."

A speech to wake up a very sleepy base  "Last night's performance speaks volumes about President Obama's political problems. 
"He did not mention the Affordable Health Care Act until the 40th minute!  Isn't this his premiere accomplishment?  Then he goes after the House's repeal votes but overlooks that it's Democrats running for reelection who are worried about it."

This cartoon via Alan Caruba on Facebook:

Governing by Pen and Phone; Obama used to sigh that he was not a dictator who could act unilaterally. No more.

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Victor Davis Hanson  ... "We are reentering Nixonian times, or perhaps worse, given that a free press at least went after Nixon’s misdeeds and misadventures. Now it has silenced itself for fear of harming a once-in-century chance for a fellow progressive’s makeover of America. We live in an age when a CNN moderator interrupts a presidential debate to help her sputtering candidate, and when a writer for the often ironic and sarcastic New Yorker sees no irony in doing a fawning interview with the president, tagging along on a shakedown jet tour from one mansion of crony capitalists to the next — as Obama preaches to the head-nodders about inequality and fairness in order to ensure that the bundled checks pour in.

"Without the media acting as a watchdog, the administration has with impunity found the IRS useful in going after political opponents. When Obama’s IRS appointees were exposed, he for the moment called their deeds outrageous; when the media did not pursue the outrage, he wrote it off as a nothing story.

"The media certainly thought it was nothing, given that none of the obsequious Washington press corps will be unduly audited or indicted."

State of the Union: Assessing the man and his message

Pabulum from the POTUS  "This man, our President, is the emptiest suit of empty suits.  There is no there there. "
...."He has devastated American medical care, intentionally; he wants it redistributed from the rich to the poor.  The result is that no one but the very rich will get good care, if any care at all."
...."He took credit last night for our oil production even though he has done everything he can to impede it."
.... " There is not a single person in the Obama administration that measures up to any one of those former or current philosophical geniuses.  Not one.  He has surrounded himself with lesser beings than himself which is proof of his narcissism and a tragedy for our country.
By Patricia McCarthy, who otherwise thought Mr. Obama was a genius.

AP ‘Fact-Checks’ Obama’s Latest SOTU Address
"Fact check: Less than meets eye in Obama speech"
"He’s ordering a higher minimum wage  for a sliver of the workforce, which affects no one now and not many later."
... "Oh, and never mind that this tiny sliver of federal workers are mostly janitorial and cafeteria workers who just happen to be represented by the SEIU. The union that seems to own Obama lock stock and barrel."
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
 Snow jobs and minimum honesty: Fact-check roundup on SOTU 
 "Perhaps because Barack Obama managed to “win” Politifact’s Lie of the Year in 2013, we have a few media outlets on the case today — the Associated Press, Glenn Kessler at the Washington Post, and Politico all got rapid research completed overnight. What nuggets did they find?" ...

The TOTUS Who Can’t Look America in the Eye   "Not once — not even once — did the man who claims to be the legitimate leader of our nation ever look me, and all the other watching citizens of this nation, in the eye during his State of the Nation speech. He was a dash-top bobble-head, swinging back and forth from prompter to prompter.
"Good grief! The man can’t uncouple himself from his comfort-zone technology for even a moment to look Americans in the eye just once, and give us some sense of our comfort that he is sincere."
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert
“The world is literally about to blow up,” Graham said, saying he completely disagrees with Obama on Iran policy.

Political Wire:    ..."Obama's State of the Union was agreeable in tone -- he laid out what he was for (on the economy, immigration, health care) but did so hoping that some Republicans could agree with him. It wasn't confrontational. And not surprisingly, it tested well:" ...

Obama Draws Chuckles At SOTU When He Says He’s Trying To Fix Healthcare
Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy
 Consider the source line of the night: "If you like your health insurance you can keep your health insurance—PERIOD..
"If you like your doctor ,you can keep your doctor—PERIOD…
"Global warming is a fact —PERIOD
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Ted Cruz reacts to State of the Union: Obama doesn't need a pen, he needs an eraser  " 'When the president says that he has a pen and he has a phone -- if you want to bring back opportunity, he doesn't need a pen, he needs an eraser," Cruz said. "He needs to start erasing the job-killing regulations, the job-killing taxes. He needs to start erasing the damage that Obamacare is doing to millions of Americans.' "

MSNBC's(!) Howard Fineman: Obama Not Taken Seriously Around Town
"This is a huge acknowledgement by Fineman, who has been second only to Matthews as chief MSNBC Obama cheerleader." 

Governor Christie has nothing on Obama bully boys at payback time

Washington Examiner  "Closing down a bridge to punish a mayor for not endorsing Gov. Chris Christie for re-election was an unambiguous abuse of power by individuals on the governor’s staff and was rather petty to boot. This kind of bullying is hardly unique to New Jersey, though. It goes on at the federal level, too. In fact, the now-former Christie associates are amateurs compared to President Obama’s team of pin-striped tough guys.

"Consider the government shutdown last fall when the president authorized the needless closing of federal parks and museums in an attempt to smear Republicans. Obama’s team got so carried away that they even tried to close state-run parks in Wisconsin that weren’t dependent on federal funds. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker had to defy federal orders to keep them open."

Alan Caruba: One Speech Too Many

Warning Signs
... "Obama’s refusal and failure to work with Congress, combined with the disaster of Obamacare that was passed with only Democratic Party votes and, even then, required Chicago-style bribery and pressure, has seen not just his approval begin to slip away, but it includes the whole of Congress.
"Obama’s assertion that he will use executive orders to get his way is simply an admission that he has failed to work with Congress and intends to continue as his second term shapes up to be one of increased resistance. Earlier presidents faced with a Congress whose power was held by another party used persuasion and compromise, but Obama uses neither." ...

The President Won't Be Needing You

Obama speech 'goading' GOP  Rep. James Lankford called Obama's speech Tuesday, "an intentional provocation of congressional Republicans, calling the speech an empty attempt rally his liberal base."

"President Obama says this is a “year of action”—and last night he made it very clear whose action he was talking about.
"After noting recently that he has a pen and a phone and can use those to make changes without the help of Congress, Obama charged forward with promises of taking executive action wherever lawmakers fail to meet his demands.
“ 'This President has acted like the playground bully who when he can’t have everything he wants, he decides to take his ball and go home,” Heritage President Jim DeMint said yesterday. “This is not the way our government is supposed to work.”
"Indeed—Heritage’s legal experts have long questioned the legality of the President’s lone ranger style. And early analysis of this year’s State of the Union proposals indicates the executive branch will continue to run amok." ....