"President Trump has won another victory: Germany’s central bank has terminated a $400 million cash delivery to Iran.
"Deutsche Bundesbank has previously worked with the Iranian-owned European-Iranian trade bank (EIH) to end-around sanctions the United States has placed on Iran. As Fox News reports, “The U.S. and the European Union previously sanctioned the EIH for its role in advancing Iran’s nuclear and missile programs. The sanctions on the EIH were lifted after the world powers reached an agreement to curb Iran's nuclear program in 2015.”
"In July, it was revealed that German Chancellor Angela Merkel's government was trying to circumvent the sanctions that were implemented this week. U.S. ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell urged Merkel to terminate the $400 million cash delivery." . . .
To decry her anti-white ‘racism’ gives her too much credit for originality.
"The most significant feature of Sarah Jeong, the New York Times’ embattled new editorial board member, is not that she is a “racist,” as her critics put it. It is that she is an entirely typical product of the contemporary academy. "After the New York Times announced Jeong’s hire in early August, web sleuths dug out a mother lode of tweets demonstrating an obsession with whites. Samples include “white men are [bullsh**],” “#cancelwhitepeople,” “National/ Pretty goddam white/ Radio,” “I’m tired of being mad about white dudes. I’m going to pretend they don’t exist for a week,” and “I figured it out. Powerful white women automatically receive officer status in Club Feminism. Unless they disavow.” Both the Times and Jeong blamed her posts on . . . you guessed, it, whites. Her status as a “young Asian woman,” in the Times’ words, made her a subject of frequent online harassment, to which she responded “for a period of time” by “imitating the rhetoric of her harassers.” "This argument was, to borrow a phrase, bullsh**. Jeong’s five-year tweet trail is much longer than a mere “period of time” during which she allegedly experimented with counter-trolling. But most important, her tweets are not imitative of anything other than the ideology that now rules the higher-education establishment, including UC Berkeley and Harvard Law School, both of which Jeong attended. And that ideology is taking over non-academic institutions, whether in journalism, publishing, the tech sector, or the rest of corporate America. Sarah Jeong’s tweets and blog posts are just a marker of the world we already live in." . . . NYTimes Has Embraced The BIGOTRY Of Identity Politics. . . "Why are purveyors of identity politics so committed to preventing open conversations and freedom of association? Why don’t purveyors of identity politics realize that cultivating bitterness in people condemns millions of individuals to social isolation and punishment? Or do they realize this and not care?" . . . Ann Coulter: Sarah Jeong Better Drive Carefully!. . . "But the federal “hate crimes” statute allows the feds to skirt the Constitution’s ban on double jeopardy — at least for certain kinds of “hate.”
— The stabbing of Yankel Rosenbaumby assailants yelling “Get the Jew!”: NOT a federal hate crime.
— The brutal kidnapping and murder of a young white couple in Knoxville, Tennessee, by black youths: NOT a federal hate crime.
— The torture of a mentally disabled kid in Chicago, by assailants saying “F— white people!” and “F— Trump!”: NOT a federal hate crime. (Curiously, none of the attackers was Sarah Jeong.)
— A white man killing a white woman by driving into a crowd of left-wing protesters: THAT’S a federal hate crime.
"To make their case, prosecutors did a deep dive into Fields’ social media postings to prove that, yes, while he might have killed a white woman in this particular case, he’s still a racist." . . .
Shouldn't even the left be sick of the old "it's racism" schtick by now? TD
Power Line "When President Trump assumed office, I resolved to begin watching CNN’s talk shows. Why? Because I wanted to make sure I heard reasoned criticism of the new administration.
"After about two weeks, I concluded that there was precious little reasoned criticism of Trump to be found on CNN. Typically, the network served up bloated panels with each member trying to outdo the others in mindlessly attacking the new president.
"Finding CNN unwatchable, I turned to Charlie Rose. He was insufferable, but asked mostly intelligent questions to mostly intelligent guests. We all know what became of Charlie, however.
"By then, I realized that I could get my fill of anti-Trump content — some reasoned, some not — just by reading the Washington Post every day.
"Of all the folks I watched during my brief flirtation with CNN, Don Lemon struck me as the least intelligent. Thus, although President Trump’s recent statement that Lemon is the dumbest man on television covers a vast amount of territory, I’m not about to quarrel.
"Lemon, naturally, is quarreling. But he’s doing so in a way that reinforces Trump’s assessment. Lemon claims that it is racist to call an African-American dumb, regardless, presumably, of whether he is. He said:
The president has called a lot of people stupid. Some of those people are white. But I would just like to note that referring to an African American as dumb — remember this is America — is one of the oldest canards of America’s racist past and present: that black people are of inferior intelligence.
"Here’s what Lemon is saying: Racists believe African-Americans are intellectually inferior to Whites. Donald Trump has called a few of his African-American critics, as well as some of his Whites ones, dumb. Therefore, believes African-Americans are intellectually inferior to Whites. Therefore, Donald Trump is a racist." . . .
. . . Wallace, one of the Trump administration's fiercest critics at MSNBC, didn't seem to know that as she closed her daytime program with the report—the show came back from commercial break with panelists already giggling—and noted Michael Cohen, Trump's former attorney, was apparently not the only person in the president's orbit to record their conversations. Free Beacon
"Objective journalist. But turns out with most of the things they pin their hopes on, it’s so far pretty innocuous." Via Free Beacon:
MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace sounded ebullient on Wednesday over a report that former White House aide Omarosa Manigault-Newman secretly recorded conversations with President Donald Trump.
The Daily Beast reported she secretly taped Trump and leveraged the conversations while shopping her new “tell-all” book about her time in the White House, entitled Unhinged. The report noted multiple sources “described the recorded conversations between Trump and Manigault as anodyne, everyday chatter, but said they did appear to feature Trump’s voice, either over the phone or in-person.” . . .
There are, of course, some good reviews. Randy DeSoto writes for the Western Journal. He is right when he says that the film "leaves you with a sense of pride for what the United States has stood for...." He is exactly right. If only the American left could feel pride in America and how its success as a democratic republic has benefitted the world. But they don't feel pride, they feel anger and rage. Why is a mystery to behold.
Patricia McCarthy"Unsurprisingly, Dinesh D'Souza's film Death of a Nation has made the loud voices on the left stark, raving mad. A perfect example is the film review website, Rotten Tomatoes. The eleven critics gave the film a zero. The voting audience gave it 90% approval. The same is true at all the typically leftwing sites that review films."
. . . "The hysterical reaction to this film by the left is yet another sad commentary on the state of American education. The film is thoughtful and balanced. Unlike privileged film reviewers like Scheck, D'Souza, an immigrant from India, sees so clearly what is great about America. He is grateful that it is his country now.
"Few, if any American leftists ever express gratitude for being born in America. They relentlessly complain and malign this country. They have no appreciation, no gratitude for their good fortune to be American. That's what they do. That is who they are." . . .
Knowing how the Clintons operate, and knowing how they never intend to go away, one can safely conclude that they aren't going to let this stand. There will be payback to the Democrats for this, and the Clintons will make it miserable. For Republicans, all we have to do is have some popcorn ready.
Monica Showalter. . . "Democrats are moving away from Bill Clinton like a bad smell. In New Hampshire, which up until now has been one of Clinton's strongest states, a name inextricably linked to some of Clinton's strongest political successes, as the Boston Globe notes, grassroots Democrats have yanked Clinton's name from the masthead of a big Democratic Party fundraiser, changing the whole thing to the hoary name of Eleanor Roosevelt." . . .
"It's a fall that coincides with Democratic Party operatives' efforts to separate themselves from Hillary Clinton, who's been a millstone around their neck lately, and who they've repeatedly said they wish would just go away.
"Turns out they don't want "the big he" around, either. That's a loss of clout.
"Maybe that's a cumulative thing, given that from the Democrats' point of view, as I noted here, the Clintons have selfishly drained Democratic funds away from the central mission of electing candidates toward themselves, rigged the Democratic primaries in Hillary Clinton's favor, and made themselves a public relations liability for Democrats through Hillary's continuous expressed disdain for the electorate. They aren't exactly a good thing for Democrats as they seek to rebuild from the rubble of Obamadom." . . .
. . . "Hirono in January asked Judge Kurt Engelhardt two questions about his sexual history designed to look like perjury if someone in the future accused him. Engelhardt was confirmed to the 5th Circuit despite Hirono’s questions, and has thus far not been accused of sexual misconduct. "During his Senate hearing, Hirono asked Engelhardt the following:
Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?
"As Woehrle and attorney Scott Greenfield have pointed out, this is an incredibly leading question that has two unrelated parts." . . . . . . "Hirono in January asked Judge Kurt Engelhardt two questions about his sexual history designed to look like perjury if someone in the future accused him. Engelhardt was confirmed to the 5th Circuit despite Hirono’s questions, and has thus far not been accused of sexual misconduct. "During his Senate hearing, Hirono asked Engelhardt the following:
Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?
"As Woehrle and attorney Scott Greenfield have pointed out, this is an incredibly leading question that has two unrelated parts." . . .