Thursday, February 11, 2010
BLACK REPUBLICAN WOMEN speak out against Obama and radical Islam
BareNakedIslam "There is no better conservative than a black conservative. Having the guts to go against the majority African-American population is courage beyond imagination. Taking on Islam as well makes this group worthy of our greatest respect and admiration."
A Mistake, Not a Precedent
Andrew McCarthy, NRO "In those dire circumstances, Abdulmuttalab fell into our laps. He is a committed terrorist who, by all accounts, is very intelligent, was in Yemen for four months, knows lots of the players, and is clued in on the terror network’s ongoing plans. In short, he’s the kind of dream source an intelligence-starved agent desperately needs and would want to grill for months.Obama, instead, had him Mirandized and lawyered up. That was extraordinarily irresponsible. Pointing to Richard Reid is not a validation of recklessness. It is a demonstration that the president doesn’t get it."
Report from Afghanistan
Michael Yon "When the Soviet hammer tried to crack the Afghan rock, the hammer shattered. The Soviets can easily put people in space and keep them there, but they couldn’t handle backdoor logistics during their Afghan war. It’s easier to keep people in space than to supply our war here."
The Disarming of America

The Assault on Paul Ryan's Roadmap, Cont.
Weekly Standard "The second charge against the Roadmap is that "ends Medicare as we know it." Yes, but only for Americans 55 or younger -- these are the same people, in other words, who face a fiscal nightmare as entitlement spending surges in the coming decades and Medicare and Social Security become insolvent."
Rivals try to pin Sept. 11 slip on Debra Medina
Politico "But Medina’s slip Thursday — telling conservative talk show host Glenn Beck that “good questions have been raised” about the federal government having a hand in the terrorist attacks — has Perry and Hutchison smelling blood in the water and hoping to crush the insurgent candidate." CS Monitor After that, Beck politely thanked Medina for appearing on his program and dismissed her future political hopes. "I think I can write her off the list," he said. "Let me take another look at [candidate] Kay Bailey Hutchison, if I have to." "Rick, I think you and I could French kiss right now," he said of Texas's current governor, Rick Perry who is running for re-election.
ACORN Asks for $$$$ to “Help Us to Keep the Pressure on O’Keefe”
ACORN "Back when he was stalking ACORN acorss (sic) the country, he videotaped ACORN folks without their consent. And that's illegal in Maryland and California, two states targeted. Now that he's proven that his law-breaking isn't a one-shot deal, we are demanding..."
How to Write A Piece On How to Save the President
Mickey Kaus, Slate, quoting Steve Clemons who quotes Edward Luce. "....3) Blame process: If only the process were changed--the circle of advisers broadened, the "stream" of advice augmented, with cabinet officers and State department officials consulted--better results would pop out (no matter what the elected official in question actually believes in). This avoids messy arguments about substance and offers the prized Neutral Story Line--an MSM-safe narrative that seems to explain everything without taking ideological sides. "
Sukhoi's T-50 Ready To Fight with USA's F-22 Raptor
Pravda "As suggested before, Т-50 resembles the American F-22 in appearance - aerodynamics is a stubborn thing. There are no miracles, and optimal shapes of promising machines always resemble each other – same nose dome, same tail unit. Under the fuselage you can clearly see missile-bay doors. The biggest difference between the American Raptor and T-50 is a more flattened shape of the latter. " So their spies ripped off our technology?
Iran Now a 'Nuclear State'
National Review "The "punch" to the West that Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad promised to deliver on the anniversary of the Islamic revolution is this: Iran has become a "nuclear state," producing its first highly-enriched uranium." And this from the UK Daily Mail
Warmists' Stupefying Sense of Snow
American Thinker "First, they fear-monger using the lack of snowfall as proof that AGW is destroying the planet. Now, as the DC area is being buried in a blizzard, the story changes. Today they claim that blizzards actually prove the existence of AGW. What in the freakin' world could possibly disprove the theory? The far-reaching revelations of Climategate will eventually destroy this worship of a false god, God willing."
Comedy gold: Obama claims he's a 'fierce advocate' of free market
Rick Moran, AT "Let's play a game. We'll call it "Counter-Intuitive." Take any historical personage and make them a "fierce advocate" for whatever is exactly the opposite of what they're known for.Examples: Genghis Khan: A fierce advocate of mercy shown to one's enemies. Adolf Hitler: A fierce advocate of Zionism. Martin Luther King: A fierce advocate of violent revolution. Bill Clinton: A fierce advocate of chastity.Or how about this one: Barack Obama - fierce advocate of the free market:"
'The Gloves are off'
American Thinker "After a year of handling the Pink Pantheresque Obama national security team with kid gloves,Senator Kit Bond, (R. Mo.), announced that the gloves are now off:
"It is hard to trust anyone in the White House right now," Bond says. "The national security team has become a bench of political spokespeople... " "
Stunner. Obama Now Says He’s “Agnostic” On Raising Taxes On Those Making Less Than $250,000
Gateway Pundit "Obama, in a Feb. 9 Oval Office interview, said that a presidential commission on the budget needs to consider all options for reducing the deficit, including tax increases and cuts in spending on entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare." Do you know what BOHICA means?
California’s Progressive Politics Are Hurting Hollywood
Big Hollywood "Those with conservative leanings were made to feel so unwelcome that to this day many of them keep their politics to themselves. As Charlton Heston often said, “There are more conservatives in the closet in Hollywood than gays.” "
Assassination, Spielberg-Style
Congratulations to the ‘Tea Bashers’
Big Government "As a member of a very successful Tea Party in Quincy, Illinois it is my distinct honor and privilege to offer my thanks and congratulations to this astroturf response to the tea parties. This hard hitting website has taken the MSNBC format to a new level."
Biden On Iraq
JustOneMinute "Other great achievements of the Obama administration:
- A strong national security response to 9/11 with no major terror attacks
- Overthrow of the Taliban in Afghanistan
- Recovery from the 2001 recession with 4.5 years of economic growth from 2002-2006 (until the Dems took over Congress)"
Blaming Bush for the Deficit Is Getting Old
Jennifer Rubin in Commentary "For if [Obama] lacks the wherewithal to deal with problems on his watch, surely a challenger will come along with a fiscal game plan of his or her own. And I strongly suspect that blaming George W. Bush won’t be part of that plan."
Ebert Doubles Down Twitter-Trashing His ‘Teabagging’ Fans
Big Hollywood "We’re not as enamored as he is with the man currently occupying the Oval Office. Disagree, argue, that’s all fine. But he’s calling us “teabaggers,” and he knows full well what that means." We've bleeped the rest of this statement.
The Absense of Truth and Logic
From Alan Caruba's
Warning Signs

And this, below the cartoon: Obama Shamelessly Used Lincoln, also by Alan Caruba
Nealz Nuze "But it seems that there is a new line that is considered to be racist, at least according to the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice. Founding director Charles Ogletree says that labeling Obama as a "professor" is a thinly veiled attack on his race."
Obama’s Three-Part Path to Failure on Iran
Jonathan Tobin "...we learn that Obama has a three-pronged approach to Iran: first, win international support for tough sanctions; second, win over the Chinese; and third, stop Israel from attacking Iran." What's plan B? Oh, here it is: Obama Makes Excuses to Do Nothing About Iran .
Bill Nye, the Science Guy
Weasel Zippers "Bill Nye The Science Guy: 'The Guys Claiming The Snow In Washington Disproves Climate Change Are Almost Unpatriotic. They're Denying Science...It Really Shakes Me Up' "
Big Labor angry at Democrats over Becker flop
Hot Air "The so-called “card check” bill that would make it easier to unionize employees has gone nowhere. A pro-union Transportation Security Administration nominee quit before he even got a confirmation vote. And even though unions got a sweetheart deal to keep their health plans tax-free under the Senate health care bill, that bill has collapsed, leaving unions exposed again."
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