Sunday, October 29, 2023

You Won't Be Surprised to Learn That George Soros Is Bankrolling Pro-Hamas Protests –


. . ."According to a new report, the Open Society Foundations, Soros’ organization, has funneled millions of dollars to these groups, some of which are publicly justifying Hamas’ actions in the Israel/Gaza conflict, which raises serious questions about the merits and ethics of finances going toward an organization that has a well-documented history of killing Israeli civilians.

Far-left billionaire kingmaker George Soros has funneled more than $15 million since 2016 to groups behind this month’s pro-Palestine protests, where demonstrators openly cheered Hamas militants’ craven terrorist attacks on Israel.

A Post examination of Open Society Foundations records shows Soros’ grant-making network gave $13.7 million of the money through Tides Center, a deep-pocketed lefty advocacy group that sponsors several nonprofits who’ve justified Hamas’ bloody attacks while claiming Palestinians obsessed with the eradication of the Jewish state are the real victims.

"Soros’ funding of these groups adds another layer to the ongoing debate over the Israel/Palestine issue, especially when it comes to the current war, which was sparked when Hamas launched a massive surprise attack against Israel. Over one thousand people were killed, many of whom were non-combatants. Yet, the billionaire has been propping up radical groups such as these for years.

"This development further illustrates that it is primarily the far-left in America that insists on using the war to spread anti-Israel sentiments in the streets, airwaves, and interwebs. While many of these groups simply express solidarity for the plight of the Palestinian civilians, others have openly supported and defended Hamas, even when it was revealed that the group has targeted Israeli children for violence." . . .

 In Rare Jewish Appearance, George Soros Says Jews and Israel Cause Anti-Semitism - Jewish Telegraphic Agency (   . . ."When asked about anti-Semitism in Europe, Soros, who is Jewish, said European anti-Semitism is the result of the policies of Israel and the United States.

“There is a resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe. The policies of the Bush administration and the Sharon administration contribute to that,” Soros said. “It’s not specifically anti-Semitism, but it does manifest itself in anti- Semitism as well. I’m critical of those policies.”

“ 'If we change that direction, then anti-Semitism also will diminish,” he said. “I can’t see how one could confront it directly.”

"That is a point made by Israel’s most vociferous critics, whom some Jewish activists charge with using anti-Zionism as a guise for anti-Semitism.

"The billionaire financier said he, too, bears some responsibility for the new anti-Semitism, citing last month’s speech by Malaysia’s outgoing prime minister, Mahathir Mohammad, who said, “Jews rule the world by proxy.” . . .

The unfolding of a terrorist massacre at a little Israeli kibbutz, through the WhatsApp

This woman destroyed dozens of posters of kidnapped Israeli civilians in Primrose Hill, London today. When asked why she was doing it, she said she doesn't believe Hamas actually kidnapped all those people.

 Monica Showalter  "Unlike, say, ISIS, Hamas is a bloodsoaked terrorist organization with a public relations department targeted at Western liberals.

"Which in the wake of Hamas's October 7 massacre of 1,400 innocent Israelis and a few foreign visitors, has cranked up to high gear in a bid to shift the "narrative," putting the spotlight on Israel's retaliation as somehow bad, and denying anything bad ever happened. Hamas, see, wouldn't dream of beheading a baby, spitting on a woman's stripped body from a truckbed, or parading a raped woman in front of the cell phone cameras as radicals cheered, now would they?

"They want us to forget. They want Israel to be the bad guy in the eyes of the news media and social media influencers, supposedly harassing and killing innocent people in their war on Gaza, the Hamas stronghold, as if the terrorists were just standing there doing nothing and Israel attacked.

"Here's one of their sycophants in denial out promoting denial:". . .

. . ."But the Israelis seem to recognize this pattern of public relations from the terrorists and have taken some unprecedented steps to counter the garbage out there.

"They released photos of burned bodies and beheaded babies and children. (Hamas claimed it was artificial intelligence but that has been debunked). Israeli officials said they had to, given all the denialism out there, people actually forgetting what happened even though it was less than a month ago. 

"They released more photos." . . .

 This is their neighborhood chat site. Please visit if you have the time and the stomach.

Hamas revels in the blood of dead Gazans

Biden’s Oval Office Address Was A Disgrace ›

  American Greatness   "Apparently the 81 million Americans who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 didn’t get the memo that elections have consequences.

"Or maybe they wanted a diminished United States and a world in turmoil.

"Like Obamacare, you get what you pay for.

"When you elect a weak, decrepit, senile man who should have 24 hour care in a nursing home somewhere near Rehoboth Beach, not 24 hour Secret Service protection at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue—it leads to the world becoming a dark, dangerous, and chaotic place.

"It leads to a horrendous Afghanistan withdrawal that signals to our adversaries they can do whatever they want without retribution.

"It leads to Russia going into Ukraine with a war that has no end in sight.

"It leads to China continuing to threaten Taiwan by flying fighter jets near the island—without any serious pushback.

"It leads to the appeasement of a terrorist regime in Iran.

"And now it leads to the slaughtering of more than 1,400 Israeli’s and at least 32 Americans, who were butchered by Hamas barbarians in their own homes and at a concert for peace—of all places.

"Lord knows how many additional innocent civilians are currently being held hostage by these Iranian-backed devilish monsters.

"But fear not, in an Oval Office address on Thursday, Biden tried and failed miserably to reassure the American people that he is even remotely capable of cleaning up this mess the world now finds itself in—due to his incompetence, diminished mental acuity—and the continuation of his historically disastrous foreign policy decisions.

"No one who listened to that 13-minute meandering, incoherent jargon should be reassured of anything, except for our enemies—who no longer fear us and no doubt will be emboldened to continue to set the world on fire, as long as Biden is in the White House.

"Biden appropriately started by praising the Israelis for their strength and resiliency—but he quickly tried appeasing the radicals in his party by playing both sides and said, “the United States remains committed to the Palestinian people’s right to dignity and to self-determination. The actions of Hamas terrorists don’t take that right away.” . . .

Biden’s Cheat Sheets Attain Comic Book Status, But It's Not Funny –

  PJ Media

. . ."The fact that the President of the United States has been reduced to looking at pictures is a sad state of affairs. He’s like a child looking at a comic book. What’s even more concerning is that not only do they have to supply him with pictures; they are supplying him with the questions ahead of time.

"Calling this a press conference is an insult to the intelligence of every American. These are not press conferences, these are staged events, orchestrated “plays” designed to make what’s left of an incompetent con-artist still appear to be relevant. The main two ingredients of any presidential press conference are never present when Biden wanders onto the stage. The setting is supposed to contain “The Commander in Chief,” something he certainly is not. The leader of the free world is not supposed to do a “Thorazine” shuffle up to a podium, clutching a picture book. It’s also supposed to have an audience of journalists, but those are never present at Biden’s skits either.

"Agreeing to have your picture on one of Biden’s placards is the equivalent of turning in your press pass. You are forfeiting your journalistic integrity, if you ever had any, and joining a long line of lemmings walking off the ledge of truth." . . .

Perhaps that will be evidence enough, but based on interactions I've had on social media -- with alleged "conservatives" -- since Biden's remarks, I'm not sure it will...

Clear Signs of Dementia   "One social media user talked about her own experience with cognitive decline, commenting, “That’s his dementia.. my dad had it, that’s how they get. He has all the signs.”

"A second social media user even put a timeline on Biden’s ability to govern, saying, “This guy is not going to make it 6 more months, he is toast, they must be freaking out behind the scenes. BIDEN IS GONE.”  A third user simply put, “I’d say he’s lost it but, he never had it.”

Comment to the above post: "Biden will be the first president in history that when leaving office will not be going home but rather straight to the memory care unit of a retirement home."